
Jess Chapter 1

Defeat. So, this is what it feels like to have lost everything in a second. Am I about to die here?

As a young boy, When I was young, they tell me tales where gallant men go into battle. They usually come home with a fair maid and stories of glorious melees. I believed those tales. I was wrong, I should have never set foot in this.

We were scouting the fields of Porthcrawl and making sure that the herd can graze free. But for unknown reasons this nightmare happened to us.

The gods have abandoned us in this day, I said to myself. The first unit of the house of Ebrapis descended towards us like mad dogs in an ambush. We scattered without a plan leading us. Our lives mean nothing. I mean nothing.

"Arggh my arm!" "Somebody helps us!" " wails of my young comrades strewn all around the ambush that happened. We were naïve to the fangs of war. I watched as they mow down everyone I have come to march with.

This is hopeless. my nerves are wracking. I'm about to vomit seeing the mangled body parts torn apart by the opposing army. I grabbed a spear and shield to help protect myself from the hail of arrows clouding up the sky. I placed the shield on my back to ward off arrows.

I grabbed a sumpter horse and strode across the mountains to find a hiding spot in the woods. Hoping to buy a little more time before they catch me. I won't end up like the others. I won't die here.

Managing up to hide in this steppe ravine, I know the scouting parties would find me soon and I would end up dead. I fear the worst, A deserter in Erunith treated worse than scum. I have to live all my life thinking that I should have died on the same spot my militia did.

I can hear the howling cries of help from my fellow comrades. But how would I dare stand a chance against his Warband of 150 or so soldiers? It would be suicide. Why am I thinking I can be the hero all of a sudden? I couldn't even confront the man in single combat if I were to go back there now.

I overhead the march calling for a general Rowd as he orders to clear the Griffin camp of survivors. I can see him from the meadows. He's tall, tanned-skinned, and fashions a long auburn ponytail. I know that he won't spot me from here. They are covering the mountain pass, and there is no way to escape other than jumping off the waterfalls.

This should be my last chance. An all-or-nothing gamble. I don't know if I would survive the current. Whether the ebbs take me on the low ground doesn't matter. It is my only chance at escape.

Gosh dammit! A stray arrow almost struck me in the back. It's a good thing I brought this shield with me. I should not have dilly-dallied thinking that there was another way out. It's a 30-meter drop.

"Look at who we've found!" "Looks like we got ourselves some deserter" my spine tingled as I heard two voices shout from my back. I have nothing else to go but fight. How can a boy fare against two men? They may have the numbers, but also the wit and the arrogance.

I can win this one with ease. I said to myself. I crouched with my spear and waited for them to charge at me. I must kill them before I make this jump. I have to kill them to satiate my sense of vengeance. I also have to kill them because one of them is now blocking the path towards the falls.

If I have to live, I have to kill the young boy in me and become a man. One of the two pounced at me with his sword while the other circled around me as they were trying to pincer from behind.

I immediately struck my spear and hit his stomach. He was wearing weak armor and overshot his attack. I can see the insides of his guts spill out.

The other one panicked and shouted the name Rowd. It seems that I bit more than I can chew. While he panicked and before that Rowd appeared, I jumped to the waterfall. I held my shield to brace for impact. As I brace for impact, I begin to lose my senses.

I must live and carry on, I know I must.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Jess_Pacamparacreators' thoughts