
What Have I Done?

All Chloe wanted was some peace in her newly inherited castle, who knows she would have such encounter before reaching Beninville. The Mafia and the Army had a conflict and she had to somehow get involved. "What have I done?" was all she could ask herself.

Adeola_Abiodun · Ciudad
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8 Chs



The shots were fired rapidly before they stopped. If I wasn't trying to eavesdrop on Chloe, I wouldn't have been able to get her away from the window.

There sure was sign that who ever did this wasn't a pro so I am guessing it was an angry local. It was her statement for me. She probably didn't notice she said it out loud. Can she get any more crazier? I would love to go wild with her but this is a job I don't want to mess up. I don't mix business with pleasure. It's not my style.

"Are you okay Miss? I asked since she was still trying to catch her breath.

"Do I look okay to you? I want to know who did this now". She retorted while glaring at me.

Well, it's not my fault someone is trying to kill you was all I could think of.

"Do you have any person in mind that could have done this?"

"Look here Mr. Eric, I have never had people who want me dead until I got here. So no, I know no person and that's why you have to find out. Besides, I hired you for protection, didn't I?"

"Alright but you really have to stop glaring at me. It's not like I shot at you".

The gunshots attracted some of the workers and someone called the police. They came in to do thier thing and questioned the supposed mistress of the castle if she knew anyone who could have done such which she answered no.

Of course, I knew that was a lie. For starters, this girl is involved with the Army whether she knows it or not.

Secondly, the Mafia are looking for her or whatever she has and even the locals aren't to fond of her considering the look that house keeper has been giving me.

But, I still have to pretend I was doing a good job. After things were settled that evening, I saw her go to sleep in another room. The former one would need amendments.

I walked out of the castle and traced where the shots were fired from. Cartridges were laying around and shoe prints were quite visible.

Whoever did this would be a very foolish fella. And definitely a local. Now, I just have to find who it was and the best way to do so would be the bar.

I was walking back to my car when I remembered I had returned it. So, I have to walk to the bar. It would be a form of exercise though. My body needed the stretch anyway.

I ordered a bottle of beer and I sat alone while looking around and listening in on conversations. I couldn't have been thirty minutes in here when I saw the weird house keeper dressed in a ridiculous outfit since the style doesn't suit her. She was hunched over the table talking to a man.

"You couldn't even get the job done yet you are demanding a sure high price. Are you crazy?". Mrs. Dora said in a whisper like tone but I could hear her.

"What do you want me to do? You told me to scare her which I did. Now, pay me my balance or I will walk right to that castle and report myself". I almost laugh out loud to myself. As if he could actually do that. This seems to be working in my favor. I decided to use Mrs. Dora. I watched as she pushed a small money bag into the man's hand and the man gave her a smirk and walked out on her.

She was preparing to leave after him when I stepped in front of her. She was definitely shocked. It's seems she couldn't find the right word so I spoke up instead.

"Would you like to follow me out for another bottle of beer? Or would you rather we go to the castle and report this case?"

"Let's go to Kent's bar house". She replied with a seductive tone. I almost find it disgusting but no problems. I really don't mind fucking the likes of her to get work done. I don't do it for pleasure so why not?

I pulled her closer to myself making it look like I just got myself some woman for the night.

We walked in separately into Kent's bar house but sat at the same table. We ordered beer and Nachos. I was starving and I don't want to down another bottle of beer without some type of meal.

We digged in when the waiter brought it. "So, are you gonna tell on me or what?" She asked me while picking her nachos. She sure is a seductress. She knows how to play this game.

"I really don't care what you do with your mistress. I am there for something else. Help me out and it's going to be a win win for both of us".

"Really? Can you let me in on why you are here? And is that all you will be needing?". I didn't miss the lust in her eyes but I was clearly not in mood for that.

"I can't tell you why I am here but I will let you know if I need anything else. It would do us no good if the police is interested in the castle now, don't you think?".

I waved at the waiter and asked for the bills which I paid for immediately.

"Let me handle the guy you gave the job to. And don't contact him again". She nodded gently and I stood up and left.

Not without getting the location of the hire man from her though.

I checked my watch and it was 2008hrs. I decided to visit the guy she called Johnny. I couldn't even call his place a house. Ghettos were better managed than this place and it definitely looks out of place in the country side.

He was passed out where I found him but I waited. When he came around, he was kinda pissed off.

"That bitch sent you to get rid of me?". He grumbled out those words but I heard him clearly.

"Actually, I told that bitch not to contact you anymore since I will be taking care of you today". I replied him with a smirk on my face. He looked around but there was no one around who would witness his death if I were to take care of him that way.

I could read the pure fear on his face now but he was still acting tough.

"Are you going to kill me? I didn't do nothing wrong. I only took my balance from her and I wasn't planning to see her again though". I kept on listening to his ramblings for a while. He was quiet after some time and watching me.

"I want you to get out of town tonight. I don't want to see you around for the next couple of weeks". I was thinking that should be enough for me to finish up here.

"I gat no money to get out of here".

"What? What about the one she paid you? You spent it all?" His reply was a scratch to his head. What was I expecting from the dumbass?

I threw some dollar bills at him and told him to get the hell out or I would be slashing his throat when next I meet him anywhere around this town.