
World Linking High School Boy Emis

Emis Seale, a young high school boy is about to start his high school life in Japan. He wishes he could experience an out-of-the-ordinary experience up until he meets the young, blue, short-haired beauty, Ayaka Aiko, who tends to contradict the boy's way of life as she tends to get extra hard on the young lad. He later realizes that his wish came true. With his manly friend Daiki, the mysterious Hiroto, and their mad homeroom teacher, Takeshi, will young Emis be able to handle this?

addam_david · Fantasía
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13 Chs

EPISODE 5 - Links

Shrednell: What are you going to do?

Emis: HIYAH!

*Emis tries to kick him*

*Shrednell grabs his right leg*

Shrednell: Trying to joke me, eh? Guess you haven't learned your lesson.

*Shrednell throws Emis*

Ow. What should I do? Should I run away and call for help? Yup, that sounds like an option.

*Emis tries to run*

Ow, ow, ow...It hurts...

Shrednell: Are you sure about your decision, boy? You wouldn't want to leave her behind would you?

Wait...Oh no...

*Emis looks behind*

*Shrednell has the princess in his hand*

??? : Goodbye, Emis...


No...No...NO! Can't I do anything at all?! NO! NO! NOOOOO!

Emis: *shouts* NOOOOO!

Shrednell: Ooh, this is getting interesting...

*Emis had lost control of his emotions*

*Emis's left arm glows and is surrounded by a yellow aura*

Emis: Sacred Incantation Conversion: Life Extension to Object Manifestation:...

Shrednell: *shouts* Come at me with everything you've got!

Emis: Devastation of 2!

*Emis punches Shrednell*

*Shrednell guards*

*A large explosion is caused, destroying the school on Shrednell's side that the wrecked ground remains.*

*Emis faints*

Shrednell: Hehe. you almost killed me! Nice try...You deserve it!

*Shrednell grabs Emis by the head*


Shrednell: I'll end your suffering.


Shrednell: Done.

*Shrednell leaves*


*Pitch black*

Wha...What happened? Did I die?

*Emis opens his eyes*

Huh? Where am I?

*Emis finds his self to be sitting on a glowing floor decorated by tiles, the rest of the place is a dark void in which you cannot see anything past it.*

??? : Hello, human.

A voice of a little girl...

*Emis looks around and sees a desk and a little girl sitting on a chair*

Emis: Um, I'm sorry, but who are you?

??? : I am Browser, I browse the worlds that lucky people like you wish to find.

Browser? Worlds?

Browser: If you wish to ask a question, feel free to do so.

Emis: Okay, um, where are we?

Browser: We are in the Link.

Emis: The Link?

Browser: We are in the blank that joins your world and another.

Another world?

Emis: What is the connection of this world to my world?

Browser: It has the closest link. There are so many worlds and some of these worlds are linked, slightly linked, or not even linked at all. It is my job as a Browser to maintain order to the linked worlds. There are many other Browsers that reign over the worlds that aren't linked, and we Browsers are linked to each other.

Emis: Wow, you sure do like the word link, huh?

Browser: Yes, I do.

Emis: How do you maintain order?

Browser: We prevent chaos surging from worlds by bringing a chosen hero who would prevent them.

Emis: How are the heroes chosen?

Browser: They are chosen at random.

Emis: But, how do you know they aren't going to attack Browsers like you?

Browser: We, Browsers are gifted with each power, magic and so on, from each world that we reign, but we cannot attack people unless we are challenged to a 1 versus 1 duel.

Oh...She totally dodged the question and she's showing off...

Emis: What happens when the heroes fail to prevent the chaos?

Browser: Then their world would be in danger and may possibly affect other worlds.

Emis: I won't fail!

Browser: Let's see about that.

Emis: Well, it has been fun talking to you.

Browser: I guess it has been.

Emis: Must be pretty exhausting.

Browser: Maybe.

Ehehehe...She's expressionless...

Browser: No, I'm not.

*Emis is surprised*

Emis: Wuh! You can read my thoughts?

Browser: Yes.

She heard my thoughts all along...Um...

Emis: Can I know some of the worlds that are linked to mine?

Browser: Yes, you may.

*The Browser is doing something on her desk*

Browser: There's a world full of ninjas, a post-apocalyptic world, a world full of zombies, a world with magic...*she continues to mutter*

Emis: I think that's enough.

Browser: Okay.

Emis: What do I do now?

Browser: I'm going to send you now...

Emis: Back to my world? You're going to resurrect me?

Browser: No, you cannot go back to your world.

Emis: Oh.

Browser: Once you die, and do not revive, you cannot go back to your world.

Emis: I see.

*Emis cries*

Browser: Instead, you go to an alternate world. An alternate world is a different version of that world that may be in the past, present, or future or even different conditions made. You will be sent to an alternate world, 8 days in the past.

Emis: I see. Thank you very much.

Browser: Don't thank me yet, some heroes may say that this is a chance of a lifetime, but it can also be a curse.

Emis: A curse?

*A white light surrounds Emis; a white light that goes upward into the void*

Emis: I'm sorry, but may I know your name? Your real name. I know you have one.

Browser: In our next meeting.

*Emis disappears*

*He is sent to the world*

*She smiles*

Browser: What a cheeky one...


*Emis wakes up surprised*

Emis: What just happened?

*Emis is in bed*

Emis: Was all that, real? Well, still I have to go to school.

*Emis is in the school hallway*

Emis: ...

*Shrednell appears in the hallway and intercepts with Emis*

Shrednell: *whispers in Emis's ear* Meet me down the school grounds next week and fight me or else...

*Emis is shocked*

*In his mind, the recollection of his classmates' deaths played*

*Emis sheds a tear*

It was all real...

Emis: *shouts* HEY!

*He shouts to Shrednell, but he disappeared*

*The students in the background look at him*

I'll get you this time!