
Worldwide Simulation Era Free

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Fantasy_Bringer · Cómic
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71 Chs

Worldwide Simulation Era Chapter 10

as predicted.

Only one day passed.

Lin Qiye's research team sent the results, a pill with a research and development cost of over 300 million yuan.

The pills are mixed with bacterial groups selected by the research team, and the bacterial groups can secrete pheromones that inhibit terminal illness.

The inhibitory effect is not against the sky, but combined with diet and immunotherapy, Lin Qiye's physical condition has improved unexpectedly, and his face has become much rosier.

This strange state made the doctors startled, almost thinking that Lin Qiye had returned to the light.

They quickly conducted an all-round inspection on Lin Qiye.

It was found that the proliferation rate of diseased cells in Lin Qiye's bone marrow was indeed reduced by 20%.

The medical team was shocked, as if they had seen a medical miracle.


Over time.

The lesions in Lin Qiye's bone marrow doubled again.

The inhibitory effect of pills is far from enough.

Lin Qiye's body lost its balance and fell into weakness at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, Lin Qiye was lucky.

The 'Return to the Light' a while ago gave Lin Qiye enough time to breathe.

Lin Qiye, lasted until the time of death!

Lin Qiye, who was supposed to be engulfed by the diseased cells, was alive and well, and completed the evening treatment as usual. He returned home, sat at the desk, and reviewed the first draft of the thesis submitted by the students.


Lin Qiye was shocked, and then laughed out loud.

A wanton smile, a little overwhelmed.

It is like a monk who has been ascetic for many years and finally achieved a positive result, and like a poor scholar who has changed his life in a cold window in ten years.

"Finally, I have broken through the limits of my life. Eighteen years! Eighteen years of hard work! In exchange for today's life-defying change."

Lin Qiye couldn't help shedding tears.

And in the mind.

The sound of the fate-defying reminder became clearer and louder, and finally took over all of Lin Qiye's thoughts!

[Successful change of fate against the sky: At the age of sixteen, you were diagnosed with a terminal illness. The terminal illness is so rare that it can be named after you. ]

[Successful change of life against the sky: At the age of seventeen, you fought a terminal illness. As a leader in the field of life sciences, you found a way to continue your life. At the same time, you guided assistants and published thirteen top papers. ]

[Defying the sky and changing your life successfully: At the age of eighteen, you are still fighting the terminal illness in your body. you are still alive. ]

[Congratulations! You have pushed the limits of life! The Life Lamp Gem is permanently formed! ]

(Lamp of Life Gem: The current energy can support you to walk twice in the world. Each time you fail, the energy is halved. After breaking the limit of life, half of the energy is recovered. If the energy is empty, it will take a year to recover. It can also consume 'special item' restore.)

[You get 6000 walking points! (Currently there are 9450 walking points remaining)]

[You have obtained an level score, the score will be rewarded, and it will be settled after the soul returns. ]

[Are you coming back? ]


Lin Qiye shook his head secretly in his heart.

The knowledge gained from school told Lin Qiye.

Be sure not to return when the limit is exceeded, but to endure until the moment of death!

Because the longer you hold on, the more events you experience, the higher the score and the richer the reward!

In layman's terms, it means that Lin Qiye will earn blood for every extra day he lives in the future!

It is even said that if the score is pulled to S, Lin Qiye will be able to get a reward that can be called the sky!

"However, an S-grade score is particularly difficult. Generally, you have to walk hundreds of times to get an S-grade score by chance..."

"But! I seem to be able to hit the S score!"

Lin Qiye fell into deep thought.

Intuition tells him that if he can get an S grade in the process of this Sims life, he will definitely earn blood.

And one of the preconditions for getting an S grade is to conquer cancer.

"At this stage, it only takes 4,500 walking points to overcome cancer...

It's a little expensive, but it's not impossible to give it a try... But, after conquering cancer, can't I completely eliminate my terminal illness? "

Lin Qiye was a little surprised.

"It seems that my terminal illness is a malignant tumor."

Lin Qiye thought about it for a while.

In the end, I decided to give it a go!

after all.

The reward for an S-rank score is too generous.

Lin Qiye couldn't bear this temptation!


After consuming 4,500 walking points, Lin Qiye started the [Creation Deduction].

The creation deduction is complicated. In an instant, countless stars are born in the deduction, and countless stars are destroyed in the deduction.

After a few seconds.

