
When I see light of hope

Autor: 03isyaaa
En Curso · 473 Visitas
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What is When I see light of hope

Lee la novela When I see light of hope escrita por el autor 03isyaaa publicada en WebNovel. When no one succeeded to pull me out of my darkness, he came and pulled me out of my darkness. Now finally I can be happy again like I used to, all thanks to him my life saver....


When no one succeeded to pull me out of my darkness, he came and pulled me out of my darkness. Now finally I can be happy again like I used to, all thanks to him my life saver.

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Origin:A voyage

" A simple act of kindness can lead you and your loved ones to the path of destruction " ********************************* Around the Eighteenth century, India was the hub of the world's major trades such as spices, metals, cotton, and diamonds. It was known as the land of spice. It was not just business but correspondingly attracted explorers with its massive landscape and hidden mysteries, challenging them to find out what was hidden centuries ago from the modern world. Lured by these characteristics An explorer named Lord Leoandro Hughes determined to visit the deepest area of one of its kingdoms but little did he know, it was going to open up some old wounds and a new chapter of his life. Years later, There was a girl born in the same kingdom named Ramya. She was only three years old when she lost her mother due to an unknown disease. His father was a royal physician but still incapable of saving his wife. After his wife's death, he takes care of Ramya all by himself. Now she was seventeen and his father wanted to find a suitable match for her. He, himself was fighting an incurable disease over the years, and now he was weak and on the verge of death thus he wanted his daughter to get married to a respectable family. But wherever he goes for his daughter's hand, the families rejected him politely and this infuriated and worried him with every passing day. There was a rumour attached to Ramya's birth. The villagers talk behind their backs in a hushed tone. However, it never bothered the father-daughter duo and they lived their life happily. Her father knew about it and was determined to take the secret to his grave. He always made sure his daughter remained unaware of the facts that were easily observable to others. But on the other hand, Ramya was a curious child. She did not want to be a physician like her father or a performer and housewife like her mother. She wanted to explore the world and wished to know everything about it. She did not know where she got these desires but they were there, crawling under her skin, itching her to take action. Like her mother, her father also left her alone in this world at the age of eighteen but the noise of whispers was still there and the fact was, she couldn't ignore them this time. To ease her curiosity, she made a big decision to leave her birthplace and find her ORIGIN, but little did she know curiosity killed the cat...... ( Warning: This is a period story and the time was roamed around the eighteen century, please keep this in presumption before reading it)

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my life my living hell

They say that a single journey starts with a single step so it was when I lost my parent. My name is Janet I was born on 22nd March 2002, I lost my parent when I was 11 months old I grew up with my grandmother. I can't form a family of four two boys two girls and I'm the last one. When I was young after I lost my parent my grandma mum took me and I started staying with her at the farm, on that farm I used to stay together with my two cousins sisters and my two uncles. When I reach the age of 3 years my uncle's started sleeping with me almost everyday but I could not tell anyone because I thought it was normal, I thought that is what everyone else does without knowing that I was destroying my future, in 2008 the other uncle died and I remained with the other one but he continued sleeping with me until I was 13 years old when I came to realise that what I was doing was wrong so I approached him and told him that there was going to report him to grandma, he threatened me me that if I tell anyone he was going to kill me so I was scared and I kept quiet. When i became 15 years old he started giving me strange medicine which I never knew when I asked him he could tell me that they will help you to grow, I became very worried to the extent whereby I felt like telling my grandma but I couldn't because I was afraid he was going to kill me, after writing my grade 7 exams I became more uncomfortable staying at the farm because I was afraid I've been killed and being abused everyday. I had no option but to Runaway from the farm and I started staying on the mountain in the middle of the bush because I had no option. I stayed in the bush for two weeks I could sneak to my Grandmother's kitchen at night to look for food everyday that's for me to have something to eat eat and I could go to the river to have my bath everyday just because I was afraid to tell my family about my situation. I thought one day my brothers or sisters they will look for me and ask me why I ran away from home but I was lying to myself because no one came to look for me or ask me why I was staying in the bush. So I decided to go back home maybe someone would ask me why I was doing that at but no one did but instead they started calling me names which used to hurt my feelings, they could go out telling people bad things about me just because they never knew my situation, just because they never had a chance to ask me, they thought I was mad ,they thought I was initiated into satanism, in which I was not. I decided to go forever and look for a life but it was too difficult for me because I had no where to start from, so I decided to start sleeping in the Streets in town and Men could come and sleep with me just to give me food almost everyday until one day I found a job have they said then Lodge where are you started working. People could get surprised because I was not knocking off, I could work 24/7 because I had no home, I had nowhere to go, I was just waiting for the month end so that I may be able to raise some money and pay for an apartment. I got paid and I started living in a one-room house, I was happy but I could cry everyday thinking of what I've passed through in this life, I tried to kill myself several times but I could not die for some reason which I do not know up to now. Some months later I resigned from work because I never wanted to be abused again by my customers just because I was desperate for money by that time I had managed to raise some money to be able to start up my small business which up to now. I have always dreamed to become someone in life and I know that day will come I have always tried to do something big once I have money for that thing I'm going to fulfill my dreams.

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Making the Demon Lord Love Me

Demon Lord Clover is hated throughout the Demon and human realm. After a turbulent war, they have been left cynical and listless. Ace is a seemingly naive but damaged young man looking to make his way through life. After approaching Clover, Ace finds more than he bargains for in the enigmatic Demon Lord. As he fights to keep Clover’s attention, dark secrets on both sides are revealed. Can a Demon Lord be capable of love? Read to find out... ------------------------------------------------------------------- “So it is true,” the young man said in a low voice, “You are the most hated Demon in this realm,” The Demon Lord let out a stifled laugh, “How lucky I'm only half-demon then, there’s less of me to hate. Now, if that is all you have to say, and even if it isn’t, get out. I’m sure your anger will last until tomorrow. You can challenge me then,” “I’m not here to challenge you,” the young man replied. This evoked a reaction from the Demon Lord, they suddenly became very still. “Then what are you here for then?” The young man bowed low and gave his response in an earnest and forceful voice, “My name is Ace. Demon Lord, I ask you to please accept me!” ------------------------------------------------------------------- ***WARNING*** Dear Reader, If you’re interested in learning more about the world and characters in this novel, they first appear in the web novel: The villainess is worse the second time around: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-villainess-is-worse-the-second-time-around_19276786806019905) (The following story may contain spoilers for said story!) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Quick update: I have a new story which is a spinoff from this one: Summoning a wicked wizard - a new romance with Michael and some new characters: https://www.webnovel.com/book/summoning-a-wicked-wizard_21394369505128005#review

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