
What if God could break the 4th wall?

What if God was could break the 4th wall? Kon is an Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent being, that has become aware of its fictionality. He strives to find the answer to his questions, all while he is followed by a pantheon of vexatious gods.

LlamaLlama_YT · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Lord Kon, I found you!

The pink-haired woman stared down into the cascading infinity with a gleeful smile.

"Found you, Lord Kon!" She giggled in anticipation. She snapped her fingers, the inpercievable light from the combined energy of the multiverse fizzling out in an instant. There was a moment of silence, darkness and utter nothingness, before a tall man with dark hair, who appeared to be in his late teen years materialised infront of her.

"Why can't you leave me be, Akari?" He asked, exasperated. She chuckled.

"I love to bask in your presence, Lord Kon. Is that not a good enough reason for you?" She asked, leaning over to him.

"No, not at all." He turned back around. He used his hand to wave towards where the multiverse once had been, and the light burst back into existence as if nothing happened.

"Let me have peace for a few eons." He said, as he began to approach the light, intending to return. Akari grabbed his arm.

"Time is meaningless to us!" Akari argued.

"I can still choose to experience it. I find timeless existence meaningless and uncomfortable. So please, leave me be."

"No! Your presence is required at the meeting!" She spluttered. Kon looked back at Akari, a quizzical look on his face.

"What meeting?" He asked, sarcastically.

"The meeting of the gods! In your palace!" Akari shouted, pulling on his arm, to little avail.

"Since when did we have meetings? Or a palace?" He asked, shrugging her off with ease.

"Since now!" She moaned, chasing after him. "And aren't you omniscient? Surely you would know about it!"

"I don't know about things that don't exist." Kon said, increasing his speed.

"Liar! We both know that's not how Omniscience works!" She humphed.

"You're right. I'm kidding. Of course I knew. I just prefer to ignore it." He said, increasing his speed even more.

"Stop toying with me! I wouldn't interrupt Lord Kon's 'break' from us for nothing!" She said, waving her arms around.

"You would." Kon said, approaching the multiverse at speeds that could not be put into words.

"You're right. I would." She shrugged. "But that's not the point!" She said shaking her head.

"Then, what is it?" Kon asked, knowing full well anything she would say he already knew.

"We've found traces of something that doesn't really... how do I put this..." She turned her head up, pondering.

"Spill it then." Kon said, rolling his eyes.

"We've found something that doesn't have any traces to you or the Cardinal." Kon stopped dead in his tracks. Araki, who ran right into him, immediately being destroyed on the sub-atomic level, her matter dissapating completely. Kon pondered to himself. 'Not from me or the Cardinal? Could it be?'

"Araki-" He turned around to see the empty void. 'Oh. Did I accidentally kill her again?' He thought. He raised his arm, and Araki was brought back into existence.

"Lord Kon!" She crossed her arms in fraustration.

"What?" He asked, blank expression.

"You could've told me before you stopped like that!" She scolded.

"You could've told me before running into me, but you don't see me moaning." Kon said.

"Lord Kon, that's not fair and you know it. And you were moaning about me disturbing your 'peace' earlier." She said.

"Yeah okay. But what about that thing that isn't linked to me or the Cardinal?" Kon asked, curiosity filling his voice for the first time in millions if not billions of years.

"It's on Olympus. Wanna head there-" Kon disappeared. Araki sighed. "You don't just leave me hanging like that!" She disappeared too.

Kon appeared on a cloudy island in the sky. He was standing in front of a castle so humongous it defied words. The white and gold mixed together to create an illustrious palace. Kon walked up to inspects its walls.

"Impressive work here. Layering a thirty-four dimensional construct on an eleven dimensional construct. I might just consider not destroying this." He said, feeling the edges of the aurelian castle. Kon picked himself up, and stepped towards the entrance. With that, Araki appeared behind him.

"Lord Kon! Don't just leave me behind-" Kon kept walking through the arched entrance, completely ignoring Araki. "LORD KON!" She screamed. Kon's face darkened. With obvious hesitation, he turned back to Araki, who walked up to him, and struck him across the face. As soon as her particles impacted Kon's face, once again, her very being was destroyed. Kon rolled his dark blue eyes, and recreated Araki once again.

"That's the second time now, Araki." Kon said condecendingly.

"T-to be fair, Lord Kon, the first time wasn't my fault!" Araki said.

"It was." Kon remarked, with obvious sarcasm that Araki refused to notice.

"It wasn't!" She shouted. Kon sighed, and moved on. Araki was bout to say something else, then stopped herself. "Hmph!" She started sauntering into the palace. She overtook Kon and made her way over the long table; that had fourteen seats. Eleven people were seated. All of them had their eyes on the man they viewed as God.