
When the Grim Reaper Reluctantly Becomes a Guardian

“Somebody has to get his hands dirty for the sake of others. Somebody has to reap the tares to protect the wheat…!” Idukki had once a happy life with his family. However, at an early age, war raged out of discrimination and hatred, killing his parents and separating him from his siblings. With nowhere to go, an old man with a scythe took him in and trained him the Arts of the Moon. Burdened with responsibility to take out the “trash” of this world, Idukki obliged himself to take the title of the Shinigami from his Master, and sets out to wander all over the world “reaping” the lives of malefactors. Will Idukki succumb to his burden with no restoration in sight? Or will someone out there succour and comfort his burden the right way? Disclaimer: Temporary Book Cover in use (Not my art)

Kyou_Tamasaki · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Shinigami desu!

3rd Person's POV

As the sun rests from its service, the moon does not wait any longer to manifest its shine on the unilluminated horizon. The stratosphere lacks layers of clouds, causing the stars to twinkle their best. While it gives off this sleepy, peaceful atmosphere for all the lands…,

Havoc chooses the wealthy city, Nan Curunir, in the sandy Southern Orient Desert. Of all the magnificent skyscrapers built by the legendary dwarves, one of them, once standing beautiful with its glowing windows, will be filled with shattered glass scattered around and inside it.

Inside of this carpeted meeting room — protected by bodyguards outside the room — is an illegitimate organisation, which sells illegal drugs and forbidden magic crystal, discussing the next destination of their shady market.

Abruptly, their door flies away towards the windows, breaking it. Every illegal worker in gasps from the unexpected event.

"Hello! Shinigami desu (It's the Shinigami)!"

A voice echoes from a young man in his teens, pulling down his damaged, black and grey, two-sided cloak filled with holes to the back of his neck. He turns his direction towards theirs, revealing a grey crescent moon symbol at the back of his robe.

Using some gravitational prowess, he pulls one of their chairs and stomps his foot showing the dark and scratched, knee-high, buckle strap leather boots.

Everyone in the room is shocked by what just happened. Still processing why a teenage boy with black hair and some grey highlights carrying a two-metre scythe — a scythe with chains and a spiked ball at the end — will waltz into their meeting, bursting their door.

But as the young man's laugh stops, and scans at them like a wolf hunting their prey, the confused employees recognize him in an instant as soon as they see a scarred amber eye on his left, while a greyish colour on his right.

"Everyone! Run away while you can!" one employee shouts with a warning as he runs towards the emergency door at the back.

However, he meets his demise as a flying scythe pierces through him into a wall. Everyone gasps at the gruesome scene while the young man casually walks across the crowd with the laughter of a maniac to the dead man to collect his scythe.

"It can't be! Where are the guards?" their boss shouts.

"Oh, don't worry. They're in a better place!" the murderer laughs. As he points at the dead bodies right outside the room.

"Tch, you! What do you want from us?"

"Me? I'm just a plain and simple man. When I kill you, I want to see the face of regret in your eyes as you cry for your dear life!"

On that very night, screams of agony and a horrible laugh fill the air, glass windows shatter, blood splatters everywhere. It is a truly horrific sight. This continues until one man left. But this man differs from all the rest. He never cries, shouts, and panics. As the blood-covered scythe approaches for his neck, the mysterious psychopath finally stops laughing and smiling at the sight of this man and frowns out of disappointment.

"You there, you already knew what you have done, don't you?" the psychopath inquires as he sits beside him and drops his scythe beside him.

"Yes, I knew something terrible will come if I join this shady organisation of illegal drugs and crystals, but I need the money for my family. I know it's just an excuse, so just take my life, Mr. Reaper."

"Do you have one last wish?"

"Please," — he takes a piece of paper out of his pocket — "take this note to my family. Our family's name is the Kobayashi. They live in the forest of the Northern Orient. They—!"

"Sh. Sh. Sh. I can track them with connections," he snatches the note of his hand. "I always respect a repenter's wish. Now, look into my right eye."

"Thank you…, Mr. Reaper…," he looks into his grey eyes as it glows.

"Forgotten Art of Tsukuyomi: Peaceful Slumber…,"

The man's eyes glow like the Reaper's right eye. After a minute passes, his eyes were full of tears as his vitality slowly vanishes away.

"Thank you… thank you for showing me what I could have done for my family the better way… I'm sorry, dear. For leaving you and our child this way…," he drops to the floor and died a peaceful death.

When the Reaper confirms his death, he sighs and picks up his scythe. Suddenly, a horde of men in rust brown suits rushes to the room and immediately inspects the corpses.

As one of them inspects Mr Kobayashi's body, the reaper passes the note to him. He nods and puts it in his pants' pocket.

"Special case!" he shouts and tells the others about the corpse beside the Reaper. "Don't worry, Shinigami-san, let us handle this matter. Please, wait at the hover limo. Kiryu-sama is expecting you."

"Huh? I don't need those fancy hover mobiles of Yuacchi. I'll go over there myself without any help!" he exclaims rudely.

While the men in suits do their job to make the place clean as nothing had happened, the Reaper does some cleaning to himself, too. Entering at a nearby washroom, he unfolds his blood-drenched fabric bandages on his arms and replaces with new ones.

