
Golden Academy of Talents

Golden Academy of Talents,

When both Ji Yun and Master Nyra arrived at the Academy's Entrance gate, it's already evening.

You can also see many students were walking in and out of the academy gates. The vast majority of the students were dressed in luxurious dresses and some in training clothes. Countless carriages were stationed in the side of the Academy gate, and you can also see various students chatting each other around the age of 14 to 18.

"Senior, there are so many students near the Academy entrance, is there any function happening around?". Seeing so many students just at the academy entrance, Ji Yun become bewildered and asked Nyra.

"Functions? No, There are more than 50,000 students studying at Golden academy alone, so most of them leave the academy for various purposes and return back. It's normal to see many students near the Academy entrance". Nyra calmly explained to Ji Yun.

50,000 students? Ji Yun became speechless and astonished by the immense amount of students. 'How are they managing these many students, and how many professors and elders are there to teach them'.

Seeing Ji Yun astonishment Nyra continued, "There are 4 class of students in Golden Academy, Red Class, Blue class, Silver class, and Gold class students. Each section has more than 10,000 students. There are 100 's of elders and many professors to guide the students. Only elders are allowed to accept personal disciples in the academy and that too only 10 students. As for other instructions, you will receive Academy booklet when you join, you can read it to understand more".

"Senior, when will the test for new students will be conducted?. If I join now will I be placed in the previous year students or new students?". Ji Yun could help but ask.

"That I don't know. It will be managed by the Managing department they are the ones who will allocate the students class and accommodation". Nyra was also not sure about this.

When both Nyra and Ji Yun reached the Academy entrance, many students who are chatting respectably bowed their heads towards Master Nyra calling, '9th Elder' and curiously looked at Ji Yun who walking with Nyra.

Ji Yun followed Nyra without bothering the gazes of other students, both of them quickly reached 'Managing department' building and entered the large hall. Inside of the hall is very large and there are four doors with different titles written on the door. Nyra walked towards one particular door written as Chief Elder Yong, Ji Yun quickly followed her.

As Master Nyra was just about to knock, the door suddenly opened itself revealing an old man about fifty something years old with white hair, who wore a white and black designed robe sitting in a chair. Followed by a warm voice, "Little girl Nyra, what brings you here."

When Ji Yun heard the name, he understood the Yu Mengxi's master name must be Nyra, but the title 'Little girl' made Ji Yun tongue-tied. How old was this old man, calling senior Nyra as a little girl and he must also be very powerful?.

"Chief Elder Yong, I came to recommend this young man to our academy". Nyra explained to the old man Yong.

When the chief Elder Yong's eyes looked at Ji Yun his eyes immediately brightened like he saw someone he knew after many years. Then his eyes scanned Ji Yun for 10 seconds before withdrawing from his body.

"Little girl Nyra, you brought a good seedling to our academy". Old man Yong said to Nyra, the later was astonished that the chief elder mentioned Ji Yun as good seedling then he must have a lot of potentials to become someone powerful in the future.

"Child, even I can't see through your Elemental affinities and their grades, I am very surprised. I only know you reached the middle stage of Mortal realm stage 1. Since Nyra recommended you I will accept you in the academy and I also believe you meet every recruitment. Tell me about your background and your affinity, so that I can place you in the right departments".

"Is it necessary to inform my background?". Ji Yun asked because he doesn't want to mention about the Ji Family. About affinity, Ji Yun already decided to mention as Fire and lightning.

Chief Elder Yong, who saw the hesitation in Ji Yun saw through what's going on in his mind, he replied, "You don't have to worry. Everyone's background details are kept secret, no one knows apart from me and its an academy procedure you need to follow. You can't expect me to accept you without knowing your details, there are many evil factions in the continent; there will be a lot of assassination and spies will try to enter the academy."

Ji Yun also confident that the academy wouldn't leak his background. What Ji Yun afraid is if one day someone discovered his darkness affinity many people will try to kill him, so he doesn't want to impact his grandfather and Ji Family at the time.

"I understand. I am Ji Yun from Ji family located in Sun city and my affinities are Lighting and fire. I don't know about my grade of Elemental affinities". Ji Yun told chief elder Yong.

When Chief elder Yong heard Ji Yun is from Ji Family, a small smile appeared on his face. He looked at Ji Yun before waving his hand a white crystal appeared in his hand and saying, "Place your hand on the crystal ball and inject any one of your elemental chakras, we can only test your grade one by one".

Ji Yun was not at all afraid of someone finding his affinities and the grade of affinities. It's because of 'Basic concealment technique' he learned from 'Divine Basic techniques and control' book. Even though its mentioned as basic concealment technique its a divine grade technique, so even if the sage realm expert tried he won't be able to find Ji Yun's affinities and grades. At the same time, his basic techniques also develop with Ji Yun when he reaches a higher level.

