
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Cómic
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45 Chs

Everyone loves yanderes!

Today's chapter


After the man took his final breath, Saeko regained her composure and was overcome with shock and disbelief as she realized what she had just done. The reality of taking a life hit her hard, leaving her feeling shaken and disturbed. She couldn't believe that she had just taken someone's life.

Saeko was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions, her thoughts were jumbled. "I'm a monster," she repeated to herself, as the reality of what she had just done set in. When she went hunting in the past, she used to comfort herself by thinking that she would never take someone's life.

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled into a warm embrace, and for a moment, the world around her melted away.

"You did what you had to do to protect those girls and yourself," Lee spoke in a soothing tone, trying to calm her down. "You're not a monster, you're a hero." He pulled her into a warm embrace, offering her a sense of comfort and security.

Lee was taken aback. He thought Saeko would just break the mob's bones, not take someone's life. Her delicate mind wouldn't be able to withstand the impact of such a traumatic event on her own.

Did he feel sorry for her? Of course not, he was more than happy to use this opportunity to get her closer to him.

"No! I'm a monster! "I don't deserve to live!" Saeko cried in his embrace, slipping into self-blame. All the emotions she repressed for a long time were released today.

"No, you're not a monster," Lee reassured her, holding her tightly. "You did what you had to do to protect those girls and yourself. Don't let guilt consume you. It's not your fault."

"No, I'm a monster," Saeko whimpered, tears streaming down her face. "I could have stopped after they were incapacitated, but I took it further and took his life. What's worse is that I took pleasure from it."

"Even if you can't accept yourself I will always accept you" Lee whispered to her ears while hugging her "I see you as a unique and special person, not a monster. And I will always accept and love you, no matter what."

"Lee-kun, I...I..." Saeko was taken aback by Lee's words. She lifted her head and met his gaze, his red wine eyes shining like stars and filling her with a sense of purification.

She stared at them obsessively, and she couldn't help herself as she found herself drawn to Lee as if his presence was a beacon of light in her darkness. She finally stopped inches away from his face, their noses almost touching.

She was overwhelmed by his compassion and the tenderness in his eyes. She felt a sense of safety and comfort that she had never felt before as if all her fears and worries were slowly melting away. She involuntarily moved closer and closer until she finally pressed her lips against his in a passionate kiss.

As she pressed her lips against Lee's, she felt a rush of emotions overcome her. It was as if all of her fears and worries were being washed away by his comforting embrace. Lee returned the kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around her. At that moment, she felt a sense of safety and security, knowing that Lee was there to support her no matter what. It was a feeling of unconditional love that she felt for the first time in her life.

"Lee-kun..." Breaking the kiss Saeko didn't know what to say. She felt guilty after saying "I'm sorry... I...I shouldn't have". Despite the fact that she knew he had a girlfriend, she kissed Lee impulsively.

"Better now?" Lee didn't say anything but instead comforted her by patting her head.

Saeko nodded slowly, grateful that Lee had not rejected her kiss. She couldn't help but wonder if perhaps his feelings for his girlfriend were not as strong as she thought, which would explain why he was not upset with her impulsive action.

"Let's go, I'll send you home," Lee held her hand and said while comforting her. He had already used his power to knock down everyone under the bridge.

He has to send her before he comes back to work on this, and he also has to deal with the two girls. The police in this world have nearly no sense of existence. They are far more useless than schools.

Saeko nodded. Fortunately, Lee is with her she thought. On their way, she nervously asked if she would end up in jail. Lee reassured her, saying he would handle everything and that she should go back home and have a good night's sleep.

On the way, she leaned against his shoulder and asked if his girlfriend would be mad because she kissed him.

Lee responded that his girlfriend is an understanding girl and she wouldn't mind knowing the full story. He found it funny that Saeko assumed that he had a girlfriend just because he had been on a date with someone. In his past life, people could do a lot more than just go on a date without being in a relationship.

It made Saeko uncomfortable to see Lee praise his girlfriend. Secretly, she hoped that their relationship would fall apart so she could have a chance with Lee. But as soon as she had the thought, she was shocked and ashamed of her own feelings.

After taking a taxi Lee and Saeko arrived at her house around 22:30. Saeko was feeling a mix of emotions, she was relieved to be home but also didn't want to be separated from Lee.

"Take care, Saeko. And don't worry too much, I got this," Lee said with a smile, trying to reassure her.

"Thank you, Lee-kun. I really appreciate it," Saeko replied. Feeling happy that Lee called her directly by her name.

Lee nodded and turned to leave.

Saeko watched as Lee walked away, but then mustered up the courage to run towards him and embrace him from behind. "Lee, thank you for being with me, you truly saved my life," with her head buried on his back taking on his scene, she whispered what she felt.

As Saeko hugged him from behind, Lee turned around to face her, a soft smile appearing on his face. "You're welcome, Saeko. If you ever feel alone, remember that I will always be there for you," he said, his voice filled with warmth. He gently patted her back. Lee didn't take her seriously when she said that, but in the future, he would understand what she meant.

At this moment, Saeko felt that Lee was the only person who could understand her and save her, becoming the bacon to guide her through the darkness.

She vowed that she would also protect him who is her light in this dark life.

[A fanfic can't do without a cute stalker yandere]

Lee tenderly disengaged from the embrace, softly pushing Saeko away. Although he wouldn't have minded spending more time with her, he still had to clean up the trash and secure his guinea pigs.

It is incredible how he changed from a normal person to a killer indifferent to human life in a few days.

As Lee walked away, Saeko couldn't help but feel a little bit dejected. She couldn't deny her feelings for him, but she also knew that she had to keep them in check. With a sigh, she closed the door and headed to bed, hoping to get some sleep.

Lee quickly moved through the building and returned to the underbridge. To eliminate any evidence, he used his power to blow up the body. He then altered his appearance and took the two helpless girls to the nearest hospital, leaving them safely outside the doors before disappearing into the night.

Having completed his task, Lee rounded up his collection of guinea pigs, including the green-haired mob and his girlfriend. There were 14 guinea pigs of exceptional quality, which would provide Lee with a steady supply for an extended period.

Lee carefully placed the 14 individuals in a state of deep slumber and securely stored them in a desolate building. He then eagerly began his experiments.


It was around 3 AM when Lee finally returned to his house. After changing into fresh clothes and taking a shower, he slipped into bed beside Alice. As if sensing his presence. She curled up against him, wrapping her arms around him.

Early in the morning, Alice woke up to an unfamiliar sensation - something hard was poking her butt. As she rolled over, she was met with the sight of Lee's peaceful, sleeping face. Memories from the night before suddenly flooded back, reminding her that she asked Lee to let her sleep with him.

As she gazed upon Lee's peaceful sleeping face, Alice felt her heart flutter with a wild idea. She inched closer, closing her eyes as she tentatively leaned in and softly planted a kiss on Lee's lips. As she pulled away, her heart raced with excitement and a hint of nervousness, and she ran from the room.

After the door was closed and the room was quiet, Lee's eyes finally opened and a sly smirk played at the corners of his lips. Yesterday was an eventful and exhausting night. He settled back into his bed, closed his eyes, and let himself drift off into a peaceful slumber.