He wipes off the excess blood on his dark, short-sleeve shirt with an upside down, white crescent moon symbol on its bottom right. But when he tries to rub off the bloodstain from his slightly baggy, dark grey cargo pants, some stains will not budge.

"Shoot, the blood isn't coming off at all. Yuacchi will kill me!" he shouts with trepidation, filling every nerve of his body, and sighs after panicking. "Running away isn't an option…, Art of the Moon: Second Form. Moon's Omnipresence..."

~~~⊂ (・∀・) 彡 =͟͟͞͞ (✹) `Д´) ~~~

The Reaper warps into a destination where he regularly visits. He instantly appears inside an enormous building with a ceiling estimating to be three-stories high. The earthy colours give off a relaxing vibe from nature.

In front of the Reaper is a massive gate that no one can push except the top executives of the organisation. He slams the Feilong door knocker's handle three times slowly, and the gates slowly open outward.

He ambles toward a young, 180 cm tall woman with silky, orange hair, and perfect curvy body that every man dreams of, sitting on her leather chair with her feet on the desk. Her visible dragon traits are her two horns, a tail, and an aura that shows unwavering authority.

"Oi, I'm back, Kiryu Yua…!" he cackles with wicked laughter.

She pushes up her glasses and stomps her feet back to the floor with a dissatisfied look on her face.

"What took you so long, hm? Shinigami Idukki…?"

"It couldn't be helped. There was a special case, and some cleaning up to do," he explains listlessly.

"Is that so? So, what is the purpose for my men to do the cleaning then, hm?"

The reaper then help himself by taking the leader seat in front of him. She slowly puts aside her glasses and approaches him, while a giving a look to her men to give them privacy. Her tall figure as she stands adds dominating presence. As her men leave the office, both of them stare with unimaginable, threatening glares that people outside can feel the aura.

"Then what should I do then to atone for this late meeting?"

"You already know that, right?"

"I guess, I have no other choices then."

Idukki stands and straightens his back. He clears his throat and looks away from Yua with his arms spread out.

"Fine… you can mess up my hair as much as you want," he sighs in disappointment and defeat.

"Yosha (Alright)!" she hugs Idukki tightly with thrilling joy.

The once scary environment that can bring anyone to their knees suddenly renews into a sibling-like love atmosphere. She does not hesitate to stroke the fluffy hair of his, and out of nowhere a pair of wolf's ears and a tail appear on Idukki.

"Yoshi, yoshi (There, there)! I can see your half werewolf form is enjoying it, Iducchi," she chuckles while baby talking.

Idukki's fluffy, black tail wags in excitement despite his disappointed face. His ears constantly twitches at the gentle strokes of his best friend. Abruptly, he swipes of her hands in annoyance.

"Well, screw my Full Moon half-blood, and enough of this. I want my part of the contract, Yuacchi!" demands Idukki.

"Hai, hai (Okay, okay)!" — she releases the hug and hands out a bag of coins— "Here ya go! 100 gold coins just for you. The client is very satisfied with the results."

"Who's the client again?"

"A knight in the Leonius family. They're known as the one of the noblest knights in the entire land of Aurum. I guess, one of them really wanted to kill this drug dealing organisation without getting his hands dirty."

A slow, quiet chuckle from Idukki turns into a sudden burst of wicked laughter.

"It's entertaining and funny to see them playing the righteous," — he chuckles — "but you can't blame them. People need an example to look at," he laughs once again.

"I'm glad we both met. Our goals intertwined together. I finance you and be the mediator between you and the client to keep your identity a secret—"

"While I protect and promote your yakuza organisation, it's a win-win, huh? If my master didn't introduce the Rengoku clan, I might be a homeless killer," he laughs.

As he counted the coins, Idukki gives half of his profit to Yua. Upon receiving, Yua tries to retaliate his kindness, but only to stop by his finger on her lips.

"We're not going through this argument again. Go grab some dinner or something. I'm heading out," he walks away while waving his hand.

"Hai, hai! Take care of yourself, okay? Don't forget to take some rest!" she cautions while waving back.

However, as soon as Idukki touches the door's handle, two of Yua's men stop Idukki from going any further.

"I'm sorry, Shinigami-sama, but two knights from the kingdom of Opulentos have come in with an arrest and search warrant for the Reaper from the High Court," warns one of Yua's men.

"Again…! It's the third one this month, and my fortieth visit… Yuacchi, you know what to do," sighs Idukki.

"Kiryu Yua, Idukki's personal lawyer, is back in action! Just let me get my lawyer glasses. Just wait for a moment, okay?"

"Take your time. I'm gonna put on the handcuffs while waiting…"—he turns to one of the Rengoku yakuza — "You! Pass me a handcuff," he demands.

As the yakuza obeys his order, Idukki locks himself with it and walks down with Yua towards the Headquarters' entrance to meet the knights with the warrant.

"Well, well, well! The infamous Reaper is—!" — he notices the handcuffs locking him — "Wait? What? You're not supposed to do that!" demands one knight in surprise.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I can, you walking tin man!" Idukki laughs. "Now, take me away to court. I don't have any time to waste!"

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