
Knight Robert

[Knight Robert]

Now turning forty-two, he was Baron Yale's Nephew. Unless the old baron somehow managed to produce an heir - which was unlikely considering his elderly age -, Knight Robert was the one who would sit on the castle's throne and rule as the next Baron of the Yale Barony.

Knight Robert, however, was hated by the Baron. Perhaps feared was the better word. As a result, Knight Robert had been exiled to Black Bear City, as the City Guard Captain. Although it was once the Capital of the region, brimming with activity and merchants, it was now a desolate place filled with commoners striven with poverty and hunger. Those who could not work in the mine anymore turned to farming and hunting. As for the rest, they lost their homes in an attempt to survive a longer time, and turned to homelessness instead.

Knight Robert tried to make things better, but he had limited authority as the City Guard Captain. The resources at his disposal were so small that he could not possibly do anything. Not to mention subjugating the bandit groups outside the city, he could not even face the various outlaws within Black Bear City itself.

Three major groups could be identified : [Blood Cult Brotherhood], a group of fanatics which gathered many followers in the Northern district, [White Skull], a retired bandit group which settled in Black Bear City for the winter and conquered the Southern District. Last but not least, there was the [Black Serpent Siblings], relatively calm and peaceful, unless it was poked wrongly.

If asked which group was the most annoying, Knight Robert would not hesitate before saying the Blood Cult Brotherhood. Their numbers exceeded that of the City Guards. Even if they were untrained and lacked equipment, their numbers and willpower made them very tough to contain.

The [White Skull] happened to be a smaller group, with only 7 permanent members. Although they knew how to fight, they lacked proper fundamental training. They were worse than mercenaries in terms of techniques, but their experience made up for it. In the streets, Knight Robert knew that most of his subordinates would lose their lives if they ever attempted to capture them.

However, none of these groups was as dangerous as the [Black Serpent Siblings]. Besides the herculean force of John Rock, Knight Robert was extremely wary of Arthur Thorn. Knight Robert witnessed the growth of the young boy into the fine teenager he was now. Ever since he arrived at the city, his intellect made Knight Robert feel shivers. Every one of his actions was calculated towards a grand plan of his. In just four years, Arthur Thorn had managed to grow the [Black Serpent Siblings] as one of the three major gangs in Black Bear City, without any infighting with the other gangs.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Enter", Knight Robert said as he looked at the reports made from the guards. More beggars were spotted in the Western District...This could only mean one thing: the Black Serpent Siblings was a group that never ceased to grow. If left untouched, it would soon conquer the whole city.

"Knight Robert, my friend...You seem worried", an old man said

Knight Robert could only frown upon recognizing the man who entered in his office. He was a mysterious old man, eyes radiating wisdom and loneliness, always followed by his young slave, a female beastman who could probably rival with the finest swordsmen of the City Guard Order.

Ever since the man appeared in Black Bear City and purchased the [White Jade Mansion], the winds of change started to blow. Whether it would turn for the better, nobody knew.


Meanwhile, Arthur was sparring against Emma and John. Training his subordinates was a necessity for his plans. Although Emma lacked physical strength, she possessed relatively good swordsmanship, most of which was taught from observing the city guards. As for John, his strength alone made him a formidable foe.

Yet, the young Arthur, only 14 years old, easily dodged their formations and combos of attack. Occasionally, his blade would stop an inch before cutting their throats. As the spar continued, he lost patience and punched John in the liver, causing the big man to fall on the ground and groan in pain

"That's enough for today...", Arthur said aloud, his indifferent gaze sending shivers in Emma's spine

"Did you have to punch me so hard?", John muttered

"If I don't grow your pain tolerance, you will die on the streets when an infighting breaks out", Arthur spoke

Emma lowered her gaze.

Ever since they stole the scrolls from the Blacksmith Union Warehouse, Arthur began to train with far more intensity than before. Years ago, Arthur had a tough time fighting them one by one, but the gap was now becoming increasingly wider.

"Infighting? The streets are as peaceful as they can be, aren't they?", she finally asked

Arthur shook his head: "It's been two years already since the start of the winter. The cold episode will soon come to an end. What do you think will happen then?"

John nodded: "White Skull will return to its banditry activity"

Arthur smiled: "We will conquer the South, but we are not the only one seeking to expand. With its numbers, the Northern district is far from sufficient for the blood cult. This time around, we will have to kill them"

What kind of teenager smiled at the thought of murder?

John and Emma could only sigh as their 'younger sibling' turned so indifferent to death.

[Beep! Intense physical activity has been recorded. Slight increases in strength, agility and vitality are expected upon resting]

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