
Alpha Centauri

(Hey, Author here, this is a new novel that I had written but never bothered to edit.

I got some free time today and since I didn't want to continue my other novels, I edited these first two chapters.

I will say the same thing I said in my other Novel "Zero fate against the world". This novel doesn't have a schedule since I am focusing on my main work, "In Danmachi with Plasmids".

Just go to my profile to see it.

This Novel came into existence a month ago when I was reading some Wuxia manhwa or whatever they are called, so I decided to try and give it a shot.

No promises ok, I might stop halfway but I will make sure to say when. I don't like to say drop, but since my other Novels are just starting, I might take some months to come back If I do stop.

This and the next chapter are info dumps, I hope you enjoyed the world I am slowly creating. It's rather clitch but as I said, I made this basing myself on those works I read.)


'It was a sunny day like any other day of summer.'

'Deep in the mountains, somewhere close to a waterfall, the sun shined brightly on the back of a young man.'

'This young man was quite strange, he had extremely defined muscles and short blond hair.'

'His eyes were closed and his knees were bent, he was in a strange stance with the front of his body turned towards a large mountain wall.'

"Phew… Third stance… Burst!"



'In a sudden turn of events, the young man's arms turned into afterimages as he struck his two fists against the mountain wall.'


'The rocky wall cracked, creating a 2-meter wide crater, displaying the superhuman strength of this boy.

He certainly wasn't a normal person...'

'He opened his eyes and gazed at the damage he had done'

"... I am still a little bit short. The form should be fine, but my body is still too weak for me to properly execute this move. Another useless technique for the current me. Sigh..."

'Surprisingly, the man wasn't satisfied with his results! What the fuck is happening with the world?'

/Buzz Buzz/

'From the side, on top a small rock, near a dropped bag, a small device similar to hand watch continually buzzed'

"Hm? Didn't I set that to silent mode? Is mom calling again?"

"Who is it?" He said to the air

"-Your brother is calling you sir-" Replied the mechanical male voice

"Ah! Thats rare now!"

If he is calling me it means…

He got what I wanted!

"Accept the call!"


'The device suddenly beeped and a full-scale colored holographic image of a man appeared in front of the boy.'

'The man was wearing formal military clothing, he even had a few badges on his shoulders'

"How's it going, bro? Did you get that?"

'The man on the other side had a constipated expression'

"Is this the first thing you say to me after three months?... No "How are you doing brother" or "Are you fine in the military" kind of question?"

"I know you will be fine! In any case, how's big sis?"

"She is..."


'Before the man could finish, a girl jumped right into the hologram. She looked young, around 25 perhaps?'

"How are you doing little Luiz?"

"I am fine, sister. How is everything going with big bro? Is he behaving well?"

"Oi! Am I a dog?..."

'But he was cut once more'

"He is doing fine! He even rose a few ranks now! Tell him your rank now!"

"... 32nd."

"That's… Incredible brother!"

I am not being ironic. Brother entered the River State Military Elite School.

Every year, At least a Million young students will try to join this school. And even so, there are only 1000 available spots.

And more importantly, Brother has already graduated and has entered the Official rankings of the Military University.

This means he is competing against other Military universities country-wide.

And a rank of 32nd means he is the 32nd best country-wide!

Although in the rankings of young prodigies…

There are many ranks out there, and Brother wouldn't even qualify to enter those top powerhouses ranks.

Perhaps in 20-30 years when his age matches those old dudes…

"And I'm not too far behind! I am now ranked 68!"

"That's great sister Lin."

Lin Sudong, this is the name of my big bro's wife.

"In any case brother, I came here to tell you that I got what you wanted. It sure took some work… You are getting more and more abusive with me!"

"Come on! I sent you all of the money needed and even some 'incentives'!"

"You make it sound illegal!" He replied

"In any case brother. I won't be able to talk with you for a while. So no more requests… Even if you send me money, I won't be able to get you anything."

No way…

How the fuck am I going to train if I cant get acess to the military techniques!

The ones you can get from the Nexus are all trash for the current me…

"Arg… What happened?" Asked Luiz

"There will be a special event soon, and this will open big opportunities for both me and Lin. So we will spend the next few months in hard training so that we can both get good results."

"So in the meantime, no more 'transactions'."


"Language young man." He said towards his younger brother

"... Sigh. If this is true then it means I will have to advance soon..."

"WHAT?!" X2

"Have you finaly decided to advance and stop being a lazy fuck?!"

