
Welcome To Terminus

This is an Apocalyptic Novel. ***** Ashton is an eighteen years old young man who is looking for a job. Matt is a nine years old kid who lives with Ashton. Their lives were barely passing by when Ashton finally got the job but they couldn't even enjoy the happiness of the job before the catastrophe struck. Out of nowhere everyone in the world heard the voice of the kid who told them that from now on earth will be a game platform where 100 races will participate and the final victor's race will live while other races will perish. Thus, their journey started. ***** Go on Journey with Ashton and Matt. Meet their new friends. Read an endless vicious side of humanity. But also, humanities faith, beliefs, and will. ***** This Apocalyptic novel is a work of a fiction. All the characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Kandpalbhaskar010 · Juegos
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87 Chs

Extorting a nine year old kid

"I HAVE NEVER MET SUCH A SHAMELESS GUY LIKE YOU BEFORE, EXTORTING MONEY FROM A NINE-YEAR-OLD KID!!!" Matt yelled as he looked at the person who was twice his size, wearing a white t-shirt, black ripped denim, white sneakers, neat short hair, black deep eyes, long eyelashes, a straight nose, thin lips, wide shoulders, slim waist, long legs, white skin, 6 feet height, looking so handsome that every girl would die for him.

But now such a handsome man was standing in front of him, asking for money, at least that's what he said.

"Now that you have finally met such a shameless guy like me, think of it as your honor."

"And it's not like I am asking for 1M credits, or 100k credits, or 10k credits, or 1k credits, or 100 credits which you can't give me, I am just asking for 10 credits, now money please," Ashton replied without any shame.

No, it was the kid's honor that he was getting extorted by such a handsome guy like him, not everyone had such an honor.

The kid was wearing a light blue t-shirt, white ripped denim, and white sneakers, had a little bit of black curly hair which were falling onto his forehead, a pair of black puppy-dog eyes, long black eyebrows, a straight nose, pink cute lips, round face, pale skin, height 4 feet 5 inches, and had a mean temperament, which looked so cute on the kid that Ashton just wanted to pinch the kid's cheeks, and gave him a kiss or two.

"What do you want 10 credits for?" Matt patiently asked the big guy, forgetting that he was being extorted here.

He so wanted to know this right now, what the hell made this big guy extort him?

Being a nine-year-old kid, there were two things that he didn't lack, curiosity and time, so he would just play along with this big guy.

"I want to buy a packet of cigarettes," Ashton replied nonchalantly as he showed the kid his empty pockets.

No money, no cigarettes, it was better to die than to live like this.

"YOU FOOL!!! WE BARELY HAVE MONEY TO EAT FOR THIS WEEK AND YOU WANT TO SMOKE!!! GET OUT!!! I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!" Matt yelled as he finally lost it, raised his leg, and fiercely kicked the big guy, nearly throwing him out of the house.

Ashton hurriedly saved himself from the fierce kid as he somehow got ahold of him, hugged him tightly, and begged, "Please Matty, at this rate I will die, just one packet, ok! Just one packet!! I will only smoke one cigarette a day, promise. It will be good for 12 days, please, I beg you."

Matt speechlessly looked at Ashton who was hugging him as if his life depended on it and hissed "Then get out of the damn house and earn, damn it!"

"You are 18 years old, an adult. So, why the hell are you sitting inside of the damn house instead of going out to find a job??? Even I am earning money teaching nursery kids, shame on you!!!"

Ashton on the other hand instead of feeling shame retorted in his reply "Of course you do. Being a 9-year-old man, you must earn money.

"Look at me, I am just 18 years old kid. What the hell can I do? Do you have any idea how cruel the outside world is? What if something happened to me?"

Matt felt like killing someone right now, his anger was now off the chart as he yelled "YOU MORON!!! WHY THE HELL AM I A NINE-YEAR-OLD MAN AND YOU EIGHTEEN-YEAR-OLD KID, HUH?"

Ashton shrugged, "It is how it is, Matty. I can't do anything about it. Mom told me no matter how big I become, I will always be a kid."

"So, I am a kid, and you are a man, and the man does all the earning, while the kid stays at home waiting for food and money, understand."

Matt took as many deep breaths as he could to control himself from not killing Ashton in his rage as he growled, "No cigarette until you find a job, and even if you find a job, I want all the earnings in my hand, now get lost. Otherwise, today I will surely kill you or myself in my rage."

Ashton looked at Matt in despair as he pleaded, "Please Matty, pretty please."

Matt felt his almighty attitude crumble when he saw Ashton's pleading gaze, but he still hardened his heart and shook his head, his reply was still no.

Ashton still didn't accept his defeat as small tears appeared in the corner of his eyes, making him look so pitiful that if any movie director found him right now then nobody would be able to stop him from making Ashton a big star.

Matt, on the other hand, gulped, closed his eyes in despair, pulled 10 credits note out of his pocket, and furiously shoved it in Ashton's face, then without looking turned back, and lay on the bed.

Ashton happily smiled when he got his 10 credits, but when he saw Matt lying on the bed, he also jumped and hugged him, tilted his face as he whispered, "What now? Don't be sad. I promise I will go and look for a job, even if it's pizza delivery, I will truly look, ok."

Matt slowly nodded his head as he lovingly fondled Ashton's hair, "I know, it's just we haven't paid the rent, water bill, electric bill, and now even the ration is getting empty."

"It's like we both are living in an ancient time, Stone Age or something. Before I could study on the phone, but now, I don't even have money for recharge, forget about the internet. I am just stressed, Ash."

Ashton smiled as he hugged Matt tightly, "Don't worry kid, until I am alive, you don't have to worry about anything. I said today I will get the job, which means today I will get the job. No negotiation. I don't break promises. So, just wait for the good news, understand."

Matt smiled as he cutely nodded his head.

Ashton stood up as he looked at the room, it was a small 10 x 10 ft room.

There was a single bed in the room. On the right side of the bed was a wardrobe, and on the left side was a study table.

There was a window just along with the table, sunlight was shining from it, lighting the whole room.

There were three photos of him and Matt's on the wall. There were four small zero-watt bulbs on the four sides of the walls. A small fan on the roof.

In the front right corner, there were all kinds of kitchen stuff, two pairs of plates, bowls, spoons, glass, knife, etc. Besides that there was nothing.

No TV, no computer, no laptop. But the room was clean and tidy, everything was in its place.

Small but beautiful, it was their room, their home, on top of the ten-story building.

The cheapest room in the building. As the building didn't have an elevator.

Moreover, in the summer the room becomes so hot that it burns, on the other hand in winter it becomes so chilled that it freezes.

But still, it was home, their home. Being an orphan, this was the best they could get. And they were happy with it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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