
Wild Alpha

"Tell me you f*cking love me or I'll f*ck it out of you and tear that gorgeous cave of yours." ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ALLAN DAMSPLE is the Alpha of the century, slaughtering over a thousand pack members and raping hundreds of virgin maidens at the age of 19. After that, the King of all Alpha decided to capture him and place him in the highest security jail. ALTHEA CROSFORD is so young when this happens, and her family has always been quite protective of her. However, after her mother discovers her father's unfaithful affair. Everything she owned was shattered. Anyway, 5 years later, she goes on a field trip to the high-security jail where Allan is being detained. Althea never expected to encounter a wild Alpha, and her life was wrecked until the wild Alpha escaped again to claim her his.

ZetZumi · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 49: Safe with him

As they sit in the back of Alpha Renz's car, he puts his arm around her waist and sniffs her hair. Alpha Renz is wealthy, famous, and everything else. Althea has a flashback to Allan. Being apart from him caused her heart to hurt.

She misses him and wishes he could come and save her. It may appear pitiful, and she wants to blame herself, but she cannot defeat an alpha. She's nothing special; people only think she's special because she's Allan's mate.

"We've arrived," Alpha Renz says, gently petting Althea's hair. He pulls her out as he opens his door. As they walk towards a white mansion, Alpha Renz keeps her close by.

The roof of the third floor is supported by six huge sections. Above the center door is a balcony with plant leaves dangling down. The elevated porch was lined with concrete blocks, giving it a classical feel. On the left side of the house, there were a pair of huge windows. Althea must admit that the location is amazing, but now is not the time for her to be impressed.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Alpha Renz brings her back to reality, slightly breathtaking her. She towers over them, smiling as if nothing is wrong. "Let's go."

They enter through the huge dual doors, which lead to entry doors, which lead to an entrance hall with two stairways.

He let go of her, took a few steps forward, and spun to face her. She gets to hear feet rushing around as he claps his hands.

Soon, a group of maids and butlers form a line and bow to Alpha Renz. Her lip quivers with nervousness.

"Code 072721," he says, and everyone rushes off to their jobs. He returns his gaze to her.

"And you, let's talk." Her arm is yanked once more, and they walk up the stairs and into a library.

"You know, Allan is going to look for you," he joked.

"Well, duh. He can't do much without me around," she says, avoiding eye contact by looking up at the chandelier.

Althea knows that Allan is probably weaker than usual since she isn't here. They depend on each other, which they don't always enjoy.

"Seems like he has got a difficult one on his paws," Alpha Renz snickers at her fast reply.

For a short moment, they are silent, and she hears the main door open. She then turns to face the visitor, a little girl with short black hair. She is dressed casually in a baggy hoodie, torn jeans, and no makeup.

Alpha Jack groans loudly and leans down on the sofa. All she saw in him was sadness and disappointment in his eyes. "What do you want, Sandra?" he asks, his eyes closed.

She blushes deeply and holds her sleeve up to her mouth in shyness. "W-would you want to eat a meal with me?" she asks, holding her sleeve up to her mouth.

Althea is curious if she is Renz's mate. That would be intriguing, but he doesn't seem to want her as a mate. While she does not appear to be Luna material. When introverted people come out of their shells, they become some of the most wonderful people you will ever meet.

He grunts snobbishly, "No, get yourself out of here!" She looks over, puzzled as to why he is being so mean and nasty to her. She appears to be harmless to her.

Althea remains silent; this is not her concern. If Sandra is his mate, she must repair the situation herself. It's nothing offensive; just mates who need to connect.

"Oh alright," Sandra says, sounding sad as she walks out, keeping her voice low.

"That was over," Alpha Renz says, pushing her onto the mattress and lurking over her.

"Let's have some fun," he smirked at her.

Althea's wolf growls and then stops. She circles her head as if looking for something. Alpha Renz comes to a halt, growling but not at her. Althea inhales her favorite scents as she sniffs the air.

"I expected it," Alpha Renz says. He stepped away from her and brushed himself off. "I think it's time for me to do my part," he says as he walks out of the room, closing the door shut behind him. Althea rises, breathing heavily with anxiety. "He's here, truly here to save me," she murmured, her heart swelled with joy.

She dashes over to the gloomy dark oak door and attempts to open it. It didn't move, indicating that Alpha Renz had locked it. But that's not going to stop her.

