
X-men new mutants

Anime y Cómics
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Johnathan storm has to adapt with being one of the strongest mutants during their darkest hours. Time-travelling sentinels, Purifiers, Demons, and a big green beast. Will he be able to overcome these challenges and join the X-men. Or will he be guided down the dark path.

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Chapter 1ISSUE #1

" We can give you a place to learn. To grow with your mutant abilities. A place where you can be something other than what everyone else thinks of you. Normal."

Scott explained to the boy.

" You're cyclops, right? You know I was always a big fan of the X-men. You guys where my heroes long before I became a mutant myself. I can use my powers perfectly fine. I don't have a problem with controlling them, so long as I don't go overboard."

Johnathan explained to the two new headmasters of Xavier's school for the gifted as he generated lightning in the palm of his hand.

" So, would you prefer living out here in the scraps of the streets young man? Or would you prefer a place you could call home?"

Emma asked aggressively.

" Emma!"

Scott yelled berating the woman.

" I never said I was turning down your offer. Just that I think you could be spending this time helping someone who really needs it."

Johnathan replied.

" We help all of our people, no matter how big or small their problems maybe. And right now you are one of our people. So, will you come with us?"

Scott asked the boy again.

Johnathan got to his feet and shook scotts hand.

" Okay. I'm in."

Johnathan said to the man.

" Good, first thing we do when we get to the school is get you a shower."

Emma said making the boy laugh.

" Emma!"

Scott yelled exasperatedly.

" What? He thinks it's funny."

Emma gestured to the laughing boy.

" I've never been to school before. This should be fun."

Johnathan declared.

The trio boarded their jet and made their journey back to the school.

" Be prepared for, orientation as everyone is just now coming back to the school. But that shower first."

Scott explained to the boy as they landed in the hangar of the institute.

" Hahaha! Alright, let's go."

Johnathan exclaimed.

The three mutants exited the jet, once Scott and Emma had their little talk, Scott led Johnathan up into the school and to the nearest washroom.

" Oh, man it's been so long since I've had a clean shower, I forgot what it felt like. Thank you for that."

Johnathan said to the man as he stepped out of the shower, baring his naked glory for all to see.

" You're welcome, Johnathan, here a change of clothes for you. It might be a little big. But it's all we have."

Scott said to the boy as he handed him a hoodie, and a pair of sweatpants.

Johnathan took the clothes and put them on in an order that would surprise you.

" All right, I'm ready!"

Johnathan declared.

" All right, come on. It's time for you to greet the other students."

Scott said to the boy.

Johnathan followed scott up the stairs and out to the front yard where Emma had been waiting with the other new students.

" All right, now that everyone's here. Let's begin the tour. First let me take attendance."

Scott explained to the group but was cut off before he could start.

" No, No. Scott dear... You're going about this all wrong."

Emma said to the man cutting him off completely.

" Introductions are in order. This is Charles Xavier's Insititute for higher learning. He founded this school as a haven for mutants like yourselves and like us. We are the headmasters of the school. My name is Emma Frost. My cut-to-the-chase partner is Scott Summers. Though you may know him by his X-Men codename, Cyclops."

Emma explained to the new students

" So... He's an X-Man and you're an X-Man? This might sound silly, but what does that mean?"

One of the new female students asked.

" Are we supposed to become X-Men?"

Jay asked in confusion.

" Simply put, the X-Men are heroes who protect other mutants and defend humanity... Even if humanity doesn't trust them."

Scott explained to the kids.

" Not Necessarily."

Emma interjected.

" This is a school first and foremost. You are here to learn how to control your powers and to attend classes like any other teenager."

Scott explained.

"What are your powers, miss Frost?"

One of the new students asked.

" I am a telepath. Now, a telepathic Headmaster may frighten you, but I promise not to use my powers to pry into your thoughts."

' However, this does mean that you can never ignore me.'

Emma explained to the group telepathically.

" Whoa, her voice is in my head! That's creepy!"

One of students yelled as she held her ears.

Scott chuckled at the antics of the students before another one asked him about his powers.

" So what's that dorky looking gear do?"

The student with quills coming out of his body asked.

" Dorky huh? You fire quills, right? Send a couple into the air."

Scott said to the boy with a grin on his face.

The boy did as scott said and fired three of his quills into the air. Scott turned and used his optic visor to blast the quills out of the air.

" Cool."

The boy exclaimed in excitement.

" I'm glad you think so. Because all of you are going to turn your mutations into gifts. People are afraid of mutants. Sometimes they hate what is different. That makes this school a target. From now on you'll learn to defend yourselves. Now... Back to attendance. Let's see... First on the list is Noriko Ashida."

Scott explained before moving back on to attendance. Scott called noriko's name but it seemed she wasn't there.

' Hm, guess she's not here. I wonder what she can do.'