"Shut up brother, I am not being lazy, I am strengthening my foundation..."

"Whatever you mean… You have been limiting yourself to the First stage of Strengthening for 3 years already! Get a fucking grip!"

"I am still ahead of most people though..."

"Most people aren't everyone. Although I will admit you are strong as you are, it is already way past the due date for your transformation… I will send some materials for you via Transmat later to help with the process."

"There is no need brother, I have been preparing for years, all the materials are ready"

"I have to do something otherwise Mom and dad are going to kick my ass later. Sell them late if you wish."

"Send me the news when you undergo Physical transformation."

"Goodbye little Luiz~" Said Lin

"Until next time you two. Good luck."

'The two waved and the hologram closed'

"-Call closed-" Said the mechanical voice.

"-You have received a new mail-"

"Open it"

'A new hologram opened, Multiple lines of strange symbols and numbers appeared... It was an encoded email. '

"The code is 12/10/2489 my brother's marriage day."


'The numbers disappeared, being replaced by a few lines of words.'


This is a Classified email!

It will self destruct in T-Minus 10 minutes

Tier-5 Movement Style> Continual Marching


"Not now..."

But finally… I finally got my hands on a Tier-5 Martial art!

'In order to understand the significance of this, we need to go over a little bit of history.'

400 years ago, in the year 2030, the triple-star system Alpha Centauri suddenly went "Boom"

To be exact they went supernova even when they shouldn't in at least several hundred Million years.

It took around 40 years for the explosion to reach Earth from their current location, 4.3 light years away.

That was already very, very fast.

Nevertheless, the light of the explosion was eventually detected by advanced observatories set around the edges of the solar system. After all, light is faster than the speed of the explosion right?

(Let's not be too scientific here. Although I would like to hear some of the knowledgeable opinions. I am not a physicist.)

The governments of the countries tried to maintain the secrecy of this information, yet, for the technological world of the time, it took less than a second for information to travel across the entire solar system.

It was obvious what happened… If the world was going to end soon, why hold yourself back?

Humanity's true nature was unleashed and chaos soon reigned across the entire solar system…

Because of the chaos, people didn't notice, but the planets had started to change.

Let's jump to what happened after the Chaos since a lot of history was lost during those times...

It was only a few decades after, or 400 years ago, in the year 2070, that they finally noticed what was going on.

This only happened since this was the year that was predicted for the end of the world to happen.

But it never came.

The history books explain the event as if a wave of light suddenly washed over the entire sky…

From that moment on, it was the end of the Chaotic Era and the start of the Era of disasters.

For the next 100 years, as order slowly settled, Humans tried their best to rebuild the lost civilization, but they failed each time due to the constant environmental disasters happening all across the different planets.

All humanity had to eventually retreat back into Earth since life in other places was impossible.

But Earth wasn't safe either.

Tsunamis, tornados, storms, volcano eruptions. All sorts of disasters happened in sequence and constantly.

The world was changing in a radical way.

Somehow, the Humans lived by aggregating in regions with more stable geological activities.

And with the stop of the changes, a new world opened for humans 100 years later.

It was the start of the "Sun Era", to symbolize a new brighter era… But that was a lie. A terrible lie.

After all, this era is also called, "The Warlord Era".

The thing is that, while the world was on the brink of destruction, some Humans actually mutated.

They got strange superpowers and could do incredible things. These people took control of the governments and when the disasters finally ended… They showed their fangs.

A brutal regime that would span 100 years started.

Many things happened during this period but I will only talk about the development of martial arts.

It's obvious that in a period where superpowers were the focus of society, all kinds of mystic and ancient rites would resurface as a way for people to gain even more power.

Satanism, witchcraft, magic, and all of that were brought back.

Many resulted in nothing at all, but some did bring results.

Martial arts being the most prominent one.

And this was what marked this era. 100 years of bloody wars and tyranny, an era where the strong reigned over the weak.

What could a normal person do against a warrior that can run 80Km/h and make an elephant faint with a punch?

Remember, technology regressed massively due to the previous two eras.

Thankfully, all ended when nature finally stabilized.

Although the people at the time would disagree with this...

… Humans weren't the only ones evolving.

Plants and animals and all other forms of life, even minerals, were changing.

And after 240 years of evolution, they had finally stabilized their ecosystem.

At the start it was only some outcast animals… But it soon grew to giant monster waves.

Almost all small villages were immediately destroyed and even bigger cities were wiped out.

