
Wish fufillment system (Lust system)

this is a fanfic,with plot somehow man dies man meets god man get system from gods man becomes femboy (willingly) man gets strong with femboy magic idk what to write here

Ineeddrink · Cómic
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3 Chs


It was quiet

Micheal couldnt hear nor see

He felt his soul float in cold open space as a shimmer of light merged with his soul

As Micheal's soul felt something try to latch on to him a mechanical voice sounded

(Soul infusion)




(Match made: status : (compatible by 67%)

(Match insufficient -finding another match)




(Match found: status : (compatible by 75%)

(Match insufficient - finding another match)




(Match found: status : (compatible by 100%)

(Match sufficient- merging with host soul)


(Match found✓)


(Merging complete)

(Welcome host Micheal I am "the wishfuffilment system) celebrations to our new merge)

Finally as the mechanical voice listed Micheal's soul was taken into a small dimension




The place was cold and dark just like the void

Micheal seemingly have woken up finally,the confusion of the voice and what had happened before he was taken to the void

"I met god"

Almost in disbelief he spoke to himself "I met god"

He didn't know what do think anymore,only that he was greatful that god was what he had always Invision him to be



All knowing

And understanding

Micheal didn't know what to say other than feel grateful that the being granted him his wish to have a system and make all his favorite people boys

He was just happy he got to know what god was truly like

A small light twirled around Micheal's souls before the same mechanical voice sounded

(Greetings to host)

At the sudden announcement Micheal jumped up a bit,his soul shaken before relaxing in awe at the light

"W-wait *gasp!* Your my system!"

Micheal was excited,never actually expecting to get lucky and gain a system

But just as he saw with the being,his wish came true and he got what he wanted

The small light twirled and emerged as a screen


Greetings to host

I am the

"Wish fufillment system" . welcome to the



Micheal stared amazed at the display of the screen

The name of the system revealed and where it put Micheal's soul in

"The wish fufillment system? That is what they call you?"

"Yes host that is what most call me,but you can call me wish as that might be more easier to pronounce"

Micheal nodded agreeing with that statement

"Umm wish tell me where am I exactly?, this vault place is very..."

Micheal looked around the place,nothing was around other than void and the color black

"Very much nothing"

"Of course host"

Soon a screen was infont of Micheal showing all information of the "vault"

(Place of location)

"The vault"

-the vault is a secure location of where the system places the host in for rest or for other purposes such as "rest, meditation,skill mastering,planning of what action host shall take within the world's and so on"

-the vault is not to be shared with any other being due to it being a timeless plain where time does not matter,meaning if spending millions of years in the "vault" the host once out will find not even a minute has passed in the normal plain

-the "vault" is part of the system and also a passive ability so it will not take any energy or points from the host

-the system does not allow any other being to enter the "vault" other than the host

-the vault is in complete control of the system meaning the host can only go in the "vault" if the system has detects immediate danger that cannot be avoided,once detected the host will be transferred here to recover

Micheal acknowledged the information,taking note that he does not control the space at all

"So I'll only go here if necessary?"

"Yes host,the vault is a place of business, not a place to goof around"

The mechanic voice sounded,dead calm as it gave it's information to it's host

"Host it is time to choose the sub-systems"

"Sub systems?"

Micheal was confused,what in the world are sub systems?

"Yes host"

A screen appeared that showcased systems of many

(beauty system)-grants the host an unlimited number of skills to enhance beauty that can conquer even the the outer worlds if want too(beauty system)-grants the host an unlimited number of skills to enhance beauty that can conquer even the the outer worlds if want too

(Seduction system)-grants host skills of seduction that can tempt even the holiest of gods to their will

(Rival system)-become the rival of the main character,become an obstacle in their way that makes their journey to Greatest dangerous and hard

(Villain system)-become the world's greatest enemy, heaven hates you,the gates of holy light will forever remain shut in your presence,but mother earth and father hell fire adores you,the resources of the earth bends to your will only and the army of great and powerful underworld beings bow to your command

(Lovesick system)-make others fall for you,make them crave your presence to the point that you yourself is their air,the very oxygen they breath,make them bow to your will and make them pray to you only,let them worship you for you are their darling

{Sorry y'all I copy pasted this from my other book in quote}

Micheal was suprised by the amount of systems,staring speechless he spoke up

"I can pick....any of these?..."

