
Were in the world

slow at first but later will speed up after School. This is another world isekai type short novel. after school is finished we'll more about the transition will be revealed after chapter 7 some things may get more adult.

Bad_Grandpa · Ciencia y ficción
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13 Chs

11 Home and Country troubles.

The water feels great in the summer and the jungle makes a good course for running.

Our topical mapping and real time satellite surveillance makes sure no one disappears.

With business only and no school now we can work or relax as we want to.

the 16 month old babies are stumbling throughout the house exploring whatever they can.

When they get older it will be fun when they find the secret passages I had built into the house that don't show up on any filed blueprints.

We do have a shelter built into the mountain in the back of the Estate.

Everyone seems to enjoy it here.

The Cabe family along with Missy come for a visit.

Missy of course wanted to stay.

I tell her after university she can visit.

I experimented with using a deep space asteroid mining unit to dig underwater in an attempt to create a escape by mini sub base.

using natural crevasses in the underwater mountain it took almost 2 years to create an underground submarine base inside the base of the mountain with an elevator going inside the mountain bunker connected to the Estate.

First I created a hidden grotto to hide the equipment as much as possible we didn't want other peoples satellites to get a full idea what is happening.

we know or at least suspect several countries want to know what I'm getting up to.

My Family does maintain our businesses by going out and flying around the world for various conferences and looking over various Inter Solar projects.

We've been teaming up with various private, public and governmental agencies to get into Space.

T's now has a working space platform and drydock almost complete.

Soon the hulls of Space craft sitting on Terra will be transported into space at the dock to complete the ships.

we have mining drones controlled from the ground as well as from my newly completed space stations.

The main station is comprised of a single tube with 4 rings attached to spin the station on its central hub creating a simulated gravity effect.

Soon I believe we will have full effect artificial gravity on board regular Inter Solar shipping and on various bases throughout our system.

We've been keeping a good eye out for artificial gravity development.

We've already developed plasma and phased energy for space mining.

I really want artificial gravity to make manned mining possible.

So far we only have remote drones with unacceptable communication lags.

My wives and I have been flying from place to place for 6 months now time to get back home and relax.

We've identified several underwater naval units exploring around my island.

We at first actively ping them if they are sub surface craft. And bio scan them.

Then if they don't leave we hack their communication and ask them to leave.

If they still don't leave I specifically on my personal business website and post everything about the units above and below water surface craft.

I'm actually a sovereign nation protected by the country of Malden. I have recognized borders from the international union of independent countries.

I even have a great representative on the board.

Alexander my first Shaman teacher and Great grandfather of 2 of my babies.

It does have some drawbacks.

I can't actually enter a physical conflict with units from other members, but I can harass them.

I do just that.

Ghost and my R&D division makes a anti communication net.

If worse comes to worse I can actually direct an EMP pulse at anything within 100 km. I actually have a missile that can blanket an area up to 200km with a concentrated EMP field.

Just for fun I can hack Naval units and take over navigation and GPS systems to make them sail away.

I have sent ships onto the middle of the oceans sailing in circles until the offending nations asks nicely to be released.

I won't actually hurt anyone unless someone acts aggressively towards me or my family.

I've actually attached mines to the bottom of the most sophisticated submarines to track and to prove that I can and also to scare nations to not bother me.

Everything I do is actually posted on the web to show I'm only ever protecting my family and 45 square km country.

I have too much fun sometimes.

Come enjoy my Resort, spend lots of money and have fun.

Gambling, Fine dining, Surfing, Scuba diving, Fishing charters etc. or just Romantic walks along miles of beautiful beaches.

I make more money by far than the resort does but hey everyone needs a special place to relax.

Our resort after additional purchases now encompasses 3 Islands and covers almost 200 square km 1000 sq km if you count water

my little piece of the world is definitely small but it's mine.

I'm not making a Fortress nation.

basically I cannot.

I'm just making it more difficult for others to mess with my family.

I have more important stuff to deal with.

I have my businesses and family to support.

I will make my businesses strong enough to shake the world.

The main super powers are looking at me with trepidation and major economic journalists are full crazy about my success against the established world of economics.

I'm not after the (or this) world I'm after every other world.

I will take Decades but I will make my own world.

First step is making feasible and profitable my new Inter system gravity engines.

I just need a better fusion engine to run a magnodynamic or a better dynamic gravity type engine to get near light speeds in system.

I also have a new deep water mining and construction industry.

I feel if I can keep water pressure outside is should be able to keep living environment pressure inside in deep space, even when hit by micro meteorites.

I also need to keep environmental scrubbing working top notch during full deep sea manufacturing is also a must.

Some businesses are partnerships others independent contractors. All under T's international umbrella.

My wives and I finish traveling for a few months then head back home for a reunion with the rest of the family.

my wives feel it's time to expand our family again.

Missy showed up and announced she's here to stay.

My wives were actually ecstatic she finally showed up.

Missy was given a special night alone with me and 2 days later was everyone's turn.

Another 2 days of extreme debauchery and I'm going to be a dad again soon.

I enjoy walking around my Resort and meeting with guests and employees.

The resort used a small clinic on the main island but now it's a fully modernized medical clinic unfortunately with only out patient care.

I have 2 designated helicopter for emergencies one always fueled and ready with 3 pilots on rotation.for emergency medical evacuation.

Last week a diver sliced his thigh pretty badly and after stitching his wound he opened it again so evacuation to Mandy Memorial University Hospital.

broken bones including severe trauma from unauthorized cliff diving happen as well as the constant sun burns and dehydration issues, bug bites etc.

make for a resort where anything can happen we've even had our observation ( spy) crews from other countries show up with engine or other issues.

As soon as all docking fees are paid and immunization records are checked the crews are allowed land side.

The main restriction is don't drink with or otherwise bother the guests.

Mandy watches them like a hawk.

all crew land side are given a hospital type wrist band which is color coded to expose month and day of the week issued.

As well as ships name is clearly marked along with the country of origin flag.

Relatively smooth running.

I do get the occasional younger and always kin trying to get closer than my other wives allow.

My wives give them an off the record discussion and it usually ends with that.

all in all our family enjoys the resort as well as any guest.

we do actually pay for our own meals and my lovely ladies are known as generous tippers.

So we're taken care of by all tipped employees. Security always watches us like hawks and my children also.

We also enjoy the occasional concert by various music industry performers.

I've also brought stars from kids shows in the mini theater.

my Resort is a wanted stopping place for stars from multiple genre and age groups.

We give every entertainer the opportunity to stay an extra day at on exclusive suite to breath for a minute or 3 days.

Some of my wives favorites have been able to stay at the Estate especially when they bring spouses with children.

Most World Leaders don't get that treatment.

With trained medical on staff specializing in pediatric medicine several female stars with children or grandchildren as well as male stars spouses have enjoyed us so much a few of them have gotten special 2nd Honeymoon reservations at the Estate.

The girls take care of that stuff and make sure I remember to be home from business trips.

* A clawed Hand threw me through the air like I was nothing into a rift in the storm. I felt shoved into a hole much too small for my body.*