
Wish of a self-proclaimed loner

Realistic Fiction
En Curso · 3.5K Visitas
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What is Wish of a self-proclaimed loner

Lee la novela Wish of a self-proclaimed loner escrita por el autor Chemically_Inert publicada en WebNovel. Our protagonist is Kojou Akatsuki, a quiet, honor student whom everyone looks up to. While he pretends to act like an honor student, and a perfect role model for his little sister, Sayaka, he lives an...


Our protagonist is Kojou Akatsuki, a quiet, honor student whom everyone looks up to. While he pretends to act like an honor student, and a perfect role model for his little sister, Sayaka, he lives and fights desperately the fears of his past. What he looks on the surface, and what he is in real life are the two sides no one knows about, except Kirihara Hana and Yamamoto Sousuke, the duo he met when he first stepped in the grounds of Setsuna Academy, from where his life changed.

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孟渐晚在圈子里挺出名的,放着好好的千金小姐不当,非要当一个样样精通的大姐大。 大姐大勾唇一笑:“别爱我,没结果,除非赢过我。” 宋少发表爱情宣言:“我觉得,爱一个人呢,就是要给她买跑车,一辆不行就两辆,实在不行再加一架私人飞机,或者豪华游艇!” 孟渐晚:“OK,我可以考虑一下。” * 婚前,宋遇就知道孟渐晚是惹不起的小祖宗,婚后更甚。 宋遇正忙着呢,秘书火急火燎跑来:“宋总,夫人她在酒吧把程家小少爷给揍了,人已经进医院了。” 宋遇习以为常:“她连我都打,打别人有什么好惊讶的。” 秘书:“……其实这事儿不怪夫人,程家小少爷刚留学回来,不认识夫人,把她当成未出嫁的小姑娘调戏了,听说是摸她的脸。” 宋遇签字的手一顿,挑起眼梢:“程家小少爷手断了没有?” “那倒没有。” “我去把他打断。” “……” 自此,宋总放出话来:“友情提醒,宋家夫人不好惹,见了她最好绕道走。” 吃瓜群众:“她这么放肆,还不是您惯的,别墅都改造成养鸡场了,就因为小夫人爱养咕咕鸡、爱捡鸡蛋。” * 宋总即兴rap:“以为她是孟德瑞拉,实际是朵霸王花,只好连盆端回家,免得祸害到大家。哟哟哟!” 孟渐晚:“你完了:)”

三月棠墨 · Integral
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334 Chs

SSS-Rank Villain System: The Hero is Overpowered

Without villains, there can be no heroes. *** [Testing suitability with subject] [Testing... complete] [Compatability: 100%] [Intiating induction...] !#($*&%^$#&*(% With a powerful hero running through the world, protecting the world from anything and everything, what the world needs now, is a villain who can compete against her. By all measures, her reign was absolute. For years, several underground organisations have been trying to find a way to create something stronger than the hero. Otherwise, they would undoubtedly be wiped out. The greatest success of the Rudiless Project is a young boy by the title of Subject K. He is the pinnacle of their scientific development, combining with the 'System Agent' to wield the greatest system ever developed. Despite any wishes the young boy may have had, he would be forced into the role of playing the absolute villain. With no care for his well-being, the system only cares about developing his strength, with the hope of eventually being able to defeat the hero. Missions after mission, he would sacrifice more and more of the world, with the hopes that his one and only wish. He hoped that one day... he would be able to see the girl he loved... once more. The only way to do so was to defeat the hero. Thus, the ultimate weapon was created. Kay Rudiless, the most unfortunate boy in the world, would become the greatest villain in the world.

Haobo_Zhang · Ciencia y ficción
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39 Chs


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