Was beyblade really that serious to the point where kids act a fool, and are so overpowered that they can bend reality outside of the stadium and turn back time, and use outrageous moves... well join yuo on his journey to prove to the world his a one in a trillion
I was born in a regular old town mom ran a regular old vegetable stand pop's was a beyblade mechanic we just lived a regular old life you know. I loved both of them very much but the unfortunate happened. All i could think about was... why them why my parents there are so many other parents, but i alwayscome to my senses right, i wouldn't want some weak kid to go through the same they might not be able to take it anymore and. But I'm okay only because i have accepted it a little... i've learned to say—that's just life—and I'm sure mom and pop's wouldn't want me to be sad for the rest of my life so yeah let's cheer up. i believe their still looking after me from above because the last thing they left me, the one thing i always wanted, "a beyblade"!, it seems like the old man worked on this a vary long time—at least that's what the letter says.? there's something written here "they say love is the strongest emotion, so me and your dad will poor lots of love into this beyblade so it will be the most powerful Beyblade" from you're lovely mom."how did they hide this from me so well!?" i guess they knew my dream was to one day learn from the best to ever be a blader, the blader with the most sophisticated blading style, the man with the most beautiful dragon type beyblade, the man that's most dedicated to blading, the former world champion. free dela hoya, my idol and the blader i respect the most. the first time i saw fafnir in that stadium i thought, "there can be no bey more beautiful than that" it's landing was a testament to it's unparalleled beauty, it set it self apart from all other beys with it's unparalleled defense and spectacular attack power. i once mentioned it to the old man turns out he made a dragon type beyblade for me, well not that he ever told me "how could you-you old man". oh!?, yeah name... what's your name.
Yuo frantically looked up—and—down hoping to find a name "Ah!" Yuo uttered as found what he was searching for.
"on the paper it says your name is "void dragon helmut".... THAT'S SO FREAKING COOL!!. It can'tbe the old man that named you... his naming sense shucks!".
Yuo once more gazed at the beyblade named "helmut" and thought... so–beautiful, the Beyblade had a dark gleam almost as if reflecting the universe, yuo could not helped but be captured by it's beauty.
"a dragon type just like fafnir AWESOME!". "I'd have loved to show you to someone... but it seems we only have each other now... so we're going to be partners from now on... we will meet free, and become his apprentice".
Yuo Thought.'most importantly. what are your abilities?.'
Void Dragon Helmut :
Type- change, attack, shadow.
Abilities- void blast, shadow armor, shadow slip, Roth-(locked), shadow absorption,
Species- ancient dragon.
Brief story:
[A ancient dragon said to come up when the sune goes down, it's body resembles that of the universe... a body filled with beautiful night star's].
"Wow. you just keep impressing me". Yuo said being proud of a partner such as Helmut.