
Wild Alpha

"Tell me you f*cking love me or I'll f*ck it out of you and tear that gorgeous cave of yours." ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~ ALLAN DAMSPLE is the Alpha of the century, slaughtering over a thousand pack members and raping hundreds of virgin maidens at the age of 19. After that, the King of all Alpha decided to capture him and place him in the highest security jail. ALTHEA CROSFORD is so young when this happens, and her family has always been quite protective of her. However, after her mother discovers her father's unfaithful affair. Everything she owned was shattered. Anyway, 5 years later, she goes on a field trip to the high-security jail where Allan is being detained. Althea never expected to encounter a wild Alpha, and her life was wrecked until the wild Alpha escaped again to claim her his.

ZetZumi · Fantasía
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53 Chs

Chapter 12: Escape part 2

Allan had parked his Range Rover in the parking garage of his apartment complex. He quickly changed out of his blood-splattered clothes and into clean ones. He killed a few teenagers, and he needed some sense of calm. Having a girl around was the most stressful thing he had to deal with since being arrested. It would be worth it, though, because once she falls for him, or even trusts him a little, he will gain strength from the mate bond. Plus, if he gets hurt, she can be his little healer.

He walks up to the door but stops when he notices a crowd gathered around something. He approaches and looks over the people's heads, noticing broken glass. He then looks up and notices a broken third-floor window, his window.

He clenches his teeth and turns to enter the building. He dashes up to his room and flings open the door. "God f*cking damn it that bitch was going to be punished I found her," he growls, punching the wall. If that sheriff gets a hold of her, he'll torture her until he comes to her rescue. "She better not be dumb, oh wait—-, she left; she's a complete moron," he murmured.

Allan groans and returns outside to track down her scent. He knew she'd return to her hometown, but she could have gotten lost on the way.

He arrives in her small town a few hours later. "Yoww Allan," he says as he turns around to see Henry. "Oh, his little brother is my mate's best friend," he said quietly. He then goes behind a tree and transforms back into his human form, donning basketball shorts.

"Do you see—" Allan began to say, but he cut him off.

He is staring at him as he speaks. "Oh, I saw her five hours ago; she tripped and became entangled in the silver chains, and I had to help her out," he laughed. Figures, he rolled his eyes. "Anyway, she ought to be with Anthony."

The thought of another male with his mate causes his wolf to growl. He quickly makes him shut up; he wanted to be a friend, but all he wanted to do was use her. He is aware that his wolf is attempting to balance things out, but his defenses are strong.

"Where could that Anthony be?" he wonders, leaning against the tree again.

"I saw them leave with backpacks," he shrugs, taking a step forward. "I don't know much else," he frowns and pins himself to the tree behind him.

"Tell another lie, and I will tear that whole family apart, piece by piece, and set fire to the entire neighborhood," Allan threatens. His threats should always be taken seriously because he always follows through on his promises.

His eyes widen slightly, revealing a hint of fear, but he quickly conceals it with a smile. "I don't care about them," he laughs, "but you must love your mate if you are willing to kill someone just for her."

Allan growls and punches him in the face, striking his jaw. As he winces, it falls. "Do you have anything else to say?" he presses him against the tree. He can be his friend or whatever, but he is ready to kill him at any time.

"You're going to murder me anyway, so how about-yes. You can blister, cut, and stimulate your mate all you want, but I am sure that she will never love you. You are a murderer, a selfish criminal. She detests every bone in your body. You will never get that power you want, and if you do, you won't be a murderer anymore." He kneed him hard in the gut, more like his wolf. Unlike him, he was possessive of her and desired her love.

"That mark you have means nothing; you forced her to do it, and she regrets it; if she's willing to kill herself to avoid being with you, she'll try again until you forcibly mate her," Allan growled, bringing his face close to his. Allan hurls him against a tree, falls to the ground, and stares up at him with dark eyes. "Are you going to kill me for telling you the truth? I never thought I'd see the day you went soft," he smirked.

He raises his foot and presses it against his skull. An ordinary being would not have the force to break a skull, but he does.

Henry let out a loud howl as his skull caved in within seconds. "Good, he deserved to die for putting me to the test."

He walks away from the dead body and down the hill to the small house. Althea's scent was all over it. He broke the glass sliding door and entered the house, following her scent everywhere. He growled as he searched every room. Nothing.

Allan kicked the television and punched a hole in it, releasing some of his rage. If she wants to play that game, he can switch to another.

As he walked out of the wrecked house, he smirked and cracked his knuckles.


Althea turned to face Anthony, who was staring at the television and smiling softly. After his brother freed her, he quickly removed her from his home.

They went to his family's vacation cabin, which was very small but very private. It was a four-hour run from Allan's apartment complex in the opposite direction.

She is then pulled closer to Anthony by an arm wrapping around her. She smiles as she bites her lower lip. He was the only thing that kept her alive. Her family had never meant so much to her. They were pushy, and the band was quite racist.

"Hey Thea," she says as she turns to face Anthony, "what if he finds us?" Anthony wonders. She inhaled sharply, about to ask, but he beat her to it.

She then takes a step back, thinking. "You run as fast and as far as you can; he won't kill me if you don't," she says, leaning her head against his chest.

She could feel Anthony's grip tighten around her as he replied, "I don't want to leave you with him. He is a f*cking crazy psycho!" he hissed.

She felt bad because she was relying on Anthony at the moment. He might die if they don't play their cards correctly.

"Look, I don't want you to die, and I'm the only one who can stop Allan from doing this; some things are unavoidable," she tells him as honestly as she can. Allan was a crazy nut job, but they still had a mate bond that she could exploit.

As she waited for a response, silence filled the room. She was patient because she knew he was thinking of something, but Everything was dangerous. Even if she goes outside, her scent could be picked up by the wind and spread.

"What if," Anthony pauses, seemingly unsure of what he is about to say. "Never mind, it wouldn't work; are you getting sleepy?" he asks. She raised an eyebrow, curious as to what he thought, but didn't want to press him. She just nods and feels herself being picked up. She blushes slightly as he leads her to the cabin's one bedroom.

He placed her on the bed and draped a blanket over her before jumping in to join her. They used to sleep in the same bed as kids, so it wasn't a big deal. However, because this bed was only a queen, Anthony was pressed up against her.

As the night grew colder, she felt his body heat warm her.