
Witch Princess

A young Princess who discovered her potential of doing magic and having a superpower as a young witch which was powerful Her Father was hating her on being her daughter felt like a curse.He began to warm up to her cause it was his daughter anyways ,but little did they know something more serious was about to happen

Noor_2008 · Ciencia y ficción
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3 Chs

The Mystery of the Untold

Elysia joined for dinner, but an unspoken tension lingered in the air, shattered only by the queen presence when she was entering the dining room. Everything was packed the table was filled with every kind of food and sweet things. Elysia gaze was lingered on a glass by her father's side it crashed to the ground, breaking the silent in between. The awkwardness in between them was all over the air. The queens voice called out breaking the awkwardness.

Elysia quickly stood up with shyness.

''May I please excuse myself''. 

''For what certain reason dear'' the queen replied.

She mumbled trying to think of a reasonable reason for her excuse but only speechless things nothing more convincing. 

*Maybe I should lie and say I'm sick no! no! I can't my mother is smart enough to know I'm fine. *

''Well mother I'm not okay at all I'm very sleepy haven't slept last night''.

Before her mother could reply

''Mother I'm drowsy exhausted everything''. She sits down and acts like her energy being drained from her body.

''OK Hope you be fine Lora will check on you if you need anything goodnight''.

She rapidly stood up and went straight to do the door before they change their thoughts.

Elysia always hated having dinner with her parents or even big parties where they are lot of people. She always hides from the spotlight but years to come she will have to get used to it because it's going to be like this until she just dies. 

She was walking straight to the library room where all her thoughts could escape from reality to fantasy and fantasize about everything. 

She was walking around looking for something new to read. Something strange happened a big brown book fell from the top shelves down to the ground it was old and dusty. She just went to pick it up from the ground placed it on the table. She slowly opened it to see what it is about because the was no name tag on it or anything. When she opened it, mesmerizing voice heard sound life a mermaid singing the book was glowing, she started having version about seeing different people who had light glowing skin so pale a black coffin with certain symbols she couldn't understand. She was like in a paralyzing dream she tried to close the book but too slowly shutter and everything went blue for five minutes. She woke up after five minutes and ran rapidly to her room feeling overwhelmed.

She just thought sleeping could make her forget everything.

A tall man figure was in her room watching her sleep he was gazed straight to her face without blinking or anything.

She was dreaming about a tall man figure wearing black clothes he was getting closer to her, she felt terrified she didn't know the person the only thing she could see was the body, but his face was blurry. 

She immediately woke up breathing heavily. She felt like she was drowning in to water. Her face was wet with sweat her body too. She felt scared in her room suddenly she saw a hand flash boom! it was gone the shadow vanished and it felt windy inside.


It was morning everything she saw last night flashed like little album into her mind. She felt like the is someone presences in her room. She felt cold and overwhelmed. She just kicked of her fear away and went over her desk where it was filled with paints and canvas. She started painting of her feelings little skeletons trying to catch her and butterflies next to her. 

She was disturbed by a knock on the door.

''Princess Elly it is me Lora the queen said I should bring some breakfast for you we have your favourite ''. 

''You may come inside please''.

''So how are you feeling this morning?'' She smiled showing of her dimples.

''I'm feeling splendid what about you dear'' She lied but her face couldn't force a smile.

''You know you can tell me anything, plus your face looks so pale your eyes'' She frowned worrying about her best friend health.

Even though she was her maid they were best friends in real every secret of their own they both know. She couldn't leave her best friend sad. 

''Elly, you know we can talk about anything if you ready to open up to me find me in the kitchen will talk.''

 "Thank you Lora I will think about it"

She just opened her arms to hug her.Long hug was expected very tight.Lora went out after the hug.

Elysia was just eating breakfast but she didn't seem very excited for it. Her mind was filled with questions like what's happening to my life.

All of her thoughts were haunting her. Everything felt like a dream. She felt like she was turning blue. Even though she couldn't have any strength to stand up to his father and tell him about the things she dreamt.

Everything was just going to be mysterious.She will try hard to keep the secrets and try to forget everything that happened yesterday.


She was wrong everything was very much worse every single night.She started hating going to sleep.All the scary dreams and the tall man figure of that person every single day coffins strange symbols.Every night felt like another horror.

She started having sleepless night. She was losing weight like water . Everytime she had no appetite and her parents was being more concern what's wrong with her. She felt like she was dying every day her energy was drained every single night.She felt like she was starting to be mental ill. Everyday was just another black and white she felt hopeless. She tried getting therapy from reading drawing but the tall figure started to haunt her.

Every dream felt like another mystery every second of her life felt like another horror movie.

She was sitting in her room distracted by her thoughts. A knock on the door disturbed all the creepy thoughts.

"You may come in" she replied

Her mother just entered looking worried about her health.

"Hey dear what's wrong with you I'm starting to feel worried" the queen said

" I'm fine mother don't worry please ". replied without energy or even expression.

"How could be fine you have turned into a dead person who's living but with no reason come on you can tell me ". She said it worried

" no I'm fine mother I'm just little sick headache ". She replied

"I will come and check on you some other time when you feel comfortable talking to me".

She stood up feeling like maybe her daughter was dying slowly and scared to talk about it. Her mind was 360° thoughts what if she dies what if many what if's .

Elysia was deep inside her thoughts. She just figured some what if she just check out the book for certain reasons. Maybe she just see what's wrong with herself. She couldn't just drain all the energy out of her body and let her body get abused by just certain things

All the tall figure man who's all over her mind what is up with him. Everyday it is a certain dream again about him. Question like am I related to him?.

Why do I always dream about him. It's just creeped her out every day thinking about that one thing the tall figure..