Johnathan thought to himself as he looked around for the girl named Noriko.

It seemed as if she wasn't there but a few seconds later a blur of electricity rushed into the school yard.

" I'm here! Barely late really."

Noriko exclaimed as she came to halt in front of Cyclops and the other students.

' Whoa! She's got lightning based powers too. that is so cool.'

Johnathan thought to himself.

Scott went to talk to Noriko but was pushed aside by the excited John.

" Hey, you're Noriko right? You've got electricity based powers too?"

Johnathan asked the woman.

" Yeah, I can absorb static electricity and then discharge it. What can you do?"

Noriko asked.

" Heh, I command Lightning. I can mold it, into constructs, throw it, whatever I can think of really. It grants me multiple abilities Superstrength, Superspeed etc.."

Johnathan explained to the woman.

" Nice!"

Noriko replied.

" Glad to see you join us Noriko and it's nice to see you two getting along."

Scott exclaimed as he walked over to the two teens. Scoot brushed past Johnathan and stood in front of Noriko to scold her.

" Maybe before you came to this school you kept your own schedule. But here we have timetables, regulations and rules."

Scott explained to the girl unaware that Johnathan was standing behind him mimicking him. Noriko laughed a little at the boy's antics making Scott turn around to see what she was laughing at but Johnathan had stopped before he could. Scott looked at the boy for a second before turning back to Noriko.

" Understand?"

Scott asked the girl.

" Sir, yes Sir!"

Noriko replied with a salute in a mocking fashion making Johnathan laugh this time.

" There will be a school-wide assembly on Monday. If you'll excuse me, I have to prepare."

Scott explained to the girl before turning to walk away.

" Miss Frost will continue the tour of the main building and facilities."

Scott said to the group.

" Rules, Regulations, And Timetables?"

Noriko asked.

" He's wound up tight, isn't he? Hey, wanna see something funny?"

Johnathan asked the girl. She smirked at the boy and nodded.

Johnathan smiled and held his finger out letting a small current of electricity flow out. It danced along the ground and under the door Scott had just walked through a few seconds later.

" OUCH!"

Scott yelped as the current hit him in his butt.

" Hehehehe!"

Johnathan and Noriko snickered at the man behind the door.

" You two knock it off!"

Scott yelled to the two through the door making them laugh harder.

" Are you two done yet?"

Emma asked the teens who were still laughing.

" Sorry, I'm done."

Johnathan replied.

" Good, now follow me so I can give you the rest of the tour."

Emma said as she led the rest of the students into the building.

" Ahem, this is the main building, children. The first floor has classrooms, Faculty offices and the ballroom which will also serve as an assembly hall."

Emma explained to the students.

As the group was walking Noriko approached Johnathan and started a conversation with the boy.

" Hey, I didn't get your name earlier."

Noriko whispered to the boy as they walked.

" Johnathan. Johnathan storm. Or Johnny, Or John. For a beautiful woman like you any of those works."

Johnathan declared boldly.

" Heh! Well, Johnathan, I'm Noriko Ashida. Nice to meet you."

Nori said to the boy.

" And this, as you know, is our cafeteria. It will be open from breakfast until dinner to accommodate any variation of eating schedules. We have a basketball court and swimming pool outback... However, be advised that if you hear the klaxon go off, you are to clear the courts immediately. The hangar for the X-men's jet is directly below, and the court is retractable."

Emma explained as she led the students out of the cafeteria and into the backyard.

" Hey, Nori? What are those gauntlets on your hands?"

Johnathan asked.

" Oh these? Well, I can't really control my power al that well. So, these help me with that."

Noriko explained to the boy.

" Oh, I'm sorry Nori. If you want I can help you with controlling your powers you know."

Johnathan said to the girl.

" Really?"

Noriko asked in disbelief.

" Well, yeah. I mean our powers are essentially the same. And I had problems controlling my power at first. I'm sure i could help you."

Johnathan explained to the woman

" I'd appreciate it really. But why are you so willing to help me? We just met."

Noriko asked in confusion.

" I don't know. Something about you just calls out to me."

Johnathan replied with a smile.

" Oh, really? What do ya like me or something?"

Noriko asked sarcastically.

" Yeah."

Johnathan replied bluntly.

" You're weird John."

Noriko laughed at the boy.

" Yeah, I am. But what's wrong with that? There's no point in living a life if you're scared of every little interaction."

Johnathan replied with a smile on his face.

" Something you want to share with the rest of us?"

Emma asked.

" Yeah, you're very grouchy Ms. Frost."

Johnathan declared.

" Insults are unbecoming of you Mr. Storm."

Emma replied as she continued her tour.

" This is the girls' dormitory building. On the other side of the main building is the boys' dormitroy. Past Ten P.M. ALL students are to be in the dorms. Their dorms. This hedge maze was designed by Giancarlo betto, the famous mutant landscaper."

