
Chapter 43

Damien's pov 

As usual I got to the office before Rian and thirty minutes later she walked in and just said good morning casually the Rian I know would kiss me on the lips before sitting down but the Rian I'm seeing this morning just acts like I don't exist to her and I'm not finding it funny one bit...I watch her settle down and turn on her system and was prepared to start working and she wouldn't spare me a single glance what could be wrong?I thought inwardly and just asked her are you okay babe?? And she just nods and kept focusing on her system screen..

Since she left my place last night she didn't give me a call like she use to do before sleeping,and that got me worried I know Rian is becoming suspicious lately and I'm not good with keeping things from her but I just needed the right time so I can finally open up to her. Douglas can foresee what's happening right now and he's given me his concern and advise but I just don't know how to tender my words before Rian.i watched her press the keyboard with so much concentration and I wanted to talk but what exactly do I want to say??I don't know either and it troubles me alot,I let her work in peace without saying a word since Im Short of words,the silence went on and on and I just sat there on my seat not knowing what to do or say next..

It's lunch time I went out and got myself and Rian lunch getting to the office I saw her eating already there's no point asking who got her the food I know it's Alex I calmly drop the items with me on my desk and headed for Alex's office, without knocking I stormed into his office earning curious looks from the rest of his team who happens to be on present then,I could turn back and leave without creating a scene but the jealousy and anger brewing inside of me wouldn't let me stop myself from venting all of my frustrations on Alex...

I think I told you to stop getting Rian lunch as long as I'm around,I yelled at Alex and that fully got the attention of the rest of the team in the office,Will you calm down Damien ? what's the problem huh Alex asked me,I stood there just fuming with anger and he said Riri(Arianna) called and asked I get lunch for her and I asked if you weren't there in the office all she said was get me lunch or I'll do that myself,and we both know that I treat Riri like my kid sister so you shouldn't be taking things  this personal Alex explained to me calmly and I just replied she's officially my girlfriend now so back off I'll take care of her myself,I stormed out of the office but I heard whispering from the rest of the teams and I know the news is going to fly in few seconds.i left the building and headed to my private office to calm my nerves.

Rian is really getting to me,that little woman doesn't need to do much to get me worked up the way I am now.i poured myself some champagne and gulped it down in one second it burnt my throat but the pain wasn't as strong as the one in my heart right now.i felt my pocket vibrate and I can guess who's calling already I ignored the vibration and just kept staring at the city that's visible outside my office,I was there until I heard my office door unlocked I didn't turn around cause it's the same person who's been calling is also the one entering my office now..

Damien I've been calling you what's up?? Douglas asked with a concern tone,Nothing was all I said to me.i was told you went to Alex office to yell at him and even went as far as telling him Arianna Is your girlfriend now so he needs to back off just because he bought her lunch??he said to me and continued don't you think you're over doing things dude you're the CEO for crying out loud Damien and you just keep flouting rules, how would you feel or react if it's one of your subordinate who's acting this way because of a woman, you're acting like a love sick fool Damien...he scolded me and I didn't say a single word I just kept my back turned at him still glancing at the city before me alot was going on in my head and my thoughts were running wild..

Douglas offered me another glass of champagne and I took and gulped it down in one shot as well,I've never seen you act like this when it comes to a woman not even your ex,I gave him a deadly look which says don't you dare complete that sentence and he raised his two hands up in the air which means I give up and I gave him the you had better do look....

Im just worried Rian is gonna walk away from me if she finds out I've been lying to her all along about my identity,I told Douglas and continued that son of a gun Alex still went ahead and bought Rian food even though I'm around,then the memories of the first time came flooding back the food Alex brought for Rian unlocked the door of our hidden passion for each other I can still eat the echoes of her moaning and it still feels like she's before me her legs wide open and inviting me to dive in....I hit the table hard at how wilds my thoughts are at a time like this and that action made Douglas flinch I'm feeling intoxicated by the champagne gulping it down the way I did is having after effects my head is getting light and I'm filled with the memories and images of my love making with Rian..I picked up my keys and went through my private lift and out of the building I drove myself home.I needed to rest I can't be seen by Rian in my present condition that might even fuel our fight more..So I left for my house instead.