
Chapter 1: First meeting

"Had you ever thought that this project can be really, REALLY dangerous?", said Dr. Brand.

"What do you mean?", said Dr. Torres.

"I guess Louis is talking about the fact that what you wanna do can be used for military purpose", commented Dr. Davis.

"And... that would be disastrous, because our objective is to save lives, not end them", added Dr. Williams.


Year 2046.

Dr. Fernando Torres is a latino man, 32 years old, 1.70 m. tall, black hair, dark brown eyes, so dark that most of the time they seem to be black and penetrating. He is introvert but confident, rascal and very smart. Has a trained body. Practiced Muay Thai because he always liked it since that time when he saw some videos and movies on the internet. He is not very handsome but is above average still. Is a biologist specialized in biomechanics.

Once, Fernando watched a movie about a man that was able to transfer his mind into a robot. That was when he knew what was his goal in life. Become immortal transferring his mind into a robotic body.

When he got to settle in the United States he met some of the brightest minds. Those were Dr. Louis Brand, expert in robotics, Dr. Markus Davis, a renowned afro-american neurologist, and Dr. Ava Williams, a woman with no rival in AI programming.

It took a while to Dr. Torres to befriend these people due to their separation across the country and the different projects they were working on. But some day he managed to gather all of them in his office, at Atlanta City, promising that what the conversation they would have was of supreme interest for them all.

Then Torres told them about his dream, create a robot that could harbor the mind of a human.

"Imagine the possibilities. Terminally ill people with robotic bodies, don't having to suffer the torture of cancer or being quadriplegic. Even humans conquering immortality as long as their robotic bodies wouldn't be destroyed. If we work together, get some generous funds, and convince some rich people that they want our technology we can make it happen".

Dr. Markus thought for a while then spoke.

"So... you're telling us that you wanna take a human mind and put it inside a robot?"

"Yes, indeed", answered the latino scientist.

"I think that for some years, even decades, that would be impossible", replied the neurologist.

"Why?", asked Dr. Brand.

"Trying to comprehend at a 100% how the human mind works has been the work of my life, but the more I learn, the more answers I get, the more questions appear, making me think that it's simply impossible to achieve it", said Markus, a hint of sadness and resignation in his eyes.

"Ah, I see now, so you gave up", spat Dr. Torres, trying to hide his huge disappointment, but not succeeding at it.

"Don't be hard with Dr. Davis, I miself am in a dead end with AI programming. It's not terribly hard to teach an AI to be super smart, but the more I try to teach them how to have emotions a feelings, the more frustrated I get", said the genius woman, defending him, pity permeating her voice.

After a while in silence, Dr. Brand told them:

"As you already know Fernando, I work with Dr. Williams trying to produce a robot that could emulate human mind, with emotions and feelings, but as she said, our task resulted to be more difficult than what we thought at the beginning. And hearing Dr. Davis I understand now why. But Dr. Davis, had been some months already getting to know Dr. Torres, I was the first person that he contacted, and now we're friends. The first days he surprised me when I realized that I was able to have a very deep and technical conversation with him about robotics and AI programming. He's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met. So, I think that if all of us join forces with Fernando, maybe the answers we seek, we can get them. You know the saying, two minds think better than one, and in this case, if there are four, then even better".

Markus lingered for a while, the said:

"Ok, let's say that I accept joining you, and that Dr. Williams agree too. What da exactly hell would we do? Because you, Dr. Torres, said something about immortality. So you ain't gonna lie to me! You wanna be immortal, right?"

Fernando, hearing that, remained silent during a few seconds, then smiled.

"As expected about a renowned neurologist. Ok! You got me. Yeah, indeed, I wanna become immortal transferring my mind into a robotic body. But the reason why is not a frivolous one, like been able to live for ever to rule the world or something. My motivation is the injustice of humanity. This world is wrong, people grow more and more evil as the days, the month and the years pass. The rich grow richer, the poor gets poorer. People sell drugs, ruining the life of hundreds of thousands of humans, and when that humans get into debts with the narcos, they show their real nature, monsters that kill humans as someone kill bugs. The biggest and most powerful nations go to war with the smaller countries to rob them their resources, and don't have remorse when manipulating them into war among themselves. I'm tired of this world!.

But I feel I won't have enough time to do something about it. Because this world will never change. The answer is to create another world, free of monsters, having only good humans. And that, take more than a lifetime to create ".

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