

Nero Giovanni, a martial art fanatic dies a classic death by yours truly track Kun and is set to an otherworld first world hunters x hunter world .................................. So if you read any of my unfinished/poor works before you could tell English is not my first language no matter how much I edit these books I am sure some of you will find some miss-spelling and grammatical errors to that, I say sorry I am improving with every try so bere wit it for the time I only write for fun so update my not be consistent also sorry about this thank u in advances for any comment thank you for reding my work ---------------------------------- Dieing in a car accident Nero Giovanni wakes up in a strang room with someone claiming to be the soul administer Nero is then reincarnated in a new world with all his memory's wthe new abilities who will his new adventure go read and find out.

bilu619 · Cómic
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41 Chs

Chapter 3 Waking up

[Nero Giovani POV]

I don't know how long it's been, between the time I lost my consciousness cause and regained it back. When I open my eyes I found out that in the middle of a junkyard. There was trash littered everywhere as far as the eye could see.

[Nero] "Where the f*** in the world am???"

[Alfa] {desagnation unknown at the moment, but from the looks of it you seem to be in some form of a disposal ground sir} sid a voice in my head.

[Nero] {what the hell was that, is that the AI?}

[Alfa] {afformative sir, I am the designated soul AI alfa primary function collection and analyzation of information, secondary function monitoring host functions, and counsuling}

[Nero] {oh well nice meeting you then alfa, hope you take good care of me}

[Alfa] {will do sir.}

[Nero] {Okay now to finger out where the hell I am. From the looks of It seem that the stupid machine dropped me in the middle of a junkyard. I mean if you're going to send me into a new world, why would you throw me in a trashed yard like I was some sort of garbage? Is this a way to treat the unfortunate Soules you have wronged??} I thought.

While I was mumbling to myself like a crazy person, a tall man dressed in a hazmat suit was heading my way. I only noticed the man {or at least I thought him to be} When he stood in front me, casting over his shadow.

He said in a rough muffled voice "another one ha {sigh} what is it with people these days do the just have kids to throw them away".

[Nero] {What does he mean by kids? What the hell is he talking about??] I thought.

[Alfa] {he is talking to you sir because reassignment process your souls is now bonded to this host body, with the compatibility of 100%, and with this new host body you can simulate with all of your other gifts, without a problem}

[Nero] {and what of the previous owner soul}

[Alfa] {it's been simulated into your soul by me sir, you are now one and the same}

I saw my reflection through the goggles of the mask the man in the hazmat suit was wearing.

[Nero] {Well al be dam I looked like two years old} I thought

[Alfa] {to be exact you are 1 year, 9-month, and 5 days old sir"

"Hay kid can you talk or at list do you understand me?" He asked me with his rough voice through his mask.

I didn't know what to say to him so all I did was reply to him with a small nod.

[Hazmat man] "Good this will make things a lot easier. Let us go to a better place first"

Mr. Hazmat man then picked me up from the ground and nestled me in his arms. We walked for a while until we reached a small rundown town that was close to the trash yard. Though it was better suited to be called a slum than a town. When we got there I sow allots of people like him dressed in hazmat suits. They were pushing carts and carrying baskets, it looked like they were scavenging through the trash for anything valuable they could use. From everything, I saw I had a general idea of where the hell in the hunter x hunter world I was.

a thought crossed my mind at that moment

[Nero] {feom what alfa has told me I transmigrated, but then again who the hell throws a baby}

[Alfa] {sir I have locked the memories and experiences of the previous host. Unlocking them now will cause you a modicum of discomfort shirt consisting but intense headaches. do you wish to go forward with it sir?"

[Nero] {no, we will hold off on that for now}

After a while of walking in the city, we arrived before a small monastery building. There were children running around its corner playing. When we reached the door a nun came out of the door and greeted Mr. Hazmat man.

She then looking at me and said "Mie did you find another one" to the hazmat man.

[Nero] {Well it would seem his name is Mie I like hazmat man better though} I thought.

He handed me over to the nun and said with his rough voice "give him a full cheek up and though he is young he seems smart he can understand you so just tell him what to do"

She nodded at him and took me from his arms into her's. We walked into the monastery and this time around I was nested in the nun's arms and I thought {Do people like carrying me or something?}.

[Nun] "Do you have a name their little guy?" she asked me with a tinder voice.

[Nero] "It is Nero" I replied with a simple voice

[Nun] "Well Nero this is going to be your home for a while now. On behalf of everybody here well com to meteor city," she said to me.

[Meteor City, this city is a junkyard city inhabited by outcasts from all over the world of hunter x hunter. There is no official record of the city's existence anywhere in the world. Its existence is known by very few people in high places or the underworld. As far as the world is concerned this place is nothing more than a dumping yard for everything unwanted.]

[Nero] {So I was right this is the meteor city the place where the phantoms troupe aka "the spiders" originated. Well this is going to be a very exciting new life}

While I was in my deep thought the nun that took me from the hazmat man {yah still going call him that} opened a door to one of the rooms in the hallway. The room looked to be a nursery. This was the place she was going to do my checkup. She placed me on one of the beds and took all of my clothes off. She then started a full body examination on me.


After taking the boy from Mie I heeded to the nursery to give him a full body examination. The first thing I noticed is the close he was wearing a white long slaved shirt and Wight pants. Though they were dirty, you could tell they were finely tailored. (The kind of close they give the subjects of "EXPERIMENTATION!!" In labs). Which speaks at least to some degree for why he ended up here.

The second thing was I noticed about him was he had an ankle bracelet on the ankle of his right leg. There was a text written on the bracelet saying

[Subject 52, Nero, capability: 04%, states: frailer].

Oh, how would I have loved it to know what sort of experiment they were conducting on children? But alas this one seemed to be a failure and it was disposed of. Dissecting him wouldn't sit well with Mie since he is the one who broth him. That guy gets really annoying some times.

After I removed all of his close I stated examine his body and tanks to my NEN ability that was an easy job. My NEN ability is called "physicians insight" it is and emitting and transmutation base ability. By just emitting may aura in the form of ultrasound waves through any person I touch. I can know everything there is to know about their anatomy and physical condition.

The only condition is I must know the person first given name at berth or the name he was called the most in his life. And it takes one mint to complete.

Name: Nero Giovanni/ subject 52

Age: one year and nine-month and five days old

Blood type: AB-

Muscle and bone tissue: good

Disease: None

Overall evaluation: dehydrated

[POV End]

[Nun] "It seems there is nothing to worry about you are just a little dehydrated" she side with a smile on her face.

After she was done with Nero's physical exams she gave me some new clothing to wear. Though they were too big for me and didn't fit me well I thought {they will do just fine for the time being}. She then started filing up a file with my name on it and after she was don she sowed me around the monastery.

She told me where the dining room was and where the sleeping dorms were. She also told me that I was free to do whatever I wanted as long as he does not miss the night curfew at 7:00 pm. After the short lecture, she led me to a room fool of children roughly age (2~6) years old's. She told me that I will be staying in this room with the other kids from now one so I should try and get along with them. Or at least try to as much as possible if you can. After saying her peace she left me in the room with the other kids looking at me.

The room was silent and I quickly became the focal everyone in there. Most of the kids here were born in this city and lost their parents at some point in their life. But there are some like me who were found among the trash and brought here by Mie or others of his kind.

[Nero] {This is unconformable} I thought.

It is a bit weird to be both the youngest and the oldest person in the room at the same time. Adding up to that, being stared at by a bunch of brats [although I myself am one now] was not pleasant at all. There was an empty futon on the back corner of the room. From the looks of it, there was no one using it. But you know what sometimes kids are just nothing but a bunch of "ass holes". When I was walking past one of them this little punk had the audacity to stretch out his leg. I immediately stopped in my track and looked at him. Even though he was sitting down he was still taller than me.

[Nero] {Are you shore you are a child and not an ogre??} I thought in my head.

As our eyes met he glared daggers at me and said "what are you looking at punk!!"

Because of the reincarnation thing my maid was still adapting to my new body. I can't perform any sort of complex motor functions yet. even factoring that I did not even integrate with all of my gifts yet, getting involved in any kind of confrontation was out of the question for now. So I decided to let it pass and be the bigger man that I am inside and walk away. As an adult man, I cannot condone myself for beating up a kid for just a petty reason like this one {Nonmatter how much I wanted to}.

The boy in question much to my disappointment snorted as if saying {yah that's right, keep walking}

[Nero] {Kids!!!} I thought.

I laid down on the futon thinking about everything that happened to me so far. Closing my eyes and thought of my gifts.

[Nero] {Alfa are you there?} I thought in my mind.

[Alfa AI] {Yes master I am online, do you have any command for me??}

[Nero] {Yes communes integrating all the gifts except for the "all-seeing eyes of good".}

[Alfa AI] (As you command sir, but integrating all the gifts except the specified one will take 42h)

[Alfa AI] (In the meantime all of my other functions will stop functioning. Do you approve?)

[Nero] {Yes. just tell me when you are don}.

Alfa AI: (permission granted. Commencing integration with gifts {unraveled blessing, world traveler, fanlis pure bloodline, and heavenly tempering technique training manual}.

[Nero] "Reincarnated in a new world yet still an orphan guess in this world to I must live as an orphan boy again. Sigh, I guess this is just my fate ha."

and here is another one fir you guys

hope you like it

love to all of you and stay sayfe in this troubling time

bilu619creators' thoughts