
Halloween Part 1

Tonight's Halloween, happened to fall on a bad time for me. "Kaylee, you're taking Ian trick or treating tonight after school." I was getting their lunch ready. "why me?" she asks rolling her eyes. "because you're fourteen, he's nine, and I'll be busy." she doesn't protest. "why arent you in you're costume?" "they arent letting us" "I know that's not true.. you dont want them to see you in it do you?" she doesn't say anything and grabs her lunch. "you both know I'm here right" Ian says grabbing his lunch. "kaylee doesnt have to take me, marabell can." "i'm sorry but, no marabell is already busy. Now get in the car if you're ready, we're going to have breakfast at the café." yeah busy more like busy keeping an eye on both of them. It was the only way to get Kaylee out of the house so she wouldnt find out.

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