
What? SHE is My Online Girlfriend?

Adapted from MTL *Food War: Kobayashi Rindou is My Online Girlfriend*

ModerateCitizens · Cómic
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82 Chs

[Chapter 076]

"Ah~~~ it's so delicious!"

Inui Hinako let out a moan of contentment. She seemed to be intoxicated with the incomparably wonderful taste. That was a feeling she had never experienced before, no wonder it's called [Twelve Months French Vegetable Terrine].

"In a full year there are twelft months four seasons, this dish like our life that are full of bitterness and sweetness."

"Shijun, we didn't expect your recipe which was born out of Shino's recipe, to create twelve completely different tastes"

Dojima Gin opened his eyes and praised with a smile without hesitation.

"Although there are multiple flavors such as sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy, each flavor is very light, as if it makes people who taste this unforgetable experiences."

"Especially the artistic conception in it is even more unbelievable. I seem to see my whole life."

"Growing Pains, Depression of Failure, Joy of Victory. There are all kinds of states in the world, all kinds of flavors in life, and the moment of finally welcoming the harvest with it is a sweet taste"

Fuyumi Mizuhara sighed, and her eyes when looked at Shijun, which became completely different.

Appreciation, but also with deep admiration. She couldn't imagine it at all. How could a sixteen-year-old boy interpret such a mood. Just like a centenarian, he integrated his whole life into this dish.

"What's the matter? The three alumns seem very satisfied?"

"Didn't you hear the comments of the seniors?"

"Oh my God~~~ Does Shijun really make 12 flavors of French vegetable Terrine?"

"What is the "mood"? Although I don't quite understand it, it seems to be very powerful."

"I really want to go and have a taste"

More than a dozen students started to discuss at random. Although they promised not to talk nonsense at the scene before. But in such a fierce atmosphere, who can bear the temper.

Tadokoro Megumi opened her eyes when she heard Inui Hinako's voice.

Unbelievable expression could be seen in her beautiful eyes.

This felt like Shijun really has hope of defeating Shinomiya alumn. Megumi stared at the three judges intently, and kept praying in her heart.

Alice's beautiful eyes flashed, and she looked at the tall Shijun in disbelief. She was not the same as Tadokoro Megumi. Born in Nakiri's family, she had heard of such a thing as "mood".

According to rumors, only the top chefs can fully integrate their own life insights into cooking.

But now, she heard "the word artistic conception" from Dojima Gin and others. The one who completed all this was just a teenager of the same age as her. Omg!

This was the highest level of cooking in the world. It was revealed in the hands of a sixteen-year-old boy.

How the hell did this guy do it?

Alice was shocked and at the same time in disbelief. Erina's eyes were complicated.

In fact, she tried Shijun's lobster dish before. She had already faintly felt something. But in that dish, Shijun didn't incorporate much.

At most, it brought back some childhood memories.

But this time. He used at least half of his skills to fully integrate his life comprehension into this French Terrine. As human beings in the two worlds, have not experienced much, but life- he have experienced a lot.

Shinomiya Kojiro looked at Dojima Gin and others in disbelief. None of his dishes have received such high marks before.

Shijun, this hairy boy, he could incorporate mood to his dishes?

That ability could represent the highest level in the cooking world. Now a sixteen year old could do it?

Just a crazy dream! Shinomiya Kojiro scoffed.

"Dojima-senpai, do you think my cooking is not as good as this brat~?"

Shinomiya Kojiro asked with a gloomy face, putting his hands on the table and asking loudly.

Dojima Gin was not angry, but pointed to the twelve-color French Terrine in front of him.

"You better try it yourself."

Shinomiya Kojiro didn't say anything, just cut a piece of the terrine.

The terrine just entered, but he instantly froze in place. All kinds of tastes were like gurgling water, winding around the tip of the tongue. The tastes of twelve different flavors were distinct but blend with each other.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, fresh, astringent, in every flavor was very light, but there isn't lacking at all. They were perfectly combined with each other, converging into a taste he had never tasted before.

Finally, this kind of taste constantly stirs the tongue coating, and finally turns into an extremely happy sweetness. Throughout the year, life is full of bitterness and sweetness. No wonder Dojima-senpai made such an evaluation.

Shinomiya Kojiro's entire life, as if watching a lantern on a horse, came to mind.

'When I was a child, I was naughty and had disputes with others because of the dream of being a chef. When was in school, he was in such a high-spirited path to get to the top seat. When he left France, he was embarrassed by his colleagues' harassment. He became famous, owns his own store for the first time, and won the Pluspol Medal for the first time.

Don't know when it started.

Become the absolute dictator of the kitchen yourself and don't allow anyone to change the recipe'

'Was it wrong?' Shinomiya Kojiro closed his eyes tightly and his face became more and more ugly.

"Looks like you've figured out why you're stagnant?"

"In fact, when you came back this time, I had already faintly noticed something was wrong"

"The dynamic Shinomiya Kojiro of the past is gone, replaced by stubbornness and arrogance."

"So you lost, to your own stubbornness."

Dojima Gin stood up and criticized mercilessly. He didn't want this excellent apprentice to continue to sink. Inui Hinako and Fuyumi Mizuhara nodded in unison.

They all agreed that Shijun's cooking was better. Shinomiya Kojiro was shocked, and subconsciously took two steps back, the expression on his face was extremely complicated. There are unwillingness, depression, and more loneliness and depression.

At this time, Shijun seemed to have absolutely no intention of giving Kojiro Shinomiya face, and scolded mercilessly:

"Shinomiya-senpai, you have always been self-sufficient and thought that the recipes you created are the most perfect existence. The reason why you let Megumi drop out today is because she violated your taboo."

"Actually, you just afraid that your recipe is not perfect. You who have not been able to remove yourr own obstacle for a long time, take Nine French Vegetable Terrine as the limit, and don't even allow anyone to question it."

"In my homeland, we love the saying that by brainstorming,research and experience we can get something."

"Nine treasures are the limit? What about the twelve terrine I made?"

"You're too narrowminded!"

After speaking, Shijun, who was a little relieved, pulled Tadokoro Megumi over and asked again, "Shinomiya-senpai, can Megumi not drop out of school now?"

Shinomiya Kojiro's face kept twitching. It was the first time he had been taught such a lesson by a junior. However, he was powerless to refute.

Because this person have used practical actions to slap him severely. It turned out that there was a higher level above the Nine Terrine.

I just can't do it yourself.

"You won this, she doesn't have to leave." Shinomiya Kojiro endured the embarrassment and turned away immediately after speaking. Shameful enough today, he didn't want to be here for another second.

Everyone always felt that his back was extremely lonely and depressed. .