
What if everyone disappeared? 2.0

Be paired for the dumb shit you’re going to read It is really hilarious

Kaden_Rambo · Otras
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11 Chs

Going a bit insane

As the sun kissed the horizon, I awoke with a singular mission in mind: to locate a capybara. With a few keystrokes, I unearthed a trove of information pointing me towards Japan, where these elusive creatures supposedly dwelled. Eager for the adventure, I charted a course and soared through the skies in my trusty plane, N.C. POV, camera in tow.

"Alright, folks, buckle up," I announced to my imaginary audience, grasping the joystick with a hint of trepidation. With a playful flick of my wrist, I sent the plane into a dizzying dance through the clouds, relishing in the exhilaration of flight. Hours passed in a blur of loops and twirls, punctuated by impromptu musical interludes and the occasional water bottle toss.

As Japan's coastline came into view, my excitement mingled with a tinge of apprehension at the sight of the city below, its chaos apparent even from a distance. Undeterred, I guided the plane to a semi-flat landing spot and set out in search of my quarry.

With applesauce and onion in hand, I ventured forth, my stomach growling in anticipation of the peculiar feast ahead. At a quaint petting zoo, I found my target: a capybara, its gentle demeanor belying its fate as my culinary experiment. With a mix of reverence and indifference, I coated the creature in applesauce and attempted to fashion an impromptu fork from a humble onion.

Despite the absurdity of the situation, I pressed on, the tang of applesauce mingling with the pungent aroma of onion as I sampled my makeshift utensil. The taste was secondary to the experience, a testament to my dedication to entertaining my loyal viewers.

Exhausted but exhilarated, I retraced my path back to Florida, the journey home marked by fatigue and anticipation of a well-deserved rest. With the capybara arc behind me, I bid farewell to my audience, promising new adventures on the horizon.

Author's Note: Apologies for the delay in updates, but fear not! Exciting new series are on the horizon, so stay tuned for more wild escapades. The adventure never ends.