

A chuckle leaves me body and instead of speaking, I walk right out of the elevator behind her listening as she rambles on and on about getting the deal of a lifetime and how amazing she is without me. How I should bring her along to every one of my meetings. By the time we make it to the car, she’s still speaking, only now it’s to Rand and Landen as they drive us towards the diner reservations I had them make once the deal was set.

“So, I guess you should be giving me some kind of commission check then?” I turn towards her, enamored with her upbeat personality. I don’t know much about Nikki’s past, but her sarcastic spirit, her fun personality, drive her to be optimistic. Something others in her shoes, certainty wouldn’t be.

“Well, I suppose the dinner I’m taking you to at Dior isn’t much of a commission?”


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