
Weird Topper's Transmigration (Wait! Where's the plot lines???!)

Seui believed himself to be an extremely normal person .So he tried to maintain his life normal ( and inexplicably boring) as possible . Therefore although he was the topper in his class , had quite a background and could be said to have looks , he was not a shining existence. Rather, he was mediocre, neither eye-catching nor invisible . Until one day , he found himself transmigrated. Despite the worry , he was rather excited, and he waited obediently for his system to arrive while trying to calm down himself. Fifteen minutes : Why is the system not here yet ? One hour: It seems a bit late ah! Could it be because of the network traffic ?? Two hours: This system seems quite inefficient. Could it be low quality goods?? One day: What's wrong with this broken system ah? Why is it not arriving yet??? Four days: Wtf! , why is it not yet here ? Could it be that I have no system???!! Then what about the so called plot lines and golden fingers ?? False advertising ahh!!! I demand a refund !!

Gline_Shaou · LGBT+
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114 Chs

.Is resting a sin worthy of condemnation ?

The surrounding was mixed with various noises, among them, a man's rough voice was particularly prominent, while the rustle bustle of moving faded to the background.

These sounds reached Seui's ears, but none of them succeeded in reaching his brain. 

Muddle-headed, he tried to open his eyes. 

He felt that his eyelids are heavy as lead and struggled harder to overcome their weight, only to be blinded by the light in the end. 

His right hand covered his eyes by conditional reflex, while his hazy brain tried to process his surroundings.

As his eyes finally adjusted to the light, he could catch a glimpse of his surrounding. He was In a dimly lit lounge, and its only source of light came from the half-opened window next to him, from where the last sunlight of the day sneaked to the room.

The room was well furnished, not meticulous but rather disordered and somewhat old-fashioned. Obviously, not much thought was put into the decoration.

  He was the only one in this relatively small room.

"Take the camera away . Let's wrap up for the day" somebody's yelling came, followed by many voices mixed together one after the other. Seui tried to peep out from the window and noticed a few people dragging filming equipment away while others cleaned up the props. 

With this discovery, his eyes caught sight of scattered makeup supplies in the lounge and the piled-up props in the corner for the first time. This is obviously a filming location... his mental gears rustily picked up it's work.

"...Wait..what am I doing here?... and where on the earth is this? ..obviously I was home just a moment ago ..how come I'm here in the next second?...wait!..don't tell me I was teleported here by some evil force or something... just when did resting for a few seconds became a sin worthy of condemning ?! ahh.."

Just as his brain pit was trying to come up with ninety-nine possible outcomes, the door of the lounge opened with a sound, followed by a pair of footsteps. Next, a young guy who looked like he had just gotten out of the university, appeared from the door, rushing toward him "brother Sol, the filming has finished for today, you can leave now".

Seui had a strong desire to turn around to check whether there was anyone else in the room, but forcibly suppressed himself knowing that he was the only one here. Except this guy who came in!

That brought forth the real question. So to whom is this guy calling ? There's no way it's him right? And who the h*ll is this guy? This is the first time he saw this guy ah!

Noticing the lack of response, the guy probed once again " brother Sol?" He directly looked at him with a questioning glance. 

Seui could no longer convince himself and had to admit that this strange guy was indeed calling him. 

'What kind of gods and devils are at work today?' He just couldn't figure it out!

'... or don't tell me I've possessed someone else's body?? hang on, what possessing? Since I'm hundred percent sure I didn't die while resting, could this be transmigration ?...'