
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Cómic
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45 Chs

Don't act like the MC

"Let's go. We stayed for too long." Seeing Alice like this, Lee didn't know what to say. He completely lost hope. This girl is too unpredictable. He didn't want to continue his plans and wanted to return home.

"Coming!" Alice gave the green-haired guy one last kick before running toward Lee with a happy expression.

"Hey Lee-nii, tell me how did you become so strong? Why didn't I know that? Aren't you supposed to be a nerd?" Alice grabbed Lee's hand and began to ask, as they made their way to the place where Lee had parked the motorcycle.

"There are many things that you don't know about me," Lee said mysteriously. He couldn't tell her that he was a different person. "Get on, we've been out for a while. Aunt Leonora might worry," Lee told Alice, after reaching the place where they left the motorcycle. He needs to prepare for going out tonight.

"Don't move, let us stay like this for a while." When Lee wanted to get on the bike, Alice hugged him from behind and buried her head on his back. While she appeared nonchalant earlier, in fact, she was quite scared, and when she saw Lee taking care of those thugs she felt her heart beating fast.

Although the hero saving the beauty is cliché, but it has unparalleled lethality for the protected woman. After all, which woman has not imagined that a handsome and outstanding hero will appear when she is in danger?

Lee turned around and took her in his arms, silently patting her head. If he wanted to, he could kiss her now and with a bit of effort they could confirm their relationship. To be honest it was a lot easier than he thought. However, he wouldn't do that.

His goal in this world is to have a harem. If he takes the initiative to start a relationship with Alice right now, he will find it difficult in the future to start another relationship without sneaking around. In addition, the difficulty of taking down Leonora will multiply.

Not only does Lee need her to take the initiative, but he also needs to humble her a few times. This is to the point where she becomes satisfied with just being around him.

He knew that he was scum, and his behavior was the lowest of the low. But who cares? In his past life, he never had a harem. He wasn't rich or handsome enough to attract women, so he had to rely on his tricks and effort to get high-quality women.

In fact, this is what many women do. They raise multiple colored chicks, hoping that one of them survives. There is also the fisherwoman type. They cast the net hoping that they can catch a big fish.

In this world, everyone is a scumbag. If someone says that they aren't, then they are either still didn't get fucked by society, or they are just simps like Will Smith. Oh no, Will Smith is on a whole different level. That guy is a mutated species of simps.

[I'm writing this note for some readers with lesser intelligence than average: this paragraph is what the MC is thinking. Please forgive him. He's been disappointed by society and has grown cynical. But he would change with time (chapters).]

"Thanks, I'm okay now. Let's go back." Alice said, after hugging for a while. She felt a bit disappointed but she didn't know why, maybe because Lee didn't do anything?

Lee ignored her resentful gaze after nodding and getting on the bike.


"Mom! We are back!" About one hour later, they returned to the villa. Alice ran to her mom and told her what had happened.

"Ara~ Welcome back," Leonora with her ara ara thing, greeted them.

Lee greeted Leonora. With Alice around, he didn't know how to start with her. So he just greeted her and headed to his room to change clothes.

It was 3 in the afternoon, still far from night, so Lee sat on the sofa after grabbing one of the biology books he brought. He asked Alice not to tell her mother about what had happened in the bay. That would just scare her for nothing.

"Lee-nii, what are you reading?" After a while, Alice came to bother him asking him what he was reading. Lee said that he was interested in human biology. She said nerd and put her head on his lap.

Lee didn't answer her. He caressed her hair with his free hand while reading his book.

"Lee-nii, what type of woman do you like?" Seeing him ignore her, Alice suddenly asked a question. She didn't know when she started to care about what type of girl Lee liked.

"I don't have many requirements, as long as she is beautiful and not annoying like you," Lee answered her without looking away from his book. What he said was the truth. The majority of men would prefer a woman who is beautiful and not annoying. However, such a woman does not exist.

"You!" Alice suddenly became angry, picked up Lee's hand, and took a bite, leaving a circle of small tooth marks, and then felt that she had bitten harder, and stuck out her small tongue to lick it.

"What the fuck are you doing? Are you a dog?" Lee was startled. He was just teasing her a little bit and didn't expect her to bite him.

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" Alice asked, seeing blood seeping from the bite marks.

'Of course, it fucking hurts!' Lee didn't answer her. He ignored her and moved to another sofa. He began to doubt whether it was a smart idea to seduce a girl like her.

"Lee-nii, don't be mad. I am sorry." Alice saw him ignoring her and apologized. It was indeed her fault, and she shouldn't have been impulsive.

Lee didn't answer her. It wasn't that he was mad at her, but he needed to teach her not to do that again. Otherwise, if one day she got mad and bit his precious tool, then that would be the greatest loss for half of this world's population.

The sight of Lee ignoring her like that was unbearable to her. "Hey Lee-nii, I'm sorry okay? What can I do to earn your forgiveness?" In the past, she didn't care if she did something bad. At most, she would just cook something nice for him as an apology.

Hearing her sincere apology, Lee put down the book and thought. At first, he thought of asking her to cook for him but he quickly dismissed the idea. She lives with him now, so she would certainly cook since she enjoys it. In addition, he cannot ask for anything excessive either. Even if she accepted his excessive demands, that would pretty much confirm their relationship. And he didn't want to do that now.

"Hmm, how about calling me Onii-chan from now on?" Lee thought for a while and didn't come up with any demands, and told her his request. He saw this in many mangas, so he wanted to experience what it feels like when a beautiful, busty girl called him like that.

