
To Rainbow city

As Ji Yun lost his consciousness, the rainbow-colored halo light around him slowly dispersed. Without him knowing, his chakra root is slowly changing, initially his chakra root birthed him with lighting and Darkness affinity, now some kind of divine energy slowly connecting and merging with his chakra root giving birth to different kind of affinities. After about 2 hrs every single bit of divine energy in his body fused with his chakra root changing into something the world couldn't imagine.

Ji Yun who was lost consciousness didn't know how much time had passed slowly opened his eyes. He was in the same place where he started his cultivation.

"Why did I lost consciousness?" Ji Yun looked around seeing no one is around, hurriedly checked his chakra root to find any changes, then he was completely perplexed by what he saw.

His normal chakra root is now changed into completed different, Ji Yun doesn't know what to feel, because what he saw was out of his knowledge and comprehension. His chakra root is now changed into a young sapling, size of a thumb with seven different colored leaves. He also knows, now he has seven different kinds of elemental affinity but why its changed into a young sapling he has no idea.

Forget about Ji Yun, forget about this world, even if the strongest immortals, deities, and gods come they will also wouldn't have any knowledge about what happened to Ji Yun.

Because this a creation of something new under heaven, only Ji Yun who created can slowly comprehend and understand its purpose.

Ji Yun who was completely dumbstruck by the development slowly calmed his mind, even though he doesn't know what happened, he has seven different elemental affinities so he doesn't care. He will understand it in the future.

Ji Yun was feeling completely different now like he was one with nature. Everything in the world is under his control, he also knows its just a feeling. If he wanted the feelings to be true he needs to be stronger than anyone in this world. Ji Yun also knows with 'Heavenly Door of fortune' he will soon become stronger and at the same time, he will also be in great danger because of his treasures.

Now that he reached the Mortal realm he can finally leave this small place and get into one of the academies to strengthen himself. When he becomes strong enough to protect himself, he will roam the world and enjoy the life. There is also another reason, his father Ji Han told him only when is strong enough he can meet. He also wants to know about his mother, where his father and what he is doing?...

'I will learn the 'Basic Divine techniques' here for some time until I comprehend and master some of the techniques then I will depart from here to the academy'. Ji Yun decided to himself and began to recollect the techniques and control he read in the book.


One Month has passed since Ji Yun reached the Mortal Realm, from then he hasn't improved least bit, his cultivation was also in the Early stage 1 Mortal realm.

In this month, he was concentrated on specific technique mentioned in the 'Basic Divine technique book' - [Elemental Chakra Circulation technique]. It was a very simple technique as mentioned in the book, but Ji Yun was comprehending for 1 month. After one month of understanding this technique, today he finally comprehended it fully.

Even though its mentioned as basic techniques when Ji Yun saw what are the uses of this technique he was speechless. Its mentioned as, 'when you fully comprehend this 'Elemental Chakra Circulation technique' you will be able to absorb the purest form of the Elemental chakra from Sun, moon, and star'. Your purity of the chakra is what solely decide your future, strength, comprehension, and others in your cultivation. If your Chakra's quality is lower you will face many difficulties in the future like cultivation stagnation, your strength, and many others.

This is not the only use if you master this technique to the highest form this cultivation technique will automatically absorb the Elemental chakras without circulating the technique. If he achieved this state even when he is asleep he will be able to cultivate.

Ji Yun also discovered, Since the 'Basic Divine technique' also absorb Sun, Moon and star chakra, when he cultivates his yin-yang heavenly indestructible physique it will speed his cultivation by several folds. At the same time when he cultivates the 'basic Divine technique', his physical body will also become strong.

The only disadvantage is that the technique only absorbs the purest form of the Elemental chakra, so higher the cultivation realm you reach, harder it will get. Only by using Sage, divine and otherworldly medicines and treasures you can reach higher heights. Ji Yun was very content with this technique with this he can reach greater heights in future.

'Now I comprehended this technique, let's test its effect whether it's as godly as it says'. Ji Yun was very eager to test the technique. Since he was concentrating on this technique, he wasn't even cultivating for one month.

Within the Willow house, Ji Yun sat cross-legged on the bed in his bedroom and followed the cultivation technique of his new body to absorb the Elemental Chakra around him and Sun Chakra.

After few rounds of cultivation technique, a large amount of Elemental chakra surged towards Ji Yun from all directions, entering his body through his skin and muscle pores and moved towards his Dantian.

In the Mortal Realm, the meaning of one's cultivation is to increase the density of the chakra. The Mortal Realm stage 1 – Red Chakra stage, is the starting point of one's cultivation to accept chakra's into their body and dantian, here the density of chakra is low. Step by step you can increase your chakra's density by cultivating to Gold chakra stage – Mortal Realm 9.

Upon reaching the Mortal realm 9th stage, your body will be used to the Elemental chakra, from then only the true starting point of everyone's cultivation starts.

