
What if Gamora survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Película
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

After The four-hour trip, The ship landed in the aeroplane hangar at Shield headquarters. Drax and Mantis left the ship. Groot and Rocket followed them. Gamora, Peter, and Nebula then followed behind.

"This could be some sort of trap," Nebula told Gamora and Peter.

"This isn't a trap, Nebula. Don't worry about Shield; I've heard that they are loyal, trustworthy and if we can't trust them, there won't be many we can trust," Gamora told Nebula.

"I'm just skeptical. They do seem like good people, and they seemed okay throughout the five-year gap, but given all that has happened and the fact that we technically used to fight alongside Thanos, they may change, they may not like us and maybe be plotting to do us harm," Nebula told Gamora.

"I'm sure it will be OK, plus they wouldn't do it with so many people here; if they were planning to harm us or kill us they would do it at a spot a lot more quiet and remote," Gamora assured Nebula.

"Nobody is harming or killing anyone. We will team up together, and we will stop them if they do try, but I don't think they will," Peter told Gamora and Nebula.

"Nebula's just worried; everything will be fine," Gamora told Peter.

A few minutes later, they make it to the meeting rooms, where numerous guards are walking around with weapons.

Gamora noticed A man come over and told them to stand down.

"I am Director Fury. I am the one that has called you here." Fury pointed to his right and added, "And this is Agent Hill."

"I called to set up a meeting yesterday. While we wait for the others to arrive—who are already on their way—Agent Hill will direct you to your assigned seats for the meeting. We're simply going to talk about what happened, how it happened, and basically how you're back, and also make sure you're on our side if something like Thanos arises again. You will need to sign some paperwork merely to show that you are on our side, and then you are free to leave, but we need to be sure you don't mean us any harm before you can leave." Agent Fury told them.

Agent Hill then directs Gamora, Nebula, and the guardians to their seats as they enter the meeting room.

Agent Hill then departed as some of the others started to arrive.

Four more people are then led into the room; the only one Gamora recognises is Thor. Agent Hill then departs and, minutes later, re-enters with four more people, none of whom Gamora recognises.

Agent Hill then moved to the front of the room.

"Agent Fury will join us in a moment. As Agent Fury said, we simply want to know how you survived, how you are back, and how you are injured, and that you will be on our side and that you won't betray us or cause any trouble for us, specifically more than one of you," agent Hill stated, looking at Loki, Gomora, and Nebula one by one.

"Some new faces and some old faces. Here at Shield, all new faces will be given a fresh start. Don't waste it. You won't have another chance. You're extremely lucky to get any chances since Agent Fury is incredibly picky about his clean slates. To make sure you are following through on your promises, you will be observed and monitored. We won't talk to you much unless we need your assistance," Agent Hill told everyone.

Fury then entered the room. "Thank you, Agent Hill, for your help. You may sit down now," he told her.

Agent Hill then goes and sits down next to Natasha and Clint.

"Right, so the first thing that I would like to ask you is how you are all alive. We will go through you one by one, and I would like you to tell me how you survived. I will ask you one by one to see if you all have the same story and if there are any gaps in your story, so if you are lying and making anything up, we will know." Fury said Looking at Loki, "We know that at least one of you has a past with it." Fury added

Gamora saw Loki roll his eyes at what Fury said.

"Right, so Gamora will be our first stop. You're a new face here, so I apologise if I have your name incorrect. As time goes on, I'll keep your name and face in mind," said Fury.

"That's how you say it; it's fine. When I opened my eyes, a man stood in front of me. He approached me and said that I may return to life for a second chance at life, but I had to have a consequence of what happened to me: an injury, a reminder of what happened. He gave me two options to choose from: I could choose to return, or I could cross over to the afterlife. I picked an option, and he then put some spell on me, and then I awoke, and I was with the guardians," Gamora told Fury.

"All right up. The next is Natasha Romanoff, also known as Agent Romanoff, who has been a top Shield agent and avenger for the past 15 years. Is your story the same?" Fury questioned.

