
Worlds Merging

Vreikex_BON · Fantasía
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8 Chs


On his way back home Josh noticed something quite worrisome

two hunters bullying another hunter

He has heard about it but he has never seen it

Josh didn't know what to do

"Do I get involved?"

Josh scratched his chin

While thinking the two adventurers shoved the other one to the ground

"Ugh, alright"


Josh approached the two adventurers

"Yo guys"


One of the two turned around

"And who the fuck are you?"

"C'mon no need to get aggressive i'm just worried for the guy"

"Oh this guy"

The boot of the adventured met the gut of the adventurer on the ground

"Come now I think this is enough"

"You think this is enough?"

He spit on the left boot of Josh

"You D ranks are an affront to Hunters "

While walking away they both bumped into Josh

"See you around D boy"



"Are you ok?" Josh questioned the adventurer on the ground

"No" The adventurer spoke out sobbing

"Are you hurt"


"Oh" Josh looked around

"You wanna go to a pub?"


At the pub Josh and the adventurer had a table just for them with one Guinness for each

"Drink up it's going to help"

"Is it really?"

"Well....short term yeah"

"Why is it like this?"

"It just is what it is that's life "


Josh stumbled out of the pub with the adventurer's hand around his neck

"If i knew you would get so drunk i wouldn't take you here"


Josh took the adventurers card around his neck to check where he lives

"There we go, let's go buddy"


Josh stood in front of a red five story block of flats

"Alright where do you have the keys?"



"Oh man "

Josh checked his left pocket in the adventures jacket and grabbed the keys

He opened the front door

"Nice an elevator"

"Ok buddy focus which floor, because i don't want to go through checking each door on each floor"


Josh pushed the button with three above it in the elevator


After a little bit they stepped out of the elevator on the third floor

Josh went straight to the first door on the left and put a key in the doors keyhole and jerked it righ

The door surprisingly opened


Josh took off his boots and went straight into the bedroom

He opened the door and found the light switch

He flicked it on and pink hit the color receptors on his eyes

"Hmmm...ok cool"

He put the adventurer down on the bed and moved his head left

"Just don't puke on yourself i don't want to change you"

Josh got one foot over the doorstep and the adventurer vomited

Josh looked back at the bed

"Are you serious?"


"It even got on your shirt, you are lucky i'm so nice"

"Let's take this off"

Josh grabbed his shirt by its sleeves and pulled up


Smooth that was the first thought that come to Joshs mind

That word could also be used to descript the chest of the adventurer

Not a single hair with well developed pectoral muscles with a four pack

Josh scratched his forehead

"Damn, i really need a girlfriend"

Josh found the closet and opened it


The closet was partitioned into two parts

One of the parts held skirts of various colors, and vibrant knee high socks

The other part had jeans,jackets,t shirts and sweatpants


"Let's just get this over with"

Josh grabbed the first t shirt he could and walked back over to the bed

He looked at the blank black shirt and put it on the adventurer

"I better go"


Now outside Josh had time to think through everything that happened

"Am I...no i always liked girls...but"

"No..no..no I'll think about it home"


Josh opened the door to his flat and stepped through

He took off his jacket and shoes

Slowly he made his way towards the living room

His right hand found the light switch and turned it on

"My good old couch"

Josh sat down on it and started thinking

After a little bit of deliberation Josh took out his phone and Googled Pornhub

He knew the site like the back of his hand but this was the first time he wasn't quite sure what to type in the search bar


Many different videos came up with various men but none felt appealing to Josh

Until one

Edging a Twink until he blows

It was the first time he came across such a word

Curiosity got the better of him and he clicked on it

After 2 minutes Josh realized this too wasn't for him and he scrolled down

Another unknown term Femboy, Josh clicked again not knowing what to expect

After 10 seconds a person came into frame

Shoulder length curly ginger hair,slim white body, thin lips with a small nose and brown almond shaped eyes, sharp eye liner, pinkish blush and a hint of freckles around the nose and cheeks, with nothing on but female lingerie and quite a big bulge

Josh looked away from the phone and he looked between his legs

"Oh shit...i might be gay"

He looked back and forth and couldn't deny the physiological reaction of his member to what was on the screen of his phone

He found himself quite mesmerized by this person but he quickly got out of it

But why now? He thought

He was never attracted to men before

He typed the term into the search bar and looked at more videos

He was now very sure he liked what he saw but didn't know why

Was it the female like appearance, and the bulge that always awaited his curious eyes

He had to stop himself he wasn't a teenager anymore and he knew how to hold back...but this was something new

It reminded him of the first time he ever searched up boobs

The rush and the excitement

"Well shit...i guess you learn something about new about yourself every day"

Update! I know i said Wednesday and i apologize because to be honest I'm a lazy fuck...all I've been doing lately is streaming, watching TV and playing games...so today/Sunday I'm just going to write the whole thing.

Vreikex_BONcreators' thoughts