Ji Yun went forward and placed his hand on the chakra ball; injected lightning Elemental chakra and concealed his grade of fire affinity to silver grade. He didn't conceal his lighting affinity since it's not divine grade. But the appearance of gold color in the crystal ball astonished Ji Yun, it means he has Gold Grade Lightning chakra affinity.

Ji Yun hasn't thought he would have gold grade affinity, he can only smile bitterly to himself. He wanted to stay low key and also not be seen as trash so he decided on showing his grade of affinity as silver but he didn't expect to have such high grade in lightning affinity.

Both Chief Elder Yong and Nyra's eyes are fixedly looked at the Crystal ball and stared at Ji Yun with a loss for words. Chief Elder Yong quickly regained his composure and said, "I haven't thought you would have the rarest Gold Grade affinity. You are really born to stand at the peak of this world. OK, now test your other affinity".

Ji Yun went and placed his hand again in the crystal ball, injected the Fire Elemental chakra. This time his concealment technique didn't betray his trust and only showed Silver glowing in the crystal ball, confirming his Fire Grade Elemental affinity as Silver. Even though its silver grade, again both of the elders are surprised. Usually, if one's grade of affinity is higher in one Elemental affinity then other affinity grades will be lower. But in Ji Yun case its higher in both of his affinity.

"I will arrange a place for you to stay in the academy. Next batch of students will join in one month and you will be placed in the new batch. In the meantime, I will give access to various facilities so you can improve your knowledge and cultivation, like the library, training room and even the mission hall".

"Thank you, Chief Elder Yong". Ji Yun gratefully thanked this chief elder, even though he don't why he was favoring him he will remember his kindness. Nyra was also confused why chief elder Yong is favoring Ji Yun.

"Little girl Nyra, help him stay at your place for some time. I will arrange everything and send someone to inform it". Elder Yong said to Nyra.

Nyra was also not against this idea, she will also help him in his cultivation and if possible train him for saving her disciple.

"Here, this is my token and beginner booklet. With this, you can visit the library, but don't go to other facilities for some time until I complete your procedures.". Chief Elder Yong gave Ji Yun a round shaped token with 'Yong' written in both sides and a 100-page booklet.

After that, both Ji Yun and Nyra left the Managing department. Nyra looked at Ji Yun and asked, "Don't tell anyone about your grade of affinity. It will only cause much trouble for you."

"My House is located in the North side of the academy. Only me and Yu Mengxi stay there. If you need any help you can ask me or Yu Mengxi. Even though she has the cold personality she has vast knowledge in every field". Nyra said to Ji Yun.

"Senior Nyra, how are the accommodation and resource are provided to everyone?".

"Accommodation is different to student and Professors. Professors and elders will be given a large house as accommodations. For Students, the accommodation is different; you will be given individual room and nothing else If you want a better room and resource you have to reach higher rankings in your respective years. Like Red Class students have a Red class Ranking board, if you reach top 50 you will be eligible for better resource and cultivation room. Its same in every class".

"Is there any rank requirements in every class?". Ji Yun asked while following Nyra to her house.

"Yes, Red class students range from Mortal realm stage 1 to stage 3. If you broke through to Mortal realm stage 4 you will be considered as a Blue rank student. Likewise, Moral realm stage 4 to stage 6 practitioner are blue class students, Mortal realm stage 7 practitioner are silver class students and Mortal realm stage 8 practitioner are gold class students. We are here. I will inform Mengxi to prepare a room for you.".

Both of them arrived at the beautiful looking house, when they entered the large hall Ji Yun heard the opening of the door sound and Yu Mengxi arrived at the hall to meet her master but she was startled by the presence of Ji Yun then she quickly regained her cold nature and ignored Ji Yun and greeted her master.

"Master, I thought you will come sooner". Yu Mengxi told Nyra without sparing a single glance at Ji Yun. Nyra also explained to Yu Mengxi about Ji Yun joining the academy.

When Ji Yun saw Yu Mengxi, he was surprised by her look, she looked completely different from when he met at the forest. She reached mortal realm stage 3 and she looked even more beautiful than before.

Yu Mengxi then looked at Ji Yun, "Junior brother Ji Yun, Congratulations on joining the Golden Academy of Talents. You look even stronger than before". Yu Mengxi spoke with cold and indifferent tone. She wasn't just speaking to Ji Yun just like this, it's just her personality is cold and indifferent. But when they met before she was not in her usual self, so she talked with Ji Yun with a girly side; but today she regained her usual self. Only when she is with her master she shows her spoiled side.

Ji Yun also knows about her personality so he didn't take it to his heart. He has all the time in the world to slowly melt this Yu Mengxi ice.

"Elder sister Mengxi you also broke through to Mortal realm stage 3 and look stronger". Ji Yun said to Yu Mengxi.

"Mengxi, prepare one room for Ji Yun. He will stay here for sometime till he gets his accommodation. Ji Yun, Mengxi will guide you to the room". Saying this Master Nyra departed to her room.