"Yes, they are similar. I was given two options to pick from, or I could cross over to the afterlife. I made a decision, and I awoke on Clint's Farm." Natasha told Fury.

"Ok, thank you. Next is Loki of Asgard. I would say it's great to see you again, but it's not; so is your story the same or is it different?" Fury questioned.

"Yes it's the same; I was given options; I picked one, and I woke up in New Asgard." Fury was informed by Loki.

"The next up is stark. Does your story match everyone else's?" Fury asked.

"Pretty much, but I woke up in the hospital; otherwise, There's pretty much no difference; I was presented with two options, chose one, and awoke. Also, they all returned because of Steve, which is the only thing they failed to mention. When Steve put the stones back, he unintentionally reversed all of the deaths caused by the use of the stones, including the sacrifices made for a stone like Natasha. As a result, we all had a chance to come back." Tony told Fury.

"All right, it makes sense. The vision is up next. Do you wish to go by a different name, or is it just the vision?" Fury asked.

"Vision is fine, and everything is exactly the same except the person who spoke to me was a woman. I was approached by a young woman, and she said the same as what everyone else was told," Vision told Agent Fury.

"All right, fair enough, so all of you were spoken to by a male or, in the case of Vision, a woman, and you were given options of injury or afterlife." Fury said, "I'm not interested in personal details about your injuries or anything like that; that's private; I don't need to know that; but what I do need to know is if your abilities and your powers might be affected by your new injury, just so I know how strong and powerful you are in case you do go against us; we need to know so we can be prepared just in case." Fury told everyone.

Fury looked at Gamora, and she took that as permission to speak.

"I don't have any powers, as you call them, but I do have abilities. My superhuman strength and durability will be unaffected by my recent injuries. I will learn how to fight and adapt," Gamora said to Fury.

"I've heard great things about you and your combat abilities; after a trial, of course, you could be extremely helpful to Shield. I've heard about you and your team and how all of you make a good team, so we would consider giving you all of your trials if you wanted to." Agent Fury said before turning to face Natasha.

"I know What your answer probably is, but I have to ask it's protocol," Fury told Natasha.

"I know, I understand, but my abilities aren't at all affected by my injuries; I'll recover and adapt, and I'll become the fighter I was before," Natasha told Fury.

"The next person is Loki of Asgard," Fury said.

"You know you don't have to call me that," Loki said, gamora could tell he was starting to get annoyed with fury.

"All right, then, what, Loki Laufeyson?" "Isn't that what it really is?" Fury asked.

Gamora saw Thor look over at Loki and tell him, "Don't."

"It's just Loki, nothing else," Loki told Fury.

"All right, just Loki. Will your injury have any effect on your powers and abilities?" Fury asked.

"No, same as everyone else, I will recover and I will still have the same abilities, and my other powers will not be affected," Loki told Fury.

"Okay, I've heard enough from you. Next is stark," Fury says.

"Nothing could affect this billionaire philanthropist and playboy," Tony told Agent Fury.

Gamora saw Fury roll his eyes at what Tony said.

"All right, vision, how about you?" Fury asked.

"I don't have powers, as you call them, but no, my injury will not affect me as a fighter; I'll still be able to fight pretty much as I did before. And I will be on your side as long as you don't go against Wanda. My top priority is her. I'll lend a hand and help you save people. But I won't be on your side, and I won't assist you if you go against her or harm her in any manner. We have a deal that as long as you don't harm her in any manner, I will continue to stand by your side," Vision told Fury.

"Good. We need to have as many people on our team as possible, and we need to know who to trust and who not to trust," Fury told everyone. "We will be watching everyone for roughly 5 to 6 weeks as a trial to simply make sure you don't break the contract you're about to sign, as agent Hill has informed you. Even the ones we can trust here have to do it; it's protocol after the trial. The ones that have been with us before you'll be as you were before all of this happened; it's just to make sure you haven't changed when you came back to life. Agent Coulson will arrive with the documents in a moment. If you can't sign it for whatever reason, someone else can sign it for you; as long as that's agreed upon by you, then that's fine," Fury told everyone.

A short while later, Agent Coulson entered the room with a bundle of paperwork.