In Lin Qiye's mind, there are more than 300 milestone-level super papers.

The content of each paper was imprinted in Lin Qiye's mind, as if Lin Qiye had done countless experiments himself, and he could master the application of all the principles with just a thought.

Lin Qiye was slightly surprised, and spent half an hour carefully sorting out the content of the paper.

After half an hour.

Lin Qiye raised his head, the surprise and surprise in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

"Huh? The combination of the technologies in these papers cannot completely eliminate the terminal illness in my body, but it is enough to allow my body, immunity, and diseased cells in the bone marrow to achieve a wonderful dynamic balance."

"Even if the rate of proliferation of the diseased cells tripled, I could survive."

Lin Qiye was pleasantly surprised.

"It seems that my intuition is right. I can definitely get an S grade!"

Lin Qiye raised his eyebrows.

If you live for ten more years, you can change your life for ten years.

If you live another 20 years, you can change your life for 20 years.

Lin Qiye couldn't believe what kind of rewards he could get after spending 20 years to score!

all in all.

It must be blood earned!

Lin Qiye gasped with laughter, quickly took a sip of hot tea, and then fell asleep.

the next day.

Lin Qiye formulated a new treatment plan and handed it over to the medical team for implementation.

A month later.

Lin Qiye's body really reached some kind of delicate dynamic balance!

Lin Qiye no longer looked sick.

Instead, the skin became whiter and rosier.

Lin Qiye, who used to be out of breath while walking, can now walk as fast as he can.

to this.

The entire medical team was in shock.

"Professor Lin, it's amazing! Although the lesions in your bone marrow are proliferating at a high speed, the speed of clearance and the speed of recovery of bodily functions are also very fast. The three maintain a certain dynamic balance!"

"Medical miracle! This is a medical miracle!"

The doctors laughed.

Lin Qiye also smiled and nodded: "Congratulations to me, right?"

"Congratulations! Congratulations! Of course, congratulations! But Professor Lin, you still have to come and check every day."

Lin Qiye nodded and agreed, "No problem."

Answered like this.

Lin Qiye took vigorous steps and came to the laboratory after an eight-month absence.

in the laboratory.

The students saw Lin Qiye recovering as before.

Tears flowed down one by one, and hugged Lin Qiye tightly.

"Teacher... Are you recovering?"

"Teacher, you have overcome a terminal illness, and you are indeed the man who will lead mankind to conquer cancer!"

"Celebrate Professor Lin's recovery!"


"Sprinkle flowers!"

The students were so excited that cheers resounded throughout the lab.


Professor Yuan also got the news.

He was temporarily absent from school and rushed over. While running, he lost a shoe.

But he didn't care.

Instead, he hugged Lin Qiye into his arms, and the moisture in his eyes blinded his thick glasses.

"Child... I've worked so hard for you!"


Lin Qiye's parents also rushed over.

The two hugged Lin Qiye, crying, laughing and touching, UU reading www.uukanshu. com touch there.

During Lin Qiye's treatment, the bruises on his body made it difficult for them to sleep at night.


Lin Qiye survived!

Lin's father and Lin's mother burst into tears and wept with joy.

Feeling the sincere emotions of Lin's father and Lin's mother, Lin Qiye twitched the tip of his sore nose.

"I'm fine, I'm alive! I can continue my research. This time, my scientific achievements will definitely be higher!"

Lin Qiye said proudly.


next year.

Lin Qiye used the short video app to make money.

Set up four high-precision research institutes, recruited nearly 200 researchers, each researcher has an annual salary of 10 million yuan, and burns 30 billion yuan a year!

Burn it all for scientific research without asking for anything in return!

Just one year.

Lin Qiye moved all the 300 papers in his mind onto paper.

Ten papers and hundreds of papers were bombarded indiscriminately, and patented technologies were applied for one after another.

The bigwigs in the student circle were surprised to find that the returned Lin Qiye was creating a myth every day!

Even more exaggerated.


Global leaders in the field of life science and technology. They all went to Xia to do scientific research.

for a while.

The Xia Kingdom has become a holy land for the study of life science and technology.

Time is fleeting.

Spring and autumn come.

In an instant, it was Lin Qiye's nineteenth birthday.

On the day before his birthday.

Lin Qiye, who has always been low-key and isolated from the world, suddenly announced in a high-profile manner:

Lin Qiye's four research institutes will hold a global press conference!

And the theme of the conference is...