"As many as you wish host, though it is recommended to chose atleast 8 subsystem for more benefits"

Micheal was clueless,8 entire systems that can be attached to the main system and get a better amount of benefits just by those alone?

Micheal hit the fucking jackpot

"8!? Systems!?"

"Yes host,it is crucial for the host to widen their horizons in order for one to precieve future benefits"

"And such host can choose a variety of sub-systems for their tastes"

Micheal was stunned,amazed at the absolute jackpot of a system he gained

Without a word he scrolled through the sub-systems,reading their descriptions and analyzing their potential

As time passes,a Minute turning to hours of study and potentially analysis he finally picked four subsystems to add

(Lovesick system)-make others fall for you,make them crave your presence to the point that you yourself is their air,the very oxygen they breath,make them bow to your will and make them pray to you only,let them worship you for you are their darling

(Skill Master system)-the ability to learn a skill as long as the conditions are meet,try to keep up and be a jack of all trades or become the greatest person to have ever learned simple skills

(beauty system)-grants the host an unlimited number of skills to enhance beauty that can conquer even the the outer worlds if want too

(Power system)-you want power? Then work for it,want to be king? Queen? Go ahead rally an army,take the thrown *show them whose boss*

The four systems Micheal chooses were all compatible to some degree,reading the descriptions and analyzing their potential he settled with the four

"Done.....I want these four"

Micheal sighed in relief,hours of work wer eput into his decision,he knew that he can't change his options now

"I see,are these your final chooses host?"

"As I said before,I did these are what I want"

Micheal nodded his nonexistent head in approval sure of his decision

"I see,very well since host has chosen already it is advice to atleast choose another two sub-systems for more benefits"

The system showed another screen filled with more minor league type systems

"Choose atleast two host,since host has made his choice and had not gone past the 8 limit of systems,host can choose two other subsystems"

Micheal was least to say, suprised

Did he expect to just go in with his adventure? Yes

Dis he expected to choose new systems?


And now with Micheal dumb founded he of course scrolled through a bunch of systems

Because he did not want to spend more hours analysing again

But of course he was tempted so instead he went to check the 18+ category

And would you know it

The first system shown was a yandere harem system

And what did Micheal do?

He picked it up

"That one"

"Host are you sure?-"

"That one"

Micheal nodded no longer caring because shit bro it's a yandere system,he gone need that for his future husbands

Micheal knew it will all go wrong

In fact he knew for a fact that he might get locked up in a basement if he wasn't careful

But who cares? It's yandere

And so Micheal went to another search for a sub system he wanted














He picked a harem system




".....I do not regret anything"

Micheal nodded not regretting a bit as he sees his collection

The lust system

Power system

Skill Master system

And the beauty system

Those were his main systems

And the other two

The harem and yandere system

Yeah surely everything will go wrong

But he didn't give a shit

"Wish I'm ready!"

Micheal proclaimed after hours, excited to go into his new world

"Affirmative host,all sub-systems all have been chosen"

"Host's soul is now being transferred please wait"

(Soul transfer beginning now:1%...4%.....10%....26%...39%..46%....67%.....89%.....100%)

"Soul transfering complete"

And with that Micheal's soul vanished into another world,where he will begin his new life







"Condition found:do whatever the system tells you to do"

"Blessing found:all characters (main or secondary) are male and can be romaced or villainized"

"All upgrades and announcements have been given may your wish be fulfilled for your wish is my command"

comment more,it keeps me motivated

if not then say bye bye to femboy

Ineeddrinkcreators' thoughts