
Weight less...

Being weightless isn't really a power but I will use it anyway to be the richest and strongest and have the harem of my dreams!!

Shazim · Fantasía
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20 Chs

CHAPTER 4(Truth)

CHAPTER 4(Truth)

"Listen, Alan, your power of being weightless or whatever is a non-chronic type, meaning it's never going to be of any practical use. It's not going to become a chronic ability."

Chronic abilities are powers that people can use to fight or bring significant benefits, often regarded as the highest form of abilities due to their offensive potential. In contrast, non-chronic abilities bring no real value and are more like passive abilities in a game.

"I'm not trying to belittle you," Asta continued. "It's just that your power isn't something that can become an offensive or chronic ability, even with this potion."

"..." I stayed silent, feeling a knot in my stomach.

"This potion only enhances one's maximum power, nothing else. Is there really nothing else you want other than this?"

"I mean, there are multiple jobs in this world. You were never meant to be a chronic user."

"You know there are lots—"

At that point, I didn't know what to say. It hurt to hear someone say out loud that I was essentially useless and better off dead. I knew I could never become a powerful ability user, but deep down, I had dreams. I saw my naive self who didn't understand restrictions, who believed you could be anything you wanted.

I dreamed of having trustworthy companions who always had each other's backs on the battlefield. Someone who would say it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay if you fail, but I will always believe in you.

Just having that would have been enough.

Other than Nahile, nobody even cared how I was doing. But even he, at some point, told me to give up on my dreams. Ironic, isn't it? I thought at least he would have understood my dreams because he was just like me once.

"So what I'm trying to say is, there are multiple professions in the world. You might find a newfound passion. Of course, at first, you will hate it, but over—"

"I've made up my mind. What I want is to have a peaceful life, nothing else."

"Well, that is a wish I can fulfill. But are you sure you want that? You can't undo it, you know?"

"Yes, I want to live a life of freedom. That is what I really want, now that I've thought about it."

"Okay then, I will send you to a place where you can live a peaceful life without any dangers or struggles. But what about your family or friends?"

"They will probably think I was evaporated and dead. My family didn't care about me to begin with. As for Nahile... he will be fine."

"Well, Alan, it was nice meeting you. May we meet again under different circumstances. Maybe next time, you might call me and see me as your big sister, heh heh..."

As she said that, she began chanting. A bright ray of light illuminated around me, the space seemed to blur, and then suddenly, the space broke down.