She then grabs one of the chairs and tries and fails to throw it at the door. If breaking the chair counts as an achievement, she did it.

"Get the f*ck out from my way, bitch!" Allan yells, shoving people aside. Althea could hear their whimpers of pain in addition to their running.

A second set of steps stands in front of the door, "We both know why you are here, she's in here," Alpha Renz says as he taps his fingertips on the door.

"F*ck you, you fucking retarded son of a jerk-" Allan was stopped by a foot thump.

Althea slid down the door, listening attentively as her wolf and she yearned for Allan. "You're always so disrespectful, but how did you get in here? Through Oliver?" he asks, making it sound quite specific.

Althea waits for an answer, but all she hears is the wind banging against the window.

When Althea hears Allan growl, she shifts and attacks Alpha Renz. When someone's body hits the door, it makes a loud noise.

She bit her lower lip, looking around the room to see the shattered chair a few feet away. She yanks on one of the legs and wings at the doorknob, causing it to shatter around her feet.

Althea pulls out the rest and opens the door, only to have Alpha Renz collapse on her feet. She jumps back, surprised. She frowns, her heart racing, and takes the perfect shot to kick him hard in the race.

"F*ck you too!"

Allan wags his tail and looks up at her with wolf eyes.

"Ow, you're going to give me a concussion!" she jokes as he runs over and knocks her down.

He thrusts his nose into the crook of her neck, deeply inhaling her scent. She ignores him and pets him. Allan requires the help of a friend to calm him down.

When Alpha Renz begins to rise, her gaze is drawn to the door. "Fuck you, Allan. I'm going to kill you this time," he pauses, gasping for breath, "I f*cking despise everything about this world. Kill me, I'd rather be dead," Renz exclaimed.

Allan then agreed to his request and promptly murdered him. Making certain he's dead by tearing his eyes and heart out.

Althea sits up as if watching a film and is unsure of what will happen next.

now. She rests her head on her hand, her gaze fixed on Allan.

He started walking over to her once he was finished. She reaches out and pats his head, "Brave boy," as they sit in silence in the reading room. She looked over at the corpse; he appeared depressed before Allan murdered him. It was as if there was nothing left to live for. She has no idea why, and she feels bad, but he duped her by threatening to kill her mate. She wonders if he has a girlfriend, possibly that girl.

Althea hears bones crack and turns to see Allan reverting to his naked human form. Her head turns slightly as she blushed intensely. She is then followed by footsteps.

as Allan gets closer. "Oh my little sweetie," he mumbles, nibbling, "I just had to come to save you," he said as she pulled away, "I can't even believe that someone would clone you. Too bad he was just not brazen enough to be you," Althea says. Allan smirks and pulls her in for a kiss. "Woah, no," she says as she flushes and pulls herself away.

Allan raises his eyebrows, "Can't I get something for helping?" He asks, sitting quietly.

Althea hears footsteps from behind him and looks around to see a team of guards and Oliver. He was not captured in the way she expected. Allan then returns his gaze. "What the f**k do you pests want?" he asks flippantly. They tremble visibly in fear.

Oliver then approaches her and tightly embraces her. "Are you okay?" Oliver asks, trying to pull to look at her up and down. She nods slowly, feeling a little self-conscious. "Oh, thank goodness my brother chose to stop being such a jerk," Oliver says, hugging her once more. Althea gives him a skeptical look as she hugs him back. They seem a lot friendlier now, almost like family.

"Oh, you're here," Oliver says as Allan grumbles. Still naked, standing up.

Oliver turns around and returns to Althea, saying, "Get some damn clothes on man, then we will talk," with his hands on his hips. Oliver pulls a black shirt and shorts from his bag and tosses them on him. That is currently being prepared. Allan puts on his clothes and walks over to them. "All right," Oliver says cheerfully as he turns to face the guards.

"We're not in any danger!" he exclaims.

"What?" Allan wonders, wrapping his arms around Althea. He's not easily perplexed, but this is understandable. He just dispatched an alpha! Thousands of civilians as well.

Althea leans back into Allan's arms, finding solace in his embrace. The truth is that Althea is feeling so much better, even if he is f*cking insane. "Oh, what has this foolish mate bond gotten to me," she mused, smiling.