
With you till the end

(WARNING:this novel talks about depression,anxiety and ptsd,it also has violence and sexual assault.If you are triggered by any of these things i don't recommend you read.) Layla Griffin,a girl coming from an abusive past and now struggling with anxiety,depression and PTSD. Jacob Santiago,a boy who’s father is a mafia lord and wants him to take over the family business once he is of age. He's helping her get over her past and she's helping him take control over his life. Are they destined to be?Or will this be another tragic love story...

Tt_A · Adolescente
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44 Chs


Layla's side:

I went to bed that night with butterflies in my stomach,i don't think I've ever felt this way before. The trip soon came to an end and we got back to our usual routines in our dorms.I told Sam about it and she congratulated me.

S -"Yay!Now we can go on double dates!"

L -"Slow down Sam,we just kissed,who knows whats going to happen"

S -"I'll tell you what's going to happen,~Love~"

L -"Oh come on!"*Nudges*


Even though i didn't show it that much,i was pretty exited.

*Text message received*

J -(Can we meet up tomorrow?)

L -(Sure when)

J -(After class if that's okay with you)

L -(Sure)

J -(Okay,meet me in front of the school building)

S -"Who was thatttttt!"

L -"No oneeeeee!"



The next day i met up with Jacob and he greeted me with a beautiful rose.

J -"I- this is for you"

L -"Thank you!"

I could tell he was nervous,it was cute though.

J -"Wanna go get some coffee?"

L -"Sure"

Jacob took my hand and led me to a nearby cafe with beautiful decorations.

J -"So what do you want,and don't worry i'm paying"

L -"Haha,i don't really know.What would you get?"

J -"Me?I would get an iced coffee with caramel drizzle"

L -"Ooh then i'll have that!,can i add extra whipped cream?"

J -"Sure"*Laughs*

Jacob's side:

Layla was a like a child who had never seen a cafe before,she was mesmerized by the amount of things you could put into your drink.

J -"Here's your drink!"

L -"Thanks!"

She finished her drink pretty quickly and so did i,this was a new cafe so it was my first time trying their drinks but they were surprisingly good.We walked back together and had a nice long conversation.

L -"See you later!"She yelled as she walked into her dorm building.

J -"Bye!"