
Chapter One: Magic Knight Exam

After many weeks of spending my time walking around. I finally made it at the capital of Clover kingdom, Castle Town Kikka. Not like in my village, there were lots of stand, foreigners, and houses surrounding the place. It was a more noisy, cheerful and magical town than on my own village.

I don't know if I should be happy how this place is so lively than any village I've gone to. It was exactly why this kingdom is more prosperous at training magic knights and having a great Wizard King. Yes, a wizard king who fought and saved the humanity of all people from a demon who was nearly killed our ancestors lives. Every kid dreams to be like him, but not me though, I don't have that kind of motivation to save all people living in this world.

I look around and saw a huge building at the center. It was like coliseum build in stone and have wide opening at every spaces. It was perfect spot for the exam to be taken. I slowly make my way there and I saw people parading at the side, cheering the future knights that will serve the kingdom. There was an idiot who literally accepted those cheering.

Inside was full of candidates who was having a mixture emotion of finally becoming a Magic Knight. It's must be nice having that kind of attitude. I fall in line and waited another three or four minutes of waiting. It was my turn to be checked.

"I'm Velle from Bitura Village"

"Velle from Bitura Village. Can I see your grimoire?" The guy asked.

I showed him my grimoire shining brightly even though he wasn't touching it. His eyes widen as he count how many leaf my clover have.

"A f-four leaf clover" he hesitatedly said.

My surrounding started to mumbled things like "another four leaf one", "a person who got a four leaf who isn't a royal", "Why I weakling like her". There were questioning the appearance of myself. I should have not taken this exam. The examiner place his hand above one inch on my grimoire and gave it a little glow.

"You're #345, Next" he said.

I returned my grimoire back to my bag and left the line. There wasn't anything interesting to do in the place and I waited for another long time. When it was at almost noon, the area of the center of the building suddenly get crowded by the candidates.

The candidates were having those friendly meeting with others and chatting how there exam would be. Things were getting interesting when one of the captain of a Magic Knight Squad: Black Bull, Yami suddenly grab a kid with just one hand as he crush the skull of the kid. The kid fight back with force and his physical power, he struggle within that moment and the enemy wasn't scared at all when Yami is counting the death of the kid, until it reach one, colourful fireworks was shot in the air as the representation of the opening of the exam. It was the most interesting thing that I saw today and that kid was exactly the amusing person that I wanted to find.

The exam began and all the Magic Knight Squad Captains sat at there very own throne. From the left was Captain of the Coral Peacocks, Dorothy: wearing a fabulous pink pointy hat as well her entire clothes was pink complementing her purple hair as she sleep and judge on her sit, Captain of the Green Praying Mantis, Jack the Ripper: wearing his green robe have a symbol on the right side, Captain of the Blue Rose Knights, Captain of the Silver Eagles, Captain of the Golden Dawn who was said to be the next Wizard King, Crimson Lion Kings, Black Bull, Aqua deer and Purple Orcas. All the captain was present. It was the first time all the captain was present.

The Golden Dawn Captain begins the exam with a simple test. To fly a broom. Candidates, one by one, grabbed their own broom and took time to learn it. On the other hand, a guy already mastered flying his broom and even standing at it.

Show off.

As I observed the candidates, a guy came to me having smug face on him. He looks familiar? Where have I seen him?

"If it isn't the murderer. Why are you here?" He said in amused

Ah. Now I finally remembered. He is one of my childhood friend, Dean. A backstabber ass who was please to see me gone from my village. I rolled my eyes and averted looking at his face. He wasn't entertained when I did not give the attention he wanted.

Dean's grimiore rose up and flipped the pages.

"Earth Creation magic: Heavy Hammer"

A hammer created in dirt appeared in front of Dean, he grasped both of his hand and jumped behind me. I quickly noticed his shadow and dodged it. I turned around to see a hot kettle burning from rage. He swing again yet I dodged it. He swings continuously, he didn't mind the damage he have done all he thought was to hit me. My lips curved, I could not stop smiling seeing a face so desperate to kill me. He slammed the hammer in the ground, shaking the area where I was standing. When he saw me unbalanced, he let out a smirk.

"I got you now, murderer"

How, I pity him.

I sat at the broom and fly in to the air, I saw the dumbfounded plastered on his face, he didn't expect me flying. Of course I'm going to fly, its a fly test, idiot. I chuckled as I noticed Dean being dragged by Senior Magic Knight. That was fun, though after that nothing interesting happened, except the kid who was bullied by the Black Bull Captain seems cant fly.

I wonder when will my amusement appear?

Depending of the result. This isn't really the full of chapter. Please support to give a coffee for me to continue. Thank you and enjoy :)

Foodchancreators' thoughts