

"Boss! Get down!" A mobster yelled and tackled the boss down beneath a coral reef as three men with machine guns started to shoot at them. Sounds of gas decompressing could be heard as metal darts stuck into the coral the two mafia members were hiding behind. "Kill the motherfuckers Terrence! " the mob boss yelled " yes sir. " Terrence said as he loaded a pistol. After the sounds of decompressed air had stopped Terrence looked over the cover and shot at the rival mobsters killing two and injuring one. "Last one shouldn't be a bother boss." Terrence said as he took out a neon green colored cylinder. Putting it in his mouth as one would put a cigarette in their mouth he cracked the end not in his mouth off and a bioluminescent green light started to appear. Taking a drag the light dimmed for a second before brightening again. Opening his mouth bioluminescent liquid floated out in a way similar to smoke. "C'mon I need to teach this punk a lesson." The boss said and got up.

The man groaned as the metal dart rested in his knee looking up he saw the boss of the Mako family. He was a bigger man and had gills on his neck like most of the inhabitants of Coral Bay. What made him different though was the mutations he had gained while moving up in the undercurrent. His teeth were like a sharks same as his eyes and rumors said he could manifest incredible speed. "Mr. Mako let me go please please." The mobster pleaded . " You tried to kill me the family leader and expect mercy? No this is war, your whole family is going to be wiped out. " Mako said and pointed his pistol at the rival mobster then fired. "Round up the family Terrence , after today the Sea Wasps will be no more." Mako said as he got into his subcar. Terrence nodded and got into his own subcar which he then pressed a button " yeah Terrence? " a nasally voice said " round up the family were going to war with the Sea Wasp family. " Terrence said.

Soon the Mako family arrived at the Sea Wasp family's doorstep armed with machine guns and rifles. After hours of back and forth gunfire Mako stepped forward " Sea Wasp! come out and we will settle this one on one like the old days!. ". Soon a younger man walked out, just like all the other Mobsters he had gills on his neck but wore gloves as rumors said the leader of this family's hands had deadly poison. "So Mako you want to fight one on one?" Sea Wasp asked. Mako nodded " yes just like the old rules dictate. ". Sea wasp nodded and took off his gloves showing bright yellow fingernails. " ahh yes the fabled poison of the Sea Wasp family " Mako said as he took off his coat showing a dorsal fin " let's see if you can go against my speed. " suddenly Mako was by Sea Wasps side and went to bite him. Sea Wasp slashed at him with his hand but Mako easily dodged and kicked Sea Wasp into the wall. 'damn it I need to hit him with my poison.' Sea Wasp thought and went to punch mako.

Mako dodged just as easily and kept onto Sea Wasps back biting into his shoulder with his sharklike teeth. "Aggh!" Sea Wasp grabbed Mako by the neck and threw him off with a smile " checkmate" he said as he saw Makos veins turn yellow. Mako instead just chuckled and cracked his knuckles as the yellow faded " a shame , my old man had said how the Sea Wasp family's poison was the only thing he feared , guess you weren't strong enough kid. " Mako said and slammed Sea Wasp into the ground then looked at his bite wound. " You'll bleed out soon , sorry kid your family lasted a while but you shouldn't have fucked with the Makos. " Mako said and lit a biogarrete as he walked away. " Kill the rest of the family. " Mako said we be walked past Terrence who nodded, soon the Sea Wasp Family was no more.

Hopefully this is a refreshing new story for you guys

SyrupandWafflescreators' thoughts
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