
Whispering Realms: Apprentice of the Ethereal

In the mystical lands of ancient China, young Mi Xingzhe, an unassuming village boy, finds his destiny intertwined with celestial forces when he becomes the apprentice of the enigmatic sage, Li Luoning. Thrust into a world of arcane arts and eldritch creatures, Mi must navigate treacherous trials and cultivate his spiritual prowess to protect the realms from looming ethereal threats. As he delves deeper into this mystical world, dark secrets unravel, challenging his beliefs and forcing him to choose between the path of power or the road to righteousness. Will he rise to become a protector of the ethereal or succumb to the shadows lurking within? Join Mi Xingzhe in his enthralling journey through the "Whispering Realms," where every whisper of the wind carries the weight of ancient secrets and the promise of transcendent power.

Bonnie_802 · Fantasía
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86 Chs

Hundred Blades Blazing Kill

Leaving the grand hall, the group remained silent. A figure in white emerged from the shadows, partially concealed by the flowering trees, a contemptuous smile playing on his lips.

"Things are getting more interesting."

Everyone knew that it was impossible for Mi Xingzhe to commit such a crime. However, all the evidence pointed towards him, and now he was missing, arousing further suspicion.

"Qingyi, where could Junior Brother have gone?" Yue Ruling asked worriedly.

"I don't know. I looked for him this morning but didn't see him," Yun Qingyi replied, feeling equally at a loss.

"What about Miss Ruoying?" Yue Ruling asked.

"You know about Miss Ruoying?" Yun Qingyi intended to avoid the topic but was surprised Yue Ruling was already aware of Hua Ruoying's existence.

"He told me everything. If Hua Ruoying is from Wuming Demon Mountain, then Junior Brother's disappearance must be related to her."

"Report!" A celestial soldier ran up to them.

"Speak," Qingyuan commanded.

"One of our guards stationed at the southwest corner was found knocked out."

"The southwest corner? That's... towards The Flatland. Oh no, Xingzhe..." Yun Qingyi exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Hua Ruoying and Qing Ping were speeding towards the border of Ice Bamboo Forest and The Flatland in a carriage.

"Sister Ruoying, are you really taking the young master away?" Qing Ping asked while driving the carriage, glancing back nervously.

"Focus on driving. Leave the rest to me," Hua Ruoying replied.

Mi Xingzhe lay unconscious in the carriage, unmoved by the jostling.

As they approached the boundary of The Liao Yin Immortal Realm, Qing Ping pulled out The Empty Flower Token she had taken from a guard. But just as she lowered her head, a sudden golden spell frightened the horses, causing them to halt abruptly.

Qing Ping was startled. She looked ahead and saw a figure standing with his back to them, dressed in black, his robes fluttering in the wind.

Noticing the carriage had stopped, Hua Ruoying peeked out, "It's him?"

Nan Zhe, in his black robes, turned slowly, as if expecting them.

"Miss Ruoying, where are you rushing off to?" Nan Zhe's charming voice drifted from behind his mask.

"Get out of the way. What do you want?" Hua Ruoying snapped.

"Do you remember promising to do three things for me?" Nan Zhe asked calmly.

Knowing that delaying here would allow the pursuers to catch up, Hua Ruoying reluctantly responded, "Get to the point. I don't have time for your games."

"So impatient. Look at this," Nan Zhe said, opening his right hand.

Hua Ruoying's eyes widened in shock.

A stick of incense later, Li Luoning and Yun Qingyi arrived at the scene, spotting the carriage. Yun Qingyi rushed forward to search it.

"Master, he's not here," Yun Qingyi reported, emerging from the empty carriage.

"They must have crossed the boundary," Li Luoning said.

Just then, Yue Ruling arrived with a group of celestial soldiers.

"Qingyi, any clues?" Yue Ruling asked.

Yun Qingyi shook his head.

