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The next day, evening. 

It was 7:30 PM and the group was getting ready to go to the inauguration of 5G's fifth club. David had already reached the club before his friends as he was the host. Diana, Suzan, Kate & Daniel decided to go together and Sebastian & Dylan were going together. 

Daniel and the girls reached before the boys so first they congratulated David and even met George, Josh, Adam & Neil. After meetings and greetings they settled down at one place with some drinks and started talking but suddenly Daniel's face turned pale as he saw a very familiar face in the crowd. 

"Dan, everything alright?" Diana asked as she saw the sudden change of expressions on Daniel's face. 

"Um…it's….you remember Jake?" Dan asked as he swallowed the sip of alcohol. 

"The cancerous ex?" Diana asked with a questioning look.

"Yeah." Daniel said as he nodded lightly. 

"Wait…" Diana turned around real quick and saw the guy… "What's he doing here?" She asked. 

"How the heck I'm supposed to know?" Daniel asked with slight anger in his voice. 

"Okay, okay. No need to get angry. Maybe he will not even notice you." Diana said with a carefree look. 

And just when Diana said this, Jake was coming towards their table already. He was walking towards their table with this confident and evil look. Although it may not be completely visible but Daniel had started to feel uncomfortable already. As Kate noticed this, she grabbed his hand tightly and kept it on table. 

"What are you doing?" Daniel asked with confusion as he saw this action from Kate. 

"It's the annoying "sales person" so, it's time for him to get annoyed." Kate said. 

"Kate, I cannot get you involved in this." Daniel said as he tried to shake off his hand. 

"I am choosing to get involved." Kate said said with a confident smile. 

As this conversation ended Jake had reached the table and sat on the empty seat. 

"I told you we'd meet." Jake said. 

"Yeah, I heard you too." Kate said as she forwarded her hand for a formal handshake. 

"Kate, his girlfriend." She said with a confident smile. 

"Jake, his friend" He said with the same confident smile but the difference was that his confident smile was actually just hiding his dark personality. 

As this scene took place, Sebastian had entered the club with Dylan and he saw Kate saying she was Daniel's girlfriend with confidence. The scene broke his heart but he couldn't do anything so he just tried to ignore the whole thing and just went to meet David with Dylan to congratulate him. Sebastian started to drink to cope up with the tough night that was about to come. 

The uncomfort for Daniel kept growing. And not just uncomfort but he even started to feel bad for Kate. 

"So, you are his girlfriend, right?" Jake asked. 

"Yeah." Kate said. 

"Then kiss him." Jake said as he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Okay, that's it…."

Before Daniel could complete his sentence, Kate's lips had landed on his. Daniel knew this was wrong, so he had to push her 

"Okay, you are right Jake. She isn't my girlfriend. Just tell me what the heck you want." Daniel said with anger. 

To someone who was looking at this from a distance, his heart was aching. He was not just drinking alcohol. He was drinking his pain away. 

"Seb, don't you think you're drinking a bit too much?" Dylan asked. 

"Hm? No, I don't think so." Sebastian said as he drank the rest of his alcohol in one go. 

"Is it because of Kate?" Dylan asked with a serious expression. 

"Well, yeah. I mean...you know in high school I thought it was a crush… but as I grew up I understood it wasn't just some crush. I just love that girl. I tried to denied this fact so many times by dating other girls but I was unable to give them the love I'd wanna give her….and I kinda have understood that this Daniel guy is better than me...but it still hurts..you..know.." Sebastian said with a heavy voice. Sebastian did not only look sad but he looked broken, hurt. 

"Buddy… I...um…" 

Before Dylan could complete his sentence, they both and not just them but the whole party had started to hear a guy's voice. 

"Sir, what's the matter?" David asked as he reached to the guy who was shouting. 

The guy was none other than Jake. What was he shouting? He was shouting that Daniell has been harassing him in this party in front of all these people. 

Although David was shocked to hear that. 

