
Will I Ever Be Free

Autor: Taraghan
Realistic Fiction
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What is Will I Ever Be Free

Lee la novela Will I Ever Be Free escrita por el autor Taraghan publicada en WebNovel. On one of Talaghan’s car rides he does when he wants time for himself to think. He is involved in a tragic accident that injured hundreds of people but he was the only one to face death. As he awakens...


On one of Talaghan’s car rides he does when he wants time for himself to think. He is involved in a tragic accident that injured hundreds of people but he was the only one to face death. As he awakens, Death itself is sitting in front of him with a grin and asks, “You have two choices. Reincarnate back to your world or begin a new life in another”. In response, Talaghan stands up and says, “I choose a new life”.

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