"Search the area thoroughly. Leave no stone unturned," Yue Ruling ordered. The soldiers dispersed, searching the forest.

"Are we sure it was them who took Junior Brother?" Yue Ruling asked.

"Besides them, who else could have gotten so close to Xingzhe?" Yun Qingyi replied.

"I can't believe they had the nerve to kidnap someone right under our noses," Yue Ruling fumed.

"Report, General. We found this in the bushes," a soldier said, handing over an item.

"Is this?" Both Li Luoning and Yun Qingyi were shocked.

"Junior Brother's jade pendant?" Yue Ruling examined it carefully.

"It seems they had an accomplice powerful enough to challenge us," Li Luoning said worriedly, holding the pendant.

"Without his jade pendant for protection, and not knowing where he's been taken, how will we find him?" Yun Qingyi asked anxiously.

"Wuming Demon Mountain," Li Luoning said softly.

"Wuming Demon Mountain?" Yue Ruling asked.

"Hua Ruoying approached us with a purpose. Kidnapping Xingzhe was part of her plan. When I examined her, I found she was infected with a parasite known as the Crystal Orchid, which comes in male and female forms. The infected cannot be too close, or one will suffer cold poison while the other burns from within. She needs an antidote regularly to manage the symptoms," Li Luoning explained.

"So you knew she was hiding something from the start?" Yun Qingyi asked.

Li Luoning nodded. "I wanted to wait and see her intentions. But I didn't expect her to harm the Medicine King and frame Xingzhe. What I can't understand is why she would help us escape, only to frame and kidnap Xingzhe later?"

Yun Qingyi thought for a moment. "Master, could it be for that?"

Li Luoning understood Yun Qingyi's implication but shook his head, not convinced. Yue Ruling, puzzled, couldn't follow their conversation.

"Ruling, Master and I will continue searching for Junior Brother. You should return and report. Your presence here might draw attention."

"Alright, I'll report back and try to buy you some time. Once we find Xingzhe, we'll plan the next steps," Yue Ruling agreed.

At Nan Zhe's residence in The Flatland, Hua Ruoying and Qing Ping were escorted off the carriage by ghostly servants, while two ghost soldiers roughly handled the unconscious Mi Xingzhe.

"Hey, be gentle!" Hua Ruoying scolded, stepping forward to support Mi Xingzhe herself.

The ghost soldiers hesitated and looked at Nan Zhe. He waved his hand, and they released Mi Xingzhe, letting Hua Ruoying take over.

"This way, Miss Ruoying," Nan Zhe said politely, leading the way.

Hua Ruoying and Qing Ping followed Nan Zhe to a secluded courtyard. Unlike the rest of the residence, it had white walls, grey tiles, bamboo, and chrysanthemums, giving it a serene and elegant atmosphere, uncharacteristic of The Flatland.

"Here is the Chuanxia Pavilion. You can rest here," Nan Zhe said, leading the group into a guest room.

Hua Ruoying and Qing Ping helped lay Mi Xingzhe on the bed, surveying the room's decor.

"Who would have thought that the Ghost King of The Flatland would have such an elegant courtyard?" Hua Ruoying remarked.

"Ghost King?" Nan Zhe repeated with a smirk, lowering his voice.

"What does your lord intend by having us stay here?" Hua Ruoying asked.

"I'm not sure. The Demon Lord instructed me to have you rest here. He will handle the rest," Nan Zhe replied softly before leaving.

Hua Ruoying wanted to ask more but found the entrance to Chuanxia Pavilion sealed by a barrier, making it impossible to leave.

"Sister Ruoying, do you think Nan Zhe is deceiving us?" Qing Ping asked.

"Impossible. The lord's token is genuine," Hua Ruoying said, glancing at the departing Nan Zhe and then at the still-unconscious Mi Xingzhe.

That night, a black figure descended into the courtyard of Chuanxia Pavilion. Hua Ruoying instinctively threw three poison needles, which the figure easily caught.