"Is that true sir?" David asked for the formality's sake.

"It's kinda the other way around." Daniel said as he showed his phone. 

"We will just check the CCTV footage and see who is harassing whom." David said as he took both the guys away from the party. 

As David took them the party got back on its track. People again started to dance, drink, chatter. After a while Kate had started to regret some actions. 

"Guys...I guess I should just confess!" Kate said with a little scared and nervous look. 

"Well, Sebastian is in the party...I don't know where he is though" Diana said as she remembered seeing Dylan, David & Sebastian talking together just a while ago when she went to take drinks. 

"Okay, um wish me luck." Kate said as she mustered some courage and got up from her seat to find Sebastian. 

"Good luck!" Diana & Suzan said together. 

"Hey, now that Kate is fixed… didn't you said you were gonna set me up?" Suzan said with a smile.

"Oh yeah, okay let's see." 

Meanwhile, the Control Room. 

"Security, please take this guy outta the club and make sure he does not get in, EVER AGAIN." David said to the security after seeing the CCTV footage. 

"Yes, sir." The security guys said as he took Jake away. 

After the security guys took away Jake. Daniel took a sigh of relief and felt comfortable.

"I'm really sorry Daniel...so um...none of my business but that guy was your ex and you are dating Kate...so...are you Bisexual?" David asked. 

"Um, yeah." Daniel said. 

On the other hand, Kate was unable to find Sebastian in the party. So she asked Dylan if he had seen him.

"You are finding Sebastian? He's on the rooftop. He said he was feeling too stuffy in the party so I gave him the key to the rooftop." David said as he came out of the controlling room with Daniel and saw Kate asking about Sebastian to Dylan. 

"Oh...thanks David!" Kate said as she ran to the rooftop.

After reaching the rooftop first Kate caught her breath and then took deep breaths as she was about to confess her feelings towards Sebastian. Her heart was beating fast due to nervousness. Her breathing had gotten heavy. But she somehow made herself normal and then walked towards Sebastian. 

Her breathing was so loud that Sebastian was able to hear it from some steps away. So he turned around and he was a little startled to see Kate there. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked in his usual voice. 

"Well, I'm here to talk." Kate said as she walked a little past Sebastian to hold the railing. 

"Oh, well okay. Go on." Sebastian said. 

"So….today you know I'm regretting things. I...um...kissed a guy I don't love...well I mean at least not in the manner I love this other guy." 

"Oh.." Sebastian said lightly. 

"Yeah, and since the regret has hit me… I'm thinking that maybe I should tell this other guy that I DO love…. So um… Okay, here it goes…" Kate turned to Sebastian to look him into the eyes "Sebastian...you are the other guy that I actually love. I was a fool to think that by acting someone else's girlfriend you'd get jealous and then confess…. I guess um...the plan would've worked if we were in high school or something...but ig now it won't huh… and I don't want your answer right now...you can take as much time as you need." Kate said in one go as her heart beat was up the whole time. 

"Wait...so...you and Daniel were not dating in real?" 

"Nope." Kate said. 

Listening to this Sebastian somehow felt less anxious and a bit more happy. 

"Well I don't need time. My answer is yes." Sebastian said.

"Wait, what?" Kate said

"Yeah." Sebastian said with a light smile which later...turned into tears. 

"What-what happened?" Kate asked as she saw the sudden tears. 

"Oh..I um...it was just a really hard day…" Sebastian said.

"You saw..everything didn't you?" Kate said as she walked some steps towards him and wiped his tears. 


"I'm sorry Sebastian…" Kate said with sadness.

"Hey, you don't need to say sorry. You are here now." Sebastian said as he took her hand into his and kissed it. 


Well, well there you go! Ah finally Sebastian & Kate are together. And I hope... the chapter was good for story and in general because well ....some things came spontaneously while some were planned. So, do tell me in comments section if you did like the chapter or not.

Anyways, that's it for today and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Love ya!


Pakohoshino29creators' thoughts
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