

" Song Tian," the name was sweet and rolled off my tongue easily. I could almost picture him, the image of him was just out of reach, like a picture blurred by fog. The trees outside the van window rolled by one after another getting less densely populated the farther away we got from the mountain. The van is as silent as it is outside the window. The only sound comes from the consistent whirring of the air conditioning.

The trees soon give away to looming towers reaching up to the baby blue sky. The constant buzz

of the city is the complete opposite suffocating silence of the estate. Yet, a part of me finds comfort in the differences. I feel alive, and over there I felt dead. The minutes fade away as I pear out the tinted van windows trying to memorize every detail of this new exciting setting. It wasn't long till we stopped abruptly in front of a grand building taking up the same space three normal buildings would have.

I felt my breath sucked from my lungs by the sight, but I couldn't admire it long before I was shoved inside. The lobby was grand and open, and bedecked in glamour. Everyone around me moved with a purpose moving some boxes or maybe some luggage, but all I could do is follow the stream of people leading me to the top of the building.

The apartment was perched above the city giving me a perfect view of the streets below. People surrounded me setting up the apartment most them I had never seen before. As quickly as the people came with the boxes and luggage they were gone. All they left me was a credit card and instructions.

Or at least I assumed they were instructions. I hadn't looked at them yet. I honestly didn't care about anything right now, and just wanted to take a deep breath. A smile blooms across my face involuntarily. A warm feeling spreads from my chest making my skin tingle.

"I'm . Free."

"I'm FREE!" I shout feeling exhilaration fuel my tired weary bones. If only I knew then that no matter where I ran, or how far I ran.

I would never be free.

Hello my dear Readers! I'm gonna be back updating like normal now. I just wanted to let you know, that due to complications with this account and other stuff. I will be updating White Rose Tainted under a different account. Here is the link


RainyMooncreators' thoughts