There was a red colored mist forming in the location of his Dantian- this is the red chakra one will form when reaching the middle stage of Mortal realm 1st stage; more and more chakra gathered in Ji Yun dantian slowly transforming his red chakra's density in his dantian. After a few tries, chakra around 1Km radius completely absorbed into his body but Ji Yun hasn't reached his limit.

Finally, all of the chakra reserves of his physical body flowed to his dantian helping in transforming his red chakra, this is the advantage of his two techniques in synchronizing. Even the density and purity of the chakra from his body are greater compared to before, resulted in bringing an indescribably happy feeling to Ji Yun.

Slowly Ji Yun chakra in his dantian become denser and denser, before the red mist is only lightly visible, now its crystal clear, its due to his technique and quality of the chakra. Finally, he wasn't able to absorb any more chakra and stopped his cultivation.

Feeling the density of red chakra in his body, Ji Yun knows he is an only single step away from reaching the Peak of Mortal realm stage 1. Ji Yun was happy with the progress, he also knows if one wants to increase his cultivation from Early to peak they need at least one month but he achieved it within 6 hours. Ji Yun was very happy with his progress and he also understood he needs to solidify his present level before attempting to increase his cultivation.

'Now I have a clear idea of my cultivation journey. I suppose its time to join the academy and know about the outside world'. Ji Yun thought in his mind. I will go and visit grandfather in Sun city, and depart from there.

Ji Yun informed Zero and Qu He, that they will be leaving to Sun City, Ji Family Mansion. When both them heard they are surprised because usually their young master only concentrates on training and cultivation. Seeing their surprised expression Ji Yun told them,

"You two know I reached Mortal Realm 1 month before, its time I leave this place and join the academy to improve my knowledge and skills. If I reach 14years of age, many academies won't consider accepting me. so it's the right time for me to join. I will go and inform grandfather and leave the sun city".

Both Zero and Qu He also know this, its just they are little surprised and downcast thinking of Ji Yun's departure.

Next day Morning, Ji Yun, Zero and Qu He said their goodbye to Pepper and began their journey to Sun City. At sun fall they reached Ji family mansion, Ji Yun informed his decision to his grandfather and also told him that he will be leaving by two days. Then both Grandson and Grandfather had their dinner together with a lot of chatting.

Ji Kongyun looked at his grandson with love and proud looking eyes, he also knows about Ji Yun's hard work and his breakthrough to the Mortal Realm when he visited Ji Yun 10 days back.

"You are same as your father, to find something new and a desire to adventure outside. I too know you will only improve in the outside world while facing a lot of dangers. But the outside world is cruel and merciless only strong can survive and ascend." Ji Kongyun patted Ji Yun's shoulder and said.

"So, you decided to join 'Golden academy of talents'?"

"Yes, Grandfather. Moreover, I also have Yu Mengxi's master Emblem so it will be easy to join that academy. Grandfather how many days it will take to travel from Sun city to rainbow city?". Ji Yun asked.

"If you travel by carriage it will take at least 1 month to reach Rainbow city. Rainbow city is in the center of the Sky continent, but you don't have to worry about traveling, every city has a spaceport. You can reach any city using the pace port and its costly for many people but you don't have to worry. Tell me when you want to reach the rainbow city, I will arrange everything."

"Grandfather, I will leave in two days."

"Ok, You go and do what you want. I will take care of everything." saying this Ji Kongyun and Ji Yun went to rest. Two days passed in a blink of an eye. Ji Yun only packed two sets of dresses and nothing else. His grandfather also told him he can buy everything in the rainbow city.

Both Ji Yun and Ji Kongyun arrived at the place where the spaceport is located.

"Ji Yun, Take care and be careful in the rainbow city".

"Yes, Grandfather. You too take care of your health and I will come and visit you time to time", Grandfather.

One guard was standing before the Spaceport with guard uniform with some kind of symbol imprinted in his chest. Ji Kongyun approached the guard and told about the travel by handing him a card.

"He is rainbow guard appointed to Sun city for the spaceport by Rainbow city. He is responsible for everything regarding spaceport. For a single space transmission its 10000 gold coins".

"Here take this card, this is the card of a Rainbow bank. You can use it to purchase everything, and it has 100000 gold coins. It will be enough for you to spend and buy anything for some time".

"Thank you, Grandfather. Then I will take my leave". Ji Yun waved towards Ji Kongyun and went before Spaceport. It's only a size of 3 meters in height and large enough to allow 2 adults.

The Rainbow guard looked at Ji Yun and coolly said, "If it's your first time you will feel some dizziness when traveling and slight headache upon reaching the other end of the spaceport. You can enter, it will lead to one of the spaceports in a rainbow city."

Ji Yun finally looked at his grandfather, waved his hand again and entered the spaceport disappearing from Ji Kongyun's view.