Humans had to gather in small areas in order to better protect themselves against the beasts. Hence the previous system of Warlords and their territory was soon abandoned.

The ones who tried to keep it going soon fell to the endless hordes of monsters.

But why would the animals attack the Humans?


Humans tend to build their cities in the most suitable places.

Near water and fertile land, or in places with large amounts of "natural energy" so they could train.

And well… Most animals would also like to stay in those places!

If they can't get a spot in the deep wilderness, they can only dispute with the Humans.

And this was the next brutal period in the history of mankind. The Era of Beasts.

The first time since Humans had claimed Earth as its dominant species… The very first time they lost their throne.

In fact, it had been over 2 centuries already since they stopped being the rulers.

They just didn't know.

This period lasted another 100 years until the Humans figured out what made these animals so special.

And after deep research, the current Martial arts were born! Although they were still rather crude…

A new era came to replace the old bloody one. One that would last until today.

The Era of Martial arts!

And this year marks its 123rd year anniversary.

"And it's currently December 1, 2493"

The world started to change in the year 2070, and this era started in the year 2370.

"With that out of the way. How about I take a look at this technique?"

'Hew clicked a few buttons and opened the folder containing the technique'

[Continual Marching

Tier-5 Movement Style

Quick introduction: A movement technique made for quick movement over long distances while using the least amount of energy.

It's recommended to be at least an Accumulation Stage Martial artist in order to properly train in the technique.]

"It's very decent..."

'The young man suddenly looked at the air and smiled, before raising his hand and swiping to the side.'

"I will look at that later."

Although I do not meet the requirements for this technique, that doesn't mean I can't practice in it.

As long as I am proficient enough, I can use this technique for a small period of time.

"That's because from the lowest to the highest, Humans have classified themselves in 4 stages after hundreds of years of trial and error."

Human Awakening

Physical transformation

Energy Accumulation

SuperHuman Master

These are the names for the 4 stages of martial development.

The first stage is very simple. It's the preparation of the Human body for future transformation. This stage also includes normal Humans.

Everything from a newborn baby to an adult on the verge of entering the Physical transformation stage is classified to be on the stage of Human Awakening.

Physical transformation is as the name says, the modification of one's flesh and bones. The hardening of one's body through various means.

Energy Accumulation is a giant step. Long ago, Humans noticed that beasts could gather energy into their bodies, and by imitating that, this stage was created.

It involves gathering a lot of energy in one's body and transforming it by following a certain way.

A martial technique made to change your body... A Cultivation technique.

And finally SuperHuman Master… I don't know anything about that. That's very confidential, unfortunately.

"This was a very quick run down from all 4 main states, but it isn't over yet"

Just like Humans are classified into 4 stages the techniques developed by them are also classified into Tiers.

From Tier 1 to 8

The lowest to the highest.

Tier 1 and 2 are meant for the Human Awakening

Tier 3 and 4 are meant for the Physical transformation

Tier 5 and 6 are meant for the Energy Accumulation

Tier 7 and 8 are meant for the SuperHuman Master

If there is anything beyond that, then it is not disclosed to the public.

"There is also Tier-0, but that's a special classification meant for day to day techniques… They aren't hard to learn and they aren't special in any way. In fact, this classification will soon be purged from the school books."

"I am currently in the pinnacle of the Human Awakening and have been in this state since I was 15… Three years ago."

"At that time, I was a promising student that loved martial arts. But that was all."

I did not devote all of my time to martial arts like my brother used to do, nor did I suffer through incredibly painful methods in order to grow stronger.

I studied a lot, but I had a clear line between my private fun time and martial arts training.

"But it all changed when we went to Hunt beasts during the school trip three years ago..."

/Small flashback narration/

3 years ago, I was nothing but an above-average high schooler.

I was popular in school due to my grades.

I had a nice circle of friends.

And my martial progress was decent since my brother was always there to help me with my questions and give me some tips from time to time.

Like any school these days would do, in order to make the students more used to the life of martial artists. They would bring them to the nature reserve of the city to see monsters from up close.

What if someone didn't want to become a martial artist?

Are you dumb?

Who wouldn't want to live longer and have a more promising future?

And in any case, if you abandon martial arts, be sure to live a poor life.

If you can't even perform a basic sequence, you won't be contracted and finding a job will be impossible.

Between a normal ass Human, that guy who can lift 2 cars seems much cooler…

If you are a construction worker of course.

Each job has its own requirements.

Back to the nature reserve.

In there, being the hot-blooded youth I was, requested to spar with the beasts. The lowest tier one of course.