Emma explained as she led the students through the yards.

" Hedge Maze? Someone's read a bit too much Harry Potter, huh?"

Noriko asked Emma tauntingly making Johnathan chuckle a little.

" Is something troubling you, Ms. Ashida?"

Emma asked.

" No, Ma'am."

Noriko replied.

" Are you looking for a fight?"

John whispered in Noriko's ear and asked.

" What? I can handle miss Frost."

Noriko replied.

" Now, that I'd like to see."

John replied getting a slug in his arm.

" ow, what was that for?"

John asked

" For being a smart ass."

Nori replied.

" That's my office over there. The door is always open. On the second floor is the gym and faculty housing. But the exciting areas... The areas for which you need a teacher with you... Those are downstairs."

Emma said as she pushed a switch and opened up an elevator for the students. The group took the elevator down into the sub-labs of the Institute.

" This sub-level is where much of the X-Men activity takes place. Down this corridor, for example is cerebra, our mutant detection system. It can locate any mutant, anywhere. It's how we found you Mr. Storm. Only a skilled telepath like myself can enter the chamber and use Cerebra. This is the danger room where the X-Men have advanced combat training. This room will remain locked at all times as the simulations are quite realistic. Only faculty and X-Men can open it. The danger room conjures up obstacles or opponents to test control of powers and combat abilities. Danger room scenarios are brought online from the station above."

Emma explained to the kids the uses of all Sub-level facilities.

" Eh, I don't wanna be that guy. But how safe could a place called the danger room actually be?"

Johnathan asked.

" Well, for one while the room will try to test you. It can't nor will it ever try to kill you."

Emma replied.

" That doesn't make me feel any better about the room."

John stated.


Noriko banged her gauntlet against the rooms wall making John jump.

" Hey, did anyone else hear that? This place is falling apart! Gives a whole new meaning to the term Danger Room doncha think?"

Noriko joked.

" Miss Ashida, I'm growing quite weary of your clever remarks."

Emma said to the girl.

" I'm not. That was actually funny."

John laughed.

" And you as well Johnathan. Nothing is wrong with the danger room. Perhaps the both of you would like me to turn it on and test it on you?"

Emma yelled.

" That sounds awesome!"

John declared excitedly.

" No thanks john. I'm good Miss Frost"

Noriko replied.

" Aw!"

John moaned

" Good then we will continue our tour."

Emma said to the two teens.

The rest of orientation went by pretty smoothly as John and Noriko had tuned down on their antics.

" So, Nori whatcha got going on the rest of the day?"

John asked as the two walked up the stairs of the girls' dormitory.

" Nothing much, figured I'd get my stuff settled in and see what trouble I could get into. Wanna join me?"

Noriko asked.

" Yeah, I'd love to."

John replied.

" Well, just be careful. I'm a pro at this"

Noriko stated.

" So am I."

John joked as the two walked into Noriko's new room.

" Oh, cool a corner room. Nice! But it's awfully big for one person."

John said as he looked around the girl's room.

" I like having my own space, it's good to be alone... Oh no. Looks like I've got a roommate! Bummer. I wonder what kind of loser they stuck me with."

Noriko stated bluntly.

" Hey, it's not nice to peep ya know. Besides she might be a nice person. Let's wait until you meet her to decide that."

John said to the young woman.

" Oh, boo! You're no fun. I thought I'd found myself someone to pull pranks with."

Noriko huffed as she crossed her arms.

" I am exactly that. But I also know not to mess with someone I haven't met yet. Would be bad if I did something that offended them too bad."

John joked.

" Whatever, wanna listen to some music?"

Noriko asked as she picked up her cd player only to find the batteries dead.

" Oh, man... The batteries are dead! Weird."

Noriko said as she put down the dead Cd player.

" Dead Batteries? Around me?!!! Not likely. Battery me girl."

John yelled out to the woman.

" Okay! Okay! You don't have to yell."

Noriko laughed as she handed the man the two batteries from the Cd player.


John yelled as he charged the batteries.

" Here ya go Nori."

John said as he handed the newly charged batteries to the girl.

She laughed at the boy's antics and took the batteries, placing them inside the Cd player.

" Hey, look at that. It worked. Heh! I have my own battery charger now. Isn't that neat. But I could have done that myself you know?"

Noriko joked as she placed the Cd player down.

" Hey, I saw a moment to show off and I took it. Can you blame me?"

John asked.

" Yeah, I can."

Noriko replied.

" Okay! Okay! You got me. It's getting pretty late. Want to go get dinner together?"

John asked the woman.

" Look John, I appreciate you being so nice. But you don't really know me..."

Noriko was saying before John cut her off.

" Well, let me get to know you then. Come on, Nori. I might surprise ya."

John said to the girl with a smile on his face.

" Alright, let's go."

Noriko replied with a small smile of her own.

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