"Spending time outside has made you bolder," Li Minghan scoffed from the doorway.

Recognizing the voice, Hua Ruoying quickly opened the door and knelt on one knee, "Greetings, Lord."

"Have you completed your task?" Li Minghan asked, ignoring Hua Ruoying and walking directly to Mi Xingzhe lying on the bed.

"Yes, Lord," Hua Ruoying replied.

"Very good. Li Luoning and his senior disciple are currently searching for you. Stay here and await further instructions," Li Minghan said, brushing Mi Xingzhe's face with an indifferent tone.

"What do you intend to do with him?" Hua Ruoying asked.

"It's none of your concern," Li Minghan replied, gesturing for the demon soldiers to take the still-unconscious Mi Xingzhe away.

Li Luoning and Yun Qingyi had intended to head straight to Nan Zhe's residence in The Flatland, but they encountered constant obstacles, as if someone knew they were coming. Along the way, they faced numerous minor demons and creatures, many of which were venomous.

Forced to fight off these creatures, Li Luoning and Yun Qingyi were delayed, finding themselves stuck in the demon-infested forest before reaching The Flatland.

The minor demons, though not powerful individually, attacked in overwhelming numbers. They showed no signs of pain and continued fighting even when injured, resorting to biting and clawing when disarmed.

"Qingyi, there are too many of them. This won't work. You go on ahead," Li Luoning said while fighting.

"Master, we should go together," Yun Qingyi insisted.

"You go first. These minor demons can't defeat me," Li Luoning replied. Distracted for a moment, he didn't notice a demon spitting sharp stones at him.

"Master, watch out!" Yun Qingyi leaped forward, taking the stones' hit, which cut his arm.

"Master, they're poisoned," Yun Qingyi managed to say before collapsing.

"Qingyi!" Li Luoning caught Yun Qingyi, noting the black-green wound on his arm. His expression turned grim, eyes filling with rage.

"Since you won't take the easy way, you'll face the hard way!"

Angered by Yun Qingyi's injury, Li Luoning decided against mercy. His anger ignited his inner energy, making his eyes glow gold.

Li Luoning bit his fingers, drawing blood to mark his forehead, chanting, "In the presence of a hundred blades, let the burning purge the enemies, break!"

A powerful golden light shot from Li Luoning's forehead as he struck the ground. The minor demons turned to ash upon contact with the light. Exhausted, Li Luoning surveyed the area, blood staining his lips.

Having escaped the demons, Li Luoning carried Yun Qingyi into a cave. In the dark cave, the sound of dripping water echoed. Li Luoning found a spot to sit down with Yun Qingyi.

"Qingyi, take this pill. I'll find some water to clean your wound," Li Luoning said, gently tapping Yun Qingyi's face. He placed a pill in Yun Qingyi's hand and stood to leave.

"Master," Yun Qingyi called out, sensing something.

Outside the cave, a figure cast a spell, causing rocks to fall and partially block the entrance.

If not for Yun Qingyi's warning, Li Luoning would have been buried under the rocks. He dusted off and examined the blocked entrance.

"Someone wants to trap us here."

"What now? Xingzhe is still... (cough, cough)," Yun Qingyi said, coughing up blood.

"Though the entrance is blocked, it's mostly loose rocks. Rest a bit, and I can clear it. Our priority is escaping," Li Luoning reassured.

In a Fanli Valley inn, Mi Xingzhe slowly opened his eyes.

"Where am I?" Mi Xingzhe wondered, looking around. He recognized the place as an inn but couldn't remember how he got there. He recalled having tea with Miss Ruoying in the morning but couldn't recall how he ended up here.

Just then, the door opened, and a man in a dark blue robe with silver patterns walked in. Seeing Mi Xingzhe awake, he placed a medicine bowl on the table.

"You're awake."

Hearing the voice, Mi Xingzhe turned, squinting to focus his vision.