And the teachers accepted of course! That was their reason for bringing students here in the first place, and I was the brother of an already graduated Martial artist!

Someone in the top 100 of our country's Military Elite School ranking!

Youth Ranking... But still!

The brother of a prodigy!

Well… It was exactly because of this fact that I used to be a brat…

Because I was always compared to my brother, I ended up becoming a small-time delinquent.

Nothing too big, I never bullied anyone.

But I did partake in several… "High-risk" activities.

Going into restricted areas, messing with dangerous equipment, going to illegal places…

And my favorite, "The sneaky peaky day" where I went to take a look at the girls taking a bath in the lake and managed to flee without anyone noticing. And I took some photos.

All are deleted now of course. It would do me no good having nudes of 16-year-old girls.

… I was a kid okay. That was over 3 years ago sheesh.

So it was obvious that I would challenge a monster!

And I killed it pretty easily! I had many years of training under my brother after all. Ans the creature was weakened to boot.

But it all changed when 'that' started…

[Absorbing energy...]


[DNA matches with the one in the *****]

[Assimilating with Luiz Carter]

Pain took over my body at that time.

I wasn't a protagonist yet, so I obviously screamed and panicked.

The teachers thought I had been poisoned by the beast and took me to the infirmary where I took many medications.

Yet the pain didn't stop.

[Assimilation completed]

[Modification is in progress...]

[Fusion with the Soul has been finalized]

[Nameless has fused with Luiz Carter]

[You have hunted one Morning Tail Hound(Weakened) and gained one Point]

[Please name 'Nameless']

I was confused and disoriented due to the sudden images, the pain, and the drugs the doctors gave me. So I don't remember much of what happened.

But I know of one thing… That I passed out.

I woke up in my bed several hours later since my parents had gone to fetch me up.

And from that point on I forgot I had this ability… What? I just passed through a traumatic experience, it's obvious I would forget some things.

Until one hour later when I stepped on a bug.

[You hunted a Moth(Larva)]

[The difference between you and the creature is too big to award you with a Point]

I was confused but I quickly regained my calm.

The first thing I did was to follow the novels I had read.

I went to my room and tried all sorts of names and things in order to invoke something I didn't even know existed.

That served more to calm me down rather than to open the 'Vital Sheet'.

Hence, after half an hour of trying, I decided to stop and "talk" with my parents.

In truth, I went around the house looking for bugs and other insects.

I wanted to test if my parents could also see the window tabs…

And the result was pretty self-explanatory. They didn't.

I even went as far as to pick a beetle and crush it near my father so that the window would pop out right in front of his face.

Thankfully he didn't notice it, otherwise, it would be a pretty awkward situation to explain.

But that left me bewildered. What was I supposed to do now?

Was that an illusion or was it real?

So I went back to my room and continued to try and invoke the 'legendary Status'

It was only at night after hundreds of trials and errors did I managed to say it:

"Life Notes,... Vital Statistics,... Vital Sheet."

[Opening Nameless]

"What?... FOR REAL?!"

Thankfully my scream that time didn't attract anyone since my parents went for dinner at a nearby restaurant.

This was what I saw:

[-Vital Sheet-

Points: 1

Mind> 3

Physical> 5




Martial arts learned:

Fast fist Style- Grasped

Three steps Defence- Grasped


I saw something I was rather used to…

"It's just like those VR game screens..."

[It has been detected that you have one Point remaining]

[Would you like to spend the Point?]

"... How do I do that?"

But the system never replied to me. So I had to figure out things on my own.

So I will cut to the chase and tell you how it works.

I gain points by killing creatures, the stronger it is compared to me, the greater the chance of me gaining 1 Point. Just 1. Never 2, even after 3 years and killing creatures much stronger than me, I never gained 2 Points.

I can invest these points into all of my stats and raise them up all the way to a certain limit.

I can also spend these points to increase my familiarity with any Martial art I had already learned.

Higher Tiered Martial arts require more Points.

And that's "all".

What is familiarity? It's the term for your level of mastery over a technique.


Each determines just how well you are at using a technique and how much of it you can use.

Someone who has mastered a technique is clearly going to be able to use it in any situation as long as it's not something impossible like trying to run in the water.

You need a proper technique for that.

How did I find that I could do that?

So… By sheer luck, I decided to focus on those two skills, and...

[Invest one point to raise Tier-1 Fast fist Style to 'Adept']

And that's when my life changed.

Siguiente capítulo