
Summertime Blues (1)

Summertime Blues

It was summer break of my second year in college. I needed to find a part time job to help my miscellaneous fees for the next semester. Marie and I accidentally met in the bus station going to B city just after we concluded the school year. She has just graduated from high school while I just finished my two year vocational course simultaneously taking up a four year degree. The school we attended was a government school but it has been famous for its outstanding results in school competitions and even in Bar and Licensure exams. It's one of the pride of the Northern Region of P country. It's no doubt that students here are humble enough knowing that they are fully subsidized by the government. Only minimal miscellaneous fees were asked during enrollment time but offcourse, there will be numerous projects and researches to spend for once u got in this school. Seems that "no such thing as free lunch" was originally from the government itself.

Marie and I chatted all throughout the two-hour rough bus ride. We came up to an agreement to check with her sister's boss in the city if they could arrange a temporary job for us during this summer break. Once we arrived there, we were met by Marie's sister. Dressed in a waiters uniform of a prestigious Restaurant in the city.

"Hi sis, we saw this ad posted in front of the restaurant, are they still available?" I asked Fely who was holding a pen and a paper apparently ready to take orders from costumers.

"Hi Fem, nice to see you here. Are you sure you are applying for that?" Fely's eyes got wider as if ridiculed by my inquiry.

"Offcourse, why do we waste time when all we need is a place to stay and a work to keep us busy for the whole summer!" Marie answered ignoring the ridicule in her elder sister's face.

"I'm really not sure if that ad is still available, that was posted more than a month ago, I wonder why they did not take it down!" Fely said with lips curving downwards as if dismayed by that certain ad. "Well anyway, why not take a sit and wait for my boss to arrive. She has gone to the other site to check how are things going over there." Fely gesturing us to an empty table with two vacant seats. It was only then that we realized we were tired from the trip and were feeling a bit hungry. We just helped ourselves with water as we waited for about two hours for that boss to arrive.

Fely's boss arrived, she was a huge lady and a bit boyish in her actions and she talks loud and straight.

"Ma'am, these two ladies are my relatives in the province. They are here to look for any job for this summer. They want to inquire if that ad infront is still available." Inquired Fely as she went behind the counter to check who knows what.

Lady Jane looked at us from beside the counter with a stare like scrutinizing what we are capable to do. "Well..." she matter of factly said, "that wasn't actually for me, but for a friend who runs a bar along L Road. Would you want to try working in a bar?" She looked a bit sorry for us but still had to ask.

Marie and I looked at each other. I whispered, "Shall we try that?" Marie raised her brows at me in disbelief. She can't believe that I would dare to try a job like being a waitress ... and in a bar? And once again I didn't wonder why her sister's reaction was exactly the same when I inquired earlier.

"It's okay for me, it's still a job. As long as we don't indulge ourselves in what those people do." I assured Marie. We stared at each other for some 30seconds before mutually saying same word. "Okay"

Lady Jane smiled to us, "Are you sure? Do you guys have any idea what you will be doing there?"She looked concerned maybe because we were looking so innocent. just fresh from the province.

Being the elder, I said, "We can try it ma'am, after all, it will only be a summer job so its about just a couple of months."

"Okay then, let's go! I'll introduce you to your boss. Hope you can work well with her. She's so damn strict you know, " Lady Jane said as she lead us to the next block of road next to her Restaurant.

"Shane! how are things going with your life? Haven't seen you since last two months!" Lady Jane stopped just infront of the counter where that Shane was sitting like waiting for someone to order around.

"You know how things are hard for me these days, I cant find some workers to help me here. Good and loyal workers these days are hard to find." Shane was saying to Lady Jane.

"That's because you are too strict and cold to your workers, Shane! If I were you, you better ease up and give more concern to the welfare of your workers. They're the ones making the money for you!"Lady Jane was lecturing her friend.

"Well anyway, seems your stressful days are over, I brought with me these two ladies two work for you! See? They're quite pretty and not bad looking, they dont need to wear high heels or needing some platforms to climb if they need to reach out something up there! " Lady Jane pointed at the stocks of wine glasses on behind the half hidden compartment.

Lady Jane seemed to have done the "salestalk" introduction for us so we were instantly hired by Lady Shane.

"One thing you should know first," Shane seemed to have remembered something."Im on my second month of pregnancy and I get easily irritated. I am also very particular with hygiene and personal discipline. I don't expect you to flirt with costumers! All you need to do is get their orders and serve them politely. Are we clear with that?" Lady Shane looked at us. Her eyes shifting from Marie and me.

"Yes ma'am, we are glad that your standards are for our own good!" I said smilingly. She didnt notice Marie's facial reaction when she twisted her head at my side winking like she didn't like this lady's standard.

"Well, you can start tomorrow then. I will open at 10 AM and we will be closing at 10 at night." Lady Shane dismissed us.

Hi guys! This might be a lil different from all those Romance Novels we read around. Unlike their extravagant settings, this novel starts from a simple and lowly setting.

I never intended to do this but might as well try pinning down my thoughts as they always bother me.

Well yh, pls consider this my first time writing a novel. Pls wish me good and hope to see u guys read and will be so happy to read your comments and suggestions.

Much love❤


ukitzcreators' thoughts
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