

Eskişehir was covered with a gloomy and fog layer and I embraced the urban dwellers with its dark arms.

This vicious and vast darkness that covers the city is like the voice of God, causing the whole sky to collapse.

As it swallowed the sounds, the houses underneath were lost in the sound. The streets stretched towards infinity. On one side, it was bright and on the other, it was dark. The smoke.

wants to stand out from the crowd and share the light with the sign, on the other hand, it is the meeting point of those who look at it coldly from afar and those who stay on the street.

Laughter is rising, with voices obviously cracked by hardship. There, people walking through the streets were leaving only a faint trace behind. Another troubled day. The only thing safe around was not being able to pass the dark smoke.

The family wanted to participate that day, and when they did, they saw that the participation was very low.

interesting and denialism began to spread in the city. So much so that although there were many deists in the old city, Deists

In fact, there were a lot of secrets in Eskişehir.

There were churches, the basement of the apartment buildings was used as a church, it was a city with strong missionary activities, so they used the case as an excuse.

There were many people who ran away from the worship with their glorious memories among the mixed old people who passed by in the black area of the church.

Anderson was shining softly among the poor people in their clothes. The fog seemed to have entered despite the walls of the church. Here, too, the cold and gloomy air of the deserted and lonely streets was felt. The rest was also used as a shelter. Some of them also had the morning that oppressed the Christians. The clergy was full of hatred.

According to the good news that came to the class, it was necessary to fight against Atheism and Deism. And what would be the Victory in this war? At this moment, two men were seen suddenly entering from the main door of the building. Both of them stood up with their collars on, and they were coming. I turned and looked at them, but their faces could not be seen because of their long hair covering their eyes. You get up with quick movements and he took off and his ordinary but clean face was revealed, which was in harmony with his clothes that supported his urban structure. Although the other one's appearance was not much different, it was better, his appearance and slow behavior made you believe in the first noon, but at the same time, he was a modest person, in harmony with the atmosphere he created with his white hair flowing down. There was an optimistic face that could be seen. After a short prayer, the tall man led his old friend and together they eventually headed towards a direction that was almost dark because of the clouds in the perpetual gloom among the uneasily flickering candles. The tall man walked to a small man and pointed to one of the attacks. There were local people of the city. On the other side, he shielded his eyes to see better in the darkness. On one side of the chapel, a picture of bright colors stood out. A virgin Mary with a sword stuck in her heart. Although it was depicted, there was an interesting charm on Mary's face. There was a happy atmosphere. It was a direct reference to the Prophet Jesus. The joyful and good ones deserve the virgin mary..

Suddenly I got bored, and for the sake of a painful idea, I saw a lively virgin, her lips were alive, but she looked like a bruised wound on her face, she was floating towards the circles, revealing her entire surroundings, her astonishing degrees, my God, her facial features...

The intelligent man was illuminating and beautifying the thin and curved eyebrows. The black eyes that stared into the distance seemed to be dreaming of a better life from which he was forcibly kept apart. His hands, folded humbly on his chest, were trembling but softly, as if from the cold iron of the sword that opened the deep and bleeding wound on his chest, shining above the head of the Virgin Mary. extraordinary gold..

He gathered all these events in himself, so much so that even the blood gushing from his heart, which was cut open by the sword, was not red, but was like a holy image shined by the rays reflected from the red church windows illuminated by the sun. The darkness that came right after destroyed the last remaining light in the picture. It was bright like a real light above the head of this young girl.

The painter suddenly woke up from the painting he was engrossed in admiration. The one who made it said, "It's not one of ours." The tall man nodded his head at you in approval. A young painter. I'll tell you his story from the beginning. But you'll still have the last word. As you can see, the sermon is over. Even though our common workspace and effort are ours. Even though it's a worthwhile place, I'll stay out of it if it comes for the stories. Let's hit the road.

Before turning his back to his painting, which was illuminated thanks to the glasses that gradually became golden due to the dissipation of the foggy air and the effect of the vapor created by the cold wind on the window, the painter thought once again, as if he walked to look at his painting with respect and admiration, his memory will be lost in the blessed smile of those Spoiler lips..

However, the tall man who was about to go out said that he had to embarrass the men in order to catch up with him at the door.I left the notes of the dark fog that tightly wrapped me in the notes to a voice curtain caught between the cracks. The colors of the sun began to reflect, shining brightly, through the narrow paving stones that breathed like steel. I wonder where the two men stayed. He was heading towards the road through the streets, while telling the story of the tall merchant man, first between thoughts and memories. The weight of getting lost was disappearing everywhere, they were going faster to the place they were looking for. I told you before about the crime he started, coming from England, in Eskişehir. Anderson, a missionary teacher, was listening carefully and told the tall boy. To avoid leaving you in doubt, let me tell you right away that I am running my father's business.

