I hate wheel chair kirito. So im'ma gonna make wheelchair Ainz. Sasuga ,"Wheel chair, Ainz Oowl Gown"
Darkness enveloped Ainz's entire being.
"Where am i"
Being stuck in the place he could not say anything and got sucked into the dark hole .
"My peace...."
That was the thing the world had heard of our lonely overlord, Suzuki Satorou.
Underworld POV:
After beating the false goddess kirito went towards the console to connect to the real world.
"Kirito. You have to hurry an ..d make it out."
Before he could speak so much. Suddenly the console began to glitch out. Little by little words there started to get incoherent placing fear in the mind of the boy.But before he could take two steps away from the item. A dark malevolent entity took control of his entire body.
Kirito began to black out. The last thing going through his weary mind, "My hard earned peace"
Will the gods bestow the wheel chair Ainz with fortune of not being wheel chaired for life and break the relevant story plot line or will he fight against the god in his wheel chaired self.
Find out next time in Wheel Chair :War of Underworld:)
That's a rap
Tell me people what do think of this concept. I hated wheel chair kirito and this story will be its manifestation.