
Love you my princess

1000 years ago, Britain soil was ruled by King William.

He also named William the conqueror today. He had a beautiful princess named Princess D iana.

The king had his most trustable prime minister,also his legal advisor. He also had a general, the most bravest warriors of the Britain, General George. They two were the trustworthy to the king.

The combination of wise and bravery, the kingdom was so wealthy and the people were peace and harmony.

One day, the princess visited the training area of the soldiers. They were trained by the glorious general, George.

She had a crush on him. He trained the soldiers the art of shooting arrow.

"Can you teach me that lesson?"princess asked.

"It's my pleasure,my highness." he replied.

She took the bow and the arrow. She aimed the statue of the devil and shot the arrow. The arrow just missed a couple of inches from the target.

"How can I improve it?" she asked.

"Your highness,your bow is steady and the force delivered is correct but your aim just missed a little bit."he said.

"I don't believe that this beautiful eyes are for showing only."he continued.

"Do you challenged me?Hold my hands and demonstrate it."she said.

He was a man of action. He holded her hand and took the arrow and the bow. He aimed the statue and release the arrow. The arrow was on the target.

"You're the man of your word. You had taught me to release my arrow accurately. Ask me what you want,general."she said.

"I doesn't have any wishes now. I will use the chance later, Your Highness."he said.

"Highness,I think the Greek will attack us again."Prime Minister said.

"You're right,Adam. We should prepare our army and before that,we should discuss with them. This is the fate of the kingdom. So, we should carefully handle it."the king said.

"Highness, the matter about princess...." Prime Minister said.

"What's that?" the king asked.

"Our princess had already 23. We should arrange her a marriage. So,we can broad our influence."Prime Minister said.

"It's right. We should get her marry with the prince of Greek, so we can prevent war."the king said.

"Highness, our soldier had stolen our war strategies and secrets and ran away."one of the soldiers said.

"Immediately tell our General." the king said.

"I had already told General George."he said.

George went to the southwest of the kingdom,where there had temporary shelter for any nation traitors.

After a lot of searching, he found him at that shelter. He quickly ran to the mountain cliff.

"I rather die than get toture by you all." the traitor said.

He then jumped from the cliff. George also jumped with a rope holding by his assistants and soldiers.

They managed to bring the traitor to the palace.

" Who do you give the war strategies and secrets?" the soldiers asked.

"Greek!" he screamed.

"What we expected had happened."the king said.

"What is our tactic now, General?"the king asked.

"U shaped tactic."The General said.

"That is an non tested tactic. That's is very dangerous to go to the war with that strategy and it's not going to pay off."the advisor said.

"It's not tested. So, we can execute it as Greek also didn't know this strategy."Prime Minister said.

"In the war, another chief soldier and I lead their troop on each direction and kill the chief before they could act back to our tactic." General said.

"I take command on the West and he is on East."he continued.

" Be prepared for the next few days."the king said.

The war began. Besides had that strategy, they also had another strategy to reduce the number of enemy's soldiers.

Everyone execute their own part of the strategy. Before started it, General George and his army shot thousands of arrow with oil on it. General George then shot a flame arrow to them. The arrows burnt and make a flame circle there.

The army then shot the arrow to them who were inside the circle. It reduced the shooting area by effectively.

Then, they execute their strategy according to their strategy. After a lot of sour and bitter battle, they managed to kill the chief.

The army of Greek had surrendered to Britain. The kingdom was joy and suddenly, the king decided to marry her daughter with General George.

Everyone were happy with the decision except one...

"Hem,hem,hem..."Ryan woke up from sleeping.

"Is that warrior was me and that princess was Jenny?"he said.

Next morning, he called Jenny that he wanted to meet her at the park.

"Hi."Ryan said to Jenny.

"Hi. Why do you call me?"

"I want to tell you that I dreamt something extraordinary. I'm a General and you're a princess."he said.

"Why are you kidding me?Hey,you told me you want to present me a gift right. Where it is?"she said.

"I gift you at night."he said.

"Deal!"she said.

"I go home now. Bye."he said.

"I will wait you this night here. Don't forget. Bye."she said.

She thought," What could the gift be?"

He thought,"Is that dream is true?"