
What's Wrong With a Gay Princess?

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What is What's Wrong With a Gay Princess?

Lee la novela What's Wrong With a Gay Princess? escrita por el autor Angela_Levko publicada en WebNovel. It's Princess Ash's 16th birthday today! She has to choose a prince to be her king, but Ash has only one problem...she's lesbian! As she tries to tell her parents the honest truth, the kingdom gets at...


It's Princess Ash's 16th birthday today! She has to choose a prince to be her king, but Ash has only one problem...she's lesbian! As she tries to tell her parents the honest truth, the kingdom gets attacked! As Ash witnessed her kingdom's downfall, she managed to escape! Little did she know she was being followed. 20 year old Harumi-Chan or Sam blows her cover so makes up her identity and says she's headed the same way as Ash. On their way they meet 21 year old Aloïsia who catches Ash's eye, as well as Sam. They both need to lead Ash to her kingdom to marry Sam's brother Yu-han Chi. But—both fall in love with Ash! Will they keep Ash to themselves? Or will they let her marry Yu-han Chi and let him achieve his full power?

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