"What? Ahaha! Lee-nii! I think you're hilarious!" Hearing him, Alice burst into laughter, thinking that he was cute.

"Shut up!" Lee blushed for some reason. He regretted asking her to call him, so he picked up his book and decided to ignore her.

"Onii-chan~~ you are a pervert~~" Alice walked over to him and breathed a hot breath into his ear.

Suddenly Lee spun around, causing Alice to stumble back and fall onto the sofa. Their faces were inches apart, and for a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her. But instead, Lee leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Little girl, you are playing with fire."

After observing Alice's shocked expression, Lee nodded with satisfaction and then made his way to his room.

Alice was left flustered on the couch, her cheeks blushing and her heart pounding. Her innocent mind couldn't handle so much stimulation.


After returning to his room, Lee neatly shelved his book and slipped into more comfortable attire. He then made his way down to the basement gym. Although he enhanced his physical abilities, Lee found it still took time to get used to and training would aid in his adjustment.

Lee arrived at the gym in the basement and started his training routine. The room was spacious and well-equipped with various weightlifting machines, cardio equipment, and a large space for floor exercises.

He warmed up by running on the treadmill for ten minutes, followed by stretches to loosen up his muscles. He next concentrated on developing his upper body strength by performing pull-ups and dips on the parallel bars after bench pressing and bicep curls with dumbbells. He increased the weight with each set and pushed himself to the limit.

Next, In order to develop his lower body, he used the leg press machine to do squats and calf lifts. He added weight plates to the machine for each set, increasing the resistance.

After finishing his weightlifting session, Lee spent some time on the rowing machine, working on his cardiovascular endurance. He set the machine to high resistance and rowed for 20 minutes.

Finally, Lee wrapped up his training with a series of floor exercises, including sit-ups, push-ups, and planks. He performed each exercise for 5 sets, completing 50 reps per set.

Lee hydrated himself with water after finishing his training and went to the kitchen to ask Leonora for help cooking some protein-rich dishes.

"Hey, have you seen Aunt Leonora?" Lee asked as he stepped into the kitchen and noticed that Alice was cooking. However, he didn't see Leonora anywhere.

"Mom needed to deal with something in the company." Alice blushed when she saw Lee, but she still tried to act normal.

Lee gave her an "Oh" in response and asked her if she could help him cook something for him. Alice said "sure" and asked him to wait for a while.

Watching her prepare the food, Lee was amazed at how she turned the ordinary act of cooking into something so beautiful. His stomach was already full from just watching.

After some time had passed, Alice placed the plates on the table, but she was oddly silent. Lee assumed that she was likely still ashamed of what had happened earlier. Though it was enjoyable, he had no intention of tasting her. Talking with her usually takes too much time and word count. He still needs to go out tonight.

Finishing his meal, he thanked Alice and said that he would sleep early. It was already 8 PM. People in this era sleep way earlier than in his past life because the virus called smartphones doesn't exist yet.


After thirty minutes had passed, Lee was ready to depart when he heard a knock on his door. Upon opening it, he discovered that it was Alice.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? I'm scared." With her head down, she asked in a low voice.

"Didn't you usually sleep alone?" Lee asked. To be honest, this was a tempting scenario that only happened in a fantasy world like the one he was in. Unfortunately, he still needs to go out tonight. There is still another girl waiting for him.

"I saw on the news that there would be a thunderstorm, Onii-chan, I'm scared," Alice was embarrassed when she called him Onii-chan. She didn't know why she wanted to sleep with him tonight. After what happened today, she wanted to spend more time with him and know more about him.

"Oh, I see. If you insist, then come in," Lee said, nodding. Hearing her call him Onii-chan makes him feel like he would be a sinner if he refused her. Of course, he was aware that the storm was just an excuse. Alice was never scared of anything as a child, not even thunderstorms or the dark.

As Lee and Alice turned out the light, they climbed into bed together.

In fact, it's easy to push her down in this situation.

He just has to say something like, I'm just curious about them. Can I touch them?

I can't feel anything. How about taking your clothes?

I want to taste them. Don't worry, I won't do anything else

I will take responsibility, don't worry, you don't trust me?

Sorry, I was drunk last night. Let's forget what happened.

However, he chose not to. He was aware that it would lead to complicated consequences and as an adult, he had to weigh the outcomes of his actions.

"Did you really don't mean it when you said that you don't like girls like me?" After a while, Alice broke the silence.

"When did I say that I didn't like girls like you?" Lee asked in confusion.

"Earlier you said you didn't like annoying girls like me," Alice replied resentfully. She still remembered what he said, for some reason, she couldn't control herself at the time and bit him.

"Haha, I was just teasing, don't take it seriously," Lee said with a laugh. He taught that girls in love would indeed have their IQ turned negative.

"Really? Then do you like me?" When Alice heard him she grabbed his arm and asked, but after the words left her lips she quickly regretted it.

"Of course, I like you... as a sister," Lee said while patting her head. He thought that shit escalated quickly. He would punch anyone who said that appearance wasn't important.

"Hmph!" Alice resisted the urge to bite him, after hearing what he said.

"Alright let's sleep, I'm tired." Lee patted had back and stopped the conversation.

Alice nodded and hugged his arm. She didn't feel sleepy but she didn't want to appear as an annoying girl.

After 10 minutes, Lee silently used his power to put her to sleep and left the house through the window.