
Life Spring Chicken... I Mean Life Spring Phoenix Get

(Eris POV)

"I dunno Brendan, dis defo' looks like a hairless chicken to me," I muttered, pointing to the said hairless chicken that was tied to the pillar.

"Err… No, senior sister… That's definitely the Life Spring Phoenix we're looking for."

"The only 'life spring' I see from it is its springy wings that are asking to be grilled ya know? Ya think it'll taste good?"

"Senior sister… Please don't fantasize about eating a legendary creature upon meeting one… Especially when we need it for creating Master's potion…"

What he said. [Eris]

Awww come on! Just look at it! The meat is so tender and springy! I'm sure it can regenerate itself just fine! [Bait]

Rejected… [Laverna]

This one also disagrees.. [Denna]

Bah! All of you don't know the wonders of meat! [Bait]

No. we just know when not to prioritise our stomach. [Eris]

I turned to Brendan, "So what's the plan? That bird doesn't exactly look happy to see us."

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