
Chapter 1

Her gaze was cool, controlled and emotionless. Only her irises showed how angry she was. Because it was more than clear that Sheena was raging inside. Magic glowed in the usually soft, golden soul mirrors and red rings had flamingly drawn themselves around her pupils. She had her arms folded under her chest as she stood tall in the darkened bedroom, eyeing her husband and this slut of a maid. Her heart bled at the sight of that dung beetle. She had loved him and devoted the last 6 years of her life to him. Bored, he straightened up, stroking his ice-blue hair and the trained, slender muscles moving under the pale skin as he flashed a lopsided grin on his face.

"Sheena," he said and then leaned back, making no effort to cover his crotch, let alone being uncomfortable with this situation here. Her eyes narrowed and magic surged through her body, tearing at the chains she had put on herself internally to keep her magic in check. She had always held herself back in that regard.

"Do you have something to tell me, husband?" she asked, her voice as cold as ice. He smiled lazily and then shrugged.

"I want a divorce," he said, eyeing her, watching her reaction, "because we still don't have children. After six years and I honestly don't know if I want children with you. You're not a particularly strong mage and your powers..." he didn't elaborate on his words, though he didn't need to. His words hurt and she swallowed, but didn't let it show how much this was hurting her. Back then, despite the traditions, they had married because of love. At the time he had absolutely not cared that she had fire magic, telepathy and telekinesis in her blood. But when you looked at it that way, her pyrokinesis would probably weaken a child's magic, since pyrokinesis and cryokinesis contradicted each other. Her heart ached, seemed to bleed, and she felt the burning in her eyes, but only blinked quietly, forcing that pain back. She could do this. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction and break down in front of him. Sheena snorted and her gaze locked on his privates. Then a cold, wicked smile spread across her lips.

She unfastened her folded arms under her chest, tugged the skirt of her black sheath dress up a little, gained momentum and then kicked his crotch with all her might. His grin turned to an expression of pain within seconds and he cried out as she pulled her high heel from his crotch. She ignored the soft slurping and the blood that now stained her beautiful shoe. Then her eyes turned to the maid who had been crouching on the bed, wide-eyed and pale as a sheet, the covers pulled up under her chin. And Sheena let her magic run wild. However, she wasn't going to torch anyone today and so she grabbed the blanket with her telekinesis, wrapping the housemaid in it until she couldn't move. She screamed hysterically and cried, begging for forgiveness, but Sheena was fed up. She turned on her heel and left the room with a measured stride, the maid bound in the blanket trailing behind her. She studiously ignored the cries of her now-husband. He had deserved it.

She walked down the stairs while pulling her smartphone out of her clutch and quickly sending a message to the head of the family. The butler met her on the wide, curved staircase in the entrance area of the mansion and his mouth almost dropped at the sight of the woman floating behind her. However, he immediately regained his composure.

"Ma'am?" he asked, smiling politely, but she could see the beads of sweat that had just formed on his forehead. He swallowed nervously and she smiled coolly, letting the still squirming woman float over. She could squirm all she wanted, she wouldn't be able to free herself from the silk sheets if Sheena didn't let her.

"This person has decided to forget her place and sleep with my husband. She will be dismissed immediately and make sure this woman never gets another job as a maid," she said and the butler nodded hastily. Sheena dropped the woman on the floor and then turned around. It was time she packed her things for now. She didn't want to stay in this house a minute longer. The pain of this betrayal would take hold and she could not and would not be responsible for that.

She walked up the stairs with slow, quiet steps, even though she would have liked to run. Her heart was beating up to her throat and her throat was slowly tightening as she walked along the wide corridor.

'Get a hold of yourself. You will not cry here. Not in the house you share and not around him,' she thought, pressing her lips tightly together as icy claws reached for her heart and dug their talons painfully into it. She loved him, but the pain and anger at his betrayal was just too much. She could not forgive this. Even if he crawled on his knees and begged.

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