
Chapter 1: A New World?

Storyteller: Hello there, a wonderful world of freedom. Dreams, battles, and customization awaits. In the World of Freedom, time, space, and reality exists all in the same world but multiple can happen at once. Our journey we will follow along a man gathering knowledge to be the best. This man will travel the endless world over mountains, the seas, the demon plains, and much, much more. In Freedom all gods exist, but what god do you believe in? All evil exists, so what evils will you fear. Many adventures await this brave man, battles on battles, taming on taming, learning on learning. This man will taste the hole of defeat and feel the glory of victory. Now then what will this person do?

True God of All (The first God to create this universe): [ A voice appeared] Let there be light in this darkness void. Let this speck of dust grow to the size of my hand. Let my tears and sweat enter this land and be the great waters. This will separate from the skies above and the waters below. Let the world grow plentiful of foods, for I am this worlds creator. This world must plenish, so my tears will feed the plants, which feeds the animals, which feeds the life of all of earth. My love of this, must be shared for I am God a lonely powerful God. I will call apon my brothers of the universe and the spirit realm, which I created and let them present their glory and worth. I will accept what this earth will be, for everything and anything can happen, but one rule for all gods and demon gods that cannot be broken. Is that they cannot interfere their selves on earth. They are allowed to influence using only one being they choose. Many gods can choose one same hero if they want. Many Demon Gods can choose one same servant if they want. This world, magic and power can exist. Mana will flow throughout everything on earth. Animals will rise and breed, plants will grow and grow. Earth is beautiful. Life energy will prosper as well as the technologies and mana that comes after. [As it is, it was so.]

Other Gods and Demon Gods: [ Placed their creations on earth. Dinosaurs, Monsters, Demi Humans, Demi Gods, so many new and wild creations exist on this earth. Nothing was missing and nothing that was not known does exist but must be found.]

True God of All: [ God placed his beings on earth.] I set forth the final creation, Humans with the look and likeness of us, and therefore let the world build and break itself while us gods and demon gods watch from our realms to earth itself. ONE RULE WE CANNOT DISSOBEY. [He commanded] No entering with our physical, or spiritual bodies on earth. Only our servants can enter earth or our thoughts to entities of earth.

Other Gods and Demon Gods: [ They all agreed for if this pact is broken all of the gods and demon gods will target the one who broke it. An Omni Contract has been set. (But Omni Contracts is just a written agreement with gods and demons, soon things will change.)]

Story Teller: Now that the world is created by the True God of All, this is where it gets sad... Time passes by in The World of Freedom. A mysterious Demon God enters earth. Many other Gods started entering earth. The True God of All was so furious he brought all of those higher beings down a level and made them all demons and demi-gods of the earth creating a Demon's plain. (A.K.A. Evil Plain). There were many things happening, the world was like this 2/10 of the earth was demon plains, 4/10 of the earth were huge masses of land with island all around earth. The rest 4/10 were water deep as his pinky finger. Now that God created earth the size of his hand. That is the diameter of 1,000,000,000 miles (A billion miles long). Gods' pinky finger was approximately 400,000,000 miles long. The True God of All is a very big dude, again he created this world in his tiny size since his power was to big. If he used his real size the earth would be like an atom compared to True God. Centuries has passed, the earth changed ever since then. Many wars broke out, demons are angry at God for a silly rule. Lesser gods are mad at him for doing such a thing even though some were trying to get rid of the demon gods that entered earth. But The True God never breaks a Promise. The best course of judgment was to either wait till he catches on or inform God of the demon gods entering earth. Years passed and things slowly starts to be controlled and be fruitful again. But this was just a facade, the demons on earth were planning to trap the True God in a prison and change the one law every God abided by. So, this happened. God was trapped and many Demon Gods and Gods has many different champions under their names. A fierce battle broke loose, and many entities died. Years goes on and The True God of All still trapped sent his mind to the old universe, he was in before making this new world. A man dies from a bullet after saving a police officer from getting shot. The True God of All admire his encouragement and even understood his life of a shut-in gamer. This man is known as Kitaro Bukido. A 22-year-old man that jumped Infront of a police officer to save her life from a crazy killer.

True God of All: Hello young one.

Kitaro Bukido: What where am I?

True God of All: You are dead my child and I came here to give you a proposal? Are you up for it or are you willing to go to heaven?

Kitaro Bukido: What? I thought, I would survive that shot. Well, I want to know your proposal first.

True God of All: Well Kitaro, will you save me from my prison. I am The True God of All for a universe that I created. I once was a god in this universe, but I was allowed to claim and create my own universe. I am sending you my thoughts in my prison cell. I was trapped by the evil demons because they wanted to corrupt the earth and not follow the plans and law's that was laid out. Will you come to save me.

Kitaro Bukido: How will I save you?

True God of All: You will be reincarnated into my universe and will be sent back in time, just before the demons changed earth. During those years Demon Gods and other Gods will come and plant their mark and worth on earth. You need to defeat them. You will also need to enter the demon plains which was set for those who first broke the Omni Contract. I felt pity so I let them live on earth as demons. It was a mistake to do so. I shouldn't have been so lenient to them. To be fair I saw this coming, but I wanted to hope that they will choose the right decision at the end, just like my children of earth. I can see their paths to choose darkness, but at the very last second, they do the right thing which makes me so proud. I forgot Gods and Demons want power and aren't like humans at all. THEY ARE ALL SELF ENTITLED!!!!

Kitaro Bukido: Okay True God of All. Can I call you True God for short?

True God: Yes, you may. When you get reincarnated into earth you will be the only one to receive a virtual screen board. This allows you to have infinite baggage space. This world has many things you can do. Your goal is to get strong, grow and beat the demons, demon gods, and the corrupted gods. Protect earth and release me. When you come to me say these words and stare into my eyes. " God wiser to all. Holy of all. Great to all. Read my eyes. " Please remember this, it is a spell for when you meet me in person. It will activate and release parts of the memories of my me to my past self. PLEASE REMEMBER THIS KITARO BUKIDO. I don't have much time left. Once you enter this world get an ID bracelet. That will officially activate your virtual screen board. I will talk to you la...

Story Teller: Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into the world of freedom. His journey awaits.

Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated as a 22-year-old. He wakes up in a forest called Fantasia Forragrove Forrest. He is close to a village called Forragrove Town.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Let me know if there are spelling mistakes because I am bad at spelling and sometimes I over read them incorrectly.

WorldOfFreedomcreators' thoughts
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