

From a naive and ignorant celestial maiden, she embarked on her journey with hope and optimism, observing all things in this world and comprehending its myriad facets. Gradually, influenced by the complex emotions of the mortal realm, her laughter lost its purity, and a faint sorrow began to veil her face. She became as cold and unfeeling as a member of the demonic sects, unmoved by anything in the world, her heart seemingly dead and devoid of passion. However, when she encountered the "immortal" she had first met again, it felt as if she had gained everything and yet lost everything. A deity is emotionless; emotionlessness defines divinity, while emotions define humanity.

Paienier · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
89 Chs

Chapter Thirty-One: Night's Sudden Change (Part One)

Could it be that Master Lingyun intends to give us this spiritual medicine? I accepted the red wooden box and cautiously glanced at Master Lingyun. Seeing his stiff smile linger for a while, he slowly said, "You may take this spiritual medicine, but... I am quite interested in the jade pendant you are wearing. Would you be willing to lend it to me for a few days to admire?"

Admire? How could a jade pendant have any value for days of admiration? Master Lingyun must have recognized that my Moon Spirit Jade is no ordinary piece and wants to use it to enhance his own cultivation.

Well, if it can save a life, lending him the Moon Spirit Jade temporarily isn't out of the question.

I generously took the jade from my waist and handed it to him. "I didn't realize Master Lingyun is a connoisseur of rare treasures. Very well, take this jade and admire it for as many days as you wish." Seeing Luyin about to object, I smiled at her reassuringly. "Sister Luyin, don't worry. If you want to thank me, treat me to some pastries in Luoyang next time, alright?"

She hesitated for a moment, looking back and forth before gratefully nodding at me. "If Little Sister Qingyue likes, I'll treat you to pastries every day I'm in Luoyang, and I'll buy you the best ones."

"Then I'll remember your promise, Sister Luyin. You can't go back on your word later."

Senior Brother Luo Xi's face flushed, and he turned to me. "Alright, now that it's settled, let's give him the medicine and leave."

"Senior Brother Luo Xi, didn't you have some questions for Master Lingyun?" I reminded him.

He ignored my hint, his face darkening almost as much as coal, and stepped out, saying, "What's there to ask? Let's go. You can come back for your jade in a few days."

Why was Senior Brother Luo Xi so impatient today? It felt strange. He was the one who wanted to find Master Lingyun and agreed to help Sister Luyin. Now, before resolving the issue, he was in such a hurry to leave.

Oh well, maybe he has other urgent matters to attend to. I awkwardly smiled at Sister Luyin and followed him out.

"Wait a moment." As we were stepping out of the courtyard, Master Lingyun suddenly called out.

Senior Brother Luo Xi raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Master Lingyun? Do you have more to teach us?"

Master Lingyun's smile remained, his eyebrows seemingly always curved upward. Seeing us stop, he spoke unhurriedly, "There's something I hadn't clarified. Although this spiritual medicine can remove the malevolent energy from Young Master Lianmu, it needs to be refined for seven days before consumption. During this period, I will need someone to guard me. Looking around, there's no one among my disciples who can be of use, so..."

"So you want to borrow us to help you?" Senior Brother Luo Xi interrupted.


Sensing the tension, I quickly spoke up to break the ice. "We haven't found any clues about the Luoyang murders anyway. Why don't we help him thoroughly, Senior Brother? Consider it a favor I owe you. How about that?" Seeing his stern expression, I tugged his hand and placed my favorite packet of candied fruits in his palm, sweetening the deal. "You haven't tasted these at Qiongyun. Have them three times a day, more than me. Deal?"

The candies weren't the point; it was just an excuse to give Senior Brother Luo Xi an easy way to agree. Master Lingyun's words left many gaps, and if we left now, it would not only halt our investigation but might also cause more trouble.

I looked at him eagerly, my eyes pleading. After a moment of silence, he nodded, and I finally exhaled in relief.

With the matter temporarily settled, Master Lingyun quickly arranged accommodations for the four of us and outlined our duties. Senior Brother Luo Xi assisted Master Lingyun in refining the spiritual medicine, while I was tasked with looking after Lianmu. Sister Luyin prepared delicious meals for us daily as a reward. Six days passed, leaving just one more day until the medicine would be ready.

Today was the seventh day. Once the hour of the Rat passed, we could administer the medicine to Lianmu, thereby expelling the malevolent energy within him. However, today was unusual. For the past six days, Lianmu had been violently restless, always struggling to escape the restraints set by Master Lingyun. But today, he was unexpectedly calm and obedient. Sister Luyin, feeling sympathetic, wanted to ease his restraints. Luckily, I stopped her in time, explaining that it was "the calm before the storm." No matter what, we couldn't release him until he had taken the medicine and fully expelled the malevolent energy.

As night fell, Sister Luyin tossed and turned, eventually sitting up anxiously on a stool. She kept asking me when it would be ready. I lost count of how many times I replied, "Once the hour of the Rat passes." In the end, I became more anxious than her and went to wait by the alchemy room door for news.

The night air was bone-chilling, but luckily, I had an extra coat. Bored, I huddled in the corner by the door, eating dried plums to pass the time until the hour of the Rat arrived.

Inside, it remained unusually quiet. Unable to resist, I approached the alchemy room door to peek inside. Just as my fingers were about to push open a small crack, a sudden ringing of bells and shouts erupted in the distance. The door swung open, and two people came out, staring at me and asking what had happened.

Did they mistake me for a messenger?

Awkwardly, I forced a smile and stepped aside. "I was worried and came to check on you. I just got here and don't know what's happening."

"No, I fear Sister Luyin is in danger," Master Lingyun said with certainty. He called back into the alchemy room, "Lingtan, watch the medicine closely," and hurried towards the source of the noise.

Seeing Senior Brother Luo Xi nod at me, we both followed closely behind.