I spent all my time drinking and playing games with young people in taverns, similar to the others. I also knew how to sing some immoral songs faster, swearing on the table, I didn't think of going back home. As my father said in the insistent and threatening letters he sent from home, life is not that difficult for me.

I wasn't thinking about going back home. As my father said in the insistent letters he sent from home, life wasn't that hard for me. There were people who knew me. And they warned him that this life would finish me. I was just laughing at me. You were laughing angrily. A quick sip of that dark wine takes away all my worries. If he doesn't do this. Those are the lips of a prostitute. I was probably lying down and tearing the letters into two pieces. I was looking at a drunkenness. I don't know if you can open them again. But one evening, it all came to an end. Even today, from time to time, I feel that a clear miracle accompanied me that evening. One evening, I was sitting in a tavern. I remember the place full of drunk friends. One of the prostitutes next to us was very beautiful, those stormy and creepy nights, one day when we had more fun, I guess it is rare to suddenly fix a f****** story. While we were laughing and drinking our drinks, a letter came to me. I was very angry because I was bored to see my father's letters. He was selling me half of his regular duties and his religious duties, I mean, two things that I had met a lot, I already have a letter from his friends, remember he is a very nice looking young man and skilled in all kinds of equestrian arts. The prostitutes applauded. They jumped on the young man with joy. They raised their arms to his honor. While I was laughing and drinking, I was trying to get myself into a wonderful joy that would make me forget the letter to myself and my father, God and myself. As we left where we were and went to another tavern that would turn our excitement into crazy, I didn't have a letter in mind as I had never been before. I was drunk and one of the girls next to him was beautiful as hell. While walking, the merchant suddenly stopped and carried his hand to my mother. It was as if he wanted to erase an event that he did not want from his memory. Teacher, if you understand, it was a sad memory for me. You can guess it's coming My truth and her beauty next to my curiosity We went out together I was filled with desire but something strange happened Her desire will lead me to answer in this softness as she lies in her arms and connects her lips with hers Instead of arousing a wild desire, her lips give me strangely tender kisses like a holiday. He reminded me of that whore, lying on his lap, strange from Kemal, she was incredible, thrown away in the trash, to my father's school, Cemile, one side is ignored, I got your business letter from a friend, you can't even whine about it, I felt like I suddenly jumped at your feet, you, my heart, and my money, Ayşe alone, on the road to Atışalanı, and I only knew that you were ashamed of my sleep. He shouted about their beauty for his pleasure, so that he wouldn't fall under the excuse. I also went to women, I forgot my dear, should I send the money, but since that day, I knew that you would still come to say, the support I gave the woman's money, Do you think it was small, I won't be afraid of her future from the world, He said that I have some money, he doesn't listen to her, and the girl feels like that too. old nights, dark here, I used to repeat it correctly, I entered Reyhani, now bad sentences, always people, I thought it was like following in general, my friends were happy and confused, I couldn't forget the research, these were in front of you, I'm even aware that you ripped happiness from the ground, at least removing the changes, halal, I've been through, let's talk, brother, it's mine, Rain is strong It was raining, he was pulling the paper in his hand from the weather vane field, but okay, the officer had tears in his eyes, I was able to explain it after reading everything. Anyway, if there is not much, I have to go home before my mother is free, I am aware that most of the messages I received are from friends, but my heart was like I thought he was an eternal person, the man who told his story, his eyes were like that. 20 c already for the friendIt indicates that everyone can find their way like this, I spoke to you very loudly, they continued to walk together without speaking, the opportunities are already tomorrow, what their magnificence is going through, bring tears to their eyes, he will raise his head, he even started to explain the rest, he hits that night with sadness and regret, so I won't even talk about it to you. I can say this to everyone, I wanted to go straight to the steps of the church in the morning, praying without stopping, I begged the Virgin Mary not to stop me from seeing my mother for the last time and apologizing to her. On the same day, I went on a journey that lasted days full of despair and fear, like crazy. Yes, do you think I ran and went to the house where my parents were staying, at the door? I saw my mother, she was old, but her health was good, yet she seemed to have regained her vitality. The moment she saw me, she held me in her arms with great happiness, and I cried from the sorrows I felt for days on her chest and the nights I spent in empty disgrace. My life has changed since that moment. It can even be said that I survived an illness. Instead of the man I dedicated to the Virgin Mary. I wrapped the foundation stone of the house that brought me that letter, which was the most valuable thing in my life. Immediately after I arrived, I pointed out this you that we see in the future and I did my best to decorate it. Months later, a young young man appeared at my door, told me the purpose of being sent there, and brought his greetings to my friend and a letter from him. And strangely, you still don't understand his sad face. Disrespectful etc. I liked it, it had nothing to do with my noisy friends. The letter even supported the positive impressions and eliminated my hesitation about the youth of the young man. According to what my friend wrote, the old man's type left everyone behind. The man my friend chose was someone who was quiet and calm. I couldn't find any information about his private life, but from his insinuations, I could only infer that his decision was influenced by a painful event caused by a beautiful woman, and that's why he wanted to leave his country. Although I don't have any evidence, I think it's okay for him to write about the woman he loves in that work, even if it seems contrary to his age. She had a face. Whenever I came near her, I would catch her trying to recreate the beautiful face you also witnessed, or getting angry. After the painting was completed, I was afraid of disrespecting Christianity, which was caused in me by depicting a light and honorable woman as the Virgin Mary. He didn't say a word when I requested it, but when he visited him the next day, even Veda, I saw that he had left this place because if we cannot describe the beauty of every Woman we come across, how can we know how to describe the subtle beauty of our beloved woman? Aren't we all an image created by God and to portray the most perfect of perfect people? Shouldn't there be an invisible layer, no matter how thin it is? I, who was chosen to have the second picture painted, am one of those incapable people who cannot paint without observing better, who do not have the ability to create with imagination, who creates their works by copying the real thing. I would not choose the woman I love to paint a picture that approaches the value of the Virgin Mary. Because it is a sin to see such a sharp woman in the form of a perfect woman, but I would search for traces of her beauty and draw the picture of the face I saw in my dreams, which reminded me the most of the one of our Virgin Mary, and be sure that whatever you do to a sinful person's face for religious respect. And most of the time, not even a trace of sin remains. The cleansing spell looks like a mark on the face of a woman until she dies. I have witnessed this miracle many times. In conclusion, no matter what, I have full confidence in you, you are a man with whom I have gone through a lot. If you do not see any sin in you, on the contrary, I find it admirable. "I find it," said the teacher.

You are right, but what I want from you is not to start making the vow right away. Because this unrealized vow is still on me as if it were a sin. I still get married. I didn't remember the second picture for 20 years. But recently, when I saw your face in the eyes of my wife crying at the bedside of my sick child, I felt guilty and renewed my vow. As you know, all the doctors gave up on the pouch there. In that case, Virgin Mary. Once again, he healed my son with his miracle. I kindly ask you to finish this work without delaying too much, so that I can feel at ease. After listening to the teachers thoroughly, the audio was recorded for a while, then he started talking. To be honest, I have never encountered such a difficult work in my entire career, but I will do my best to compare my work with this young master's painting. Don't worry, God will not be with me so that it doesn't remain like a haphazard job with a novice tea. Don't worry, He will never withhold his help from you. Stay healthy and get to work with peace of mind. I hope you will bring good news as soon as possible. The merchant in front of the door sincerely shook the teacher's hand, thinking it was Ender, and surrounded him. pointed and harshCoins surrounded by stones rest like a rose. He looked at his eyes, healthy and radiant from his angular face, with confidence. The painter could not give the answer he wanted to give, and he pushed her back with great force and then grasped her so tightly. The two separated from each other with trusting and harmonious emotions. prosper He walked slowly through faith as usual He enjoys the view of tradition from this wild place where the injustice of the working life continues Every once in a while he sits down and paints the body of a working man eaten at a strange angle I can make it hard by applying that difficult art of shortening He was trying to draw people's contradictions The noise of cars always the same marathon and chatter The sounds hitting the shore did not cause him uneasiness, the images that came to life about what he was feeling inside, the money on the table, my ordinary purpose was to illuminate a work of art in all living things, the looks that could capture that work had completed it for him, so the biggest one, always shining with colorful lights, warming up with joy and breathing, would mix with Life. The Doctor would mix with what I was looking for among him. His eyes were always good for something, no one dared to intercede for him. However, this time he gave up his search quickly. The story of the merchant was his own. Fate had affected him a lot because of where he ate. The miracle that revived his art at other times was now unable to fulfill its duty. Even though there were only overweight people around him, the young master over all the women. The picture of the Virgin Mary was writing something delicate. In deep thoughts, he walked around the area prepared for Sunday hesitantly for a while, but after all kinds of trials and complexes, walking through the dark streets, thinking that the one who came after him was full, I found himself again in the church where he came from, next to the smiling woman in the middle of the extraordinary conversation. A few weeks passed, teacher, if you believe me. During this time, the promise he made to his friend to finish the portrait of the Virgin Mary he was going to paint was also there.