
Chapter 18 (Grandmother)

11 Years Ago.

”Kate are you in? I know you don’t want me in your room but can I ask for your phone charger? Mine is acting funny?”, Alexandra said but there was no response.

Alexandra paused and tried putting her ears to the door.

She held the handle and slowly pushed the door open.

Kate who has heard the creaking of the door jumped up, her tops were off and she was left with her bra and pant.

Her panicked eyes made Alexandra realize she was unto something.

Alexandra looked down at her hand, she saw her phone still on a video call with her boyfriend.

“What are you doing here? Why didn't you knock? What is wrong with you”, Kate snapped and quickly ended the call.

She picked up her shirt and wore it.

Alexandra smacked her lips and folded her arms.

“I did knock and you were busy showing your boyfriend your body?” she said and rolled her eyes while searching for Kate’s charger.

“Be quiet, mom might hear you... It is....it is.... Normal... What do you expect?”, Kate said.

Alexandra found it, she picked it up and turned to Kate.

“Yeah, you are not even 15 yet... But who am I to judge, well only losers have boyfriends, why do you need a boyfriend when you have yourself? Never gonna be me”.

Kate stared at her sister and suddenly laughed.

“You are what? 10! What do you know”, Kate responded before laying on her bed, “I am sure you will understand me when you are old enough, there are a lot of hot guys out there... You won't be able to pick, now get out”, she added.

Alexandra gave her sister a disgusted look.

“Read my lips, I am never having a boyfriend... Never!!!”.

Present Day

(Female Dormitory)

Alexandra groaned out as she thought back to everyone she has cussed out for having a boyfriend.

“I mean I am not even dating Ha Joon, so it is not a real date”, she said and think back to how Kate had looked at her earlier that day.

Alexandra groaned even louder, she threw her legs up and hit the bed aggressively.

“Why!!! Why does she have to see us? I feel so embarrassed... Why did Ha Joon tell her that? I thought it is all lies, Kate is not even in our school! Why did he do that!”, Alexandra said and reflected on it.

Is it all still pretense? She thought they would just act like lovers within the school but he took her to his favorite spot and they are actually going on dates, he has been caring towards her and make her blush a lot.

“Is he just a playboy?”, Alexandra suggested.

Her legs still flying in the air, she immediately shook her head.

“No!, I don't think so... Then is Eun Kyung right? Is he doing it because of NaNa?”, she said and quickly sat up.

“Is he using me?...” Alexandra gasped.

She thought back to how he acted like NaNa was not existing.

“I don't know, I don't know... He is so strange!!! What have I gotten myself into!!! Ughhhhhhh!!!”.

Her phone ringing caught her attention, she turned her head sharply and picked it up.

“Kate? Oh shit!”, she whispered and quickly throw her rough hair backward.

She exhaled sharply before answering the call.

“Hey! Kateeee, why are you calling? Isn't it like late”.

Alexandra said and chuckled nervously.

“Late? Isn't it 7? And when can't I call my pretty sister?”, Kate responded.

Alexandra could tell her sister was smiling underneath, she squeezed her face and bite her inner cheek.

“I thought I would be the first person you will tell when you have a boyfriend... That is so unlike you, you used to tell me everything”, Kate added.

Alexandra wanted to tell her sister it was all lies but Ha Joon himself said it and, telling her it is all lies right now would make him feel bad and would be embarrassing for him.

“What do I do, I don't want to lie to Kate”, she thought.

“Alex are you there?”.

“Yes... Yes, Kate.... I am so sorry I didn't tell you, we just started dating and that is it, I would have told you sooner or later”.

Alexandra said and this time could hear her sister giggling.

“Mock me all you want, I know... I deserve it”, Alexandra added.

Kate laughed out.

“No no! No... I am not mocking you”.

Alexandra also laughed.

“What? You are mocking me! Stop!!!”.

They both gave a short, half-suppressed laugh.

“When you come to see me next time, make sure to tell me all about it huh! I am sure you have a lot to tell me, we have not been talking lately... And you can bring your handsome boyfriend, he is so calm and nice”, Kate suggested.

“Well done Alexandra”, she added.

Alexandra snickered.

“well done? What does that supposed to mean?…. Well I will come over there pretty soon, tomorrow kind of soon, I volunteer to tutor Dong-Min…”.

“The neighbor’s son?”, Kate asked in a suprise tone.

“Yeah him… the day you left for Jeju for vacation, me and him became close so yeah, I would be coming over tomorrow”, Alexandra answered.

At that moment she wished she had not told Ha Joon to join her in tutoring Dong Min, what was she thinking? Now Kate thinks they are dating, she would act so dramatic and annoying.

“Bring your boyfriend! And introduce him properly, bye” Kate said before ending the call.

Alexandra dropped the phone and grabbed her head, she fell on the bed and exhaled sharply.

“Kill me right now”.


He approached the house and saw her arranging her dried clothes in a big basket, ready to take them in.

The familiarity and memories returned to his head as he moved closer.

She heard the footstep and turned back, to see him smiling at her some feet away.

“If this is not my sweet young grandmother”, he said smiling at the woman.

She chuckled softly and dropped her face.

She ignored him and kept going inside with the basket.

Ha Joon hurried along with her.

“Grandmother, aren't you happy to see me! It has been a long time since you saw your sweet grandson”, Ha Joon said.

He shut the door behind him and watched his grandmother put down her basket.

She suddenly turned to him.

Ha Joon flinched, “that scares me!”, he said after seeing her frowning face, “grandmother, I miss you”, he added and hurried to hug her.

Much taller than her, he covered her up.

The rapid hitting made him stop hugging her, she stopped after he took a step back while rubbing his arms.

“Are you supposed to come right now after leaving a month ago huh? Are you not scared for your grandmother? Huh! Aigoo! Such a naughty boy”, she said while sitting.

Ha Joon smiled and quickly sat opposite her, he held her hand and said.

“I was just too busy with school these days grandmother, you know I can never leave you here by yourself... You are my everything you know that”.

She scoffed and hit him again.

“Grandmother it hurt!”, he said out loud.

“Have you been eating well? Look at you looking so lanky!!!”, she said holding his face, “thank God I made soup, you need to have some before you leave again”, she added before standing.

Ha Joon smiled as he watched her get him some soup.

He let out a sigh of relief before looking around.

Feeling so comfortable and glad to be home.

“Your friend said to tell you, she would bring your vegetables, or something... I don't know”, Ha Joon said while pulling off his socks.

Grandmother scoffed, “she is just old, ignore her”.

“You are old too grandmother”.

Ha Joon immediately saw her face, he kept shut and looked away while humming a song.

“Bring your girlfriend next time you come here, I will make her a delicious meal...”.

Ha Joon turned to her, and he stared at her shockingly.

“Yes my friend told me you brought her to eat, before you give me that lying face... Bring her”, she said and walked towards Ha Joon with a big cooking spoon.

“Or you won't introduce her to your grandmother huh!”.

Ha Joon knew he would get hit if he does not accept, he nodded swiftly.

“Yes yes got it... Got it grandmother